<short_desc>Driver level notch bandwidth for gyro</short_desc>
<long_desc>The frequency width of the stop band for the 2nd order notch filter on the gyro driver. See "IMU_GYRO_NF_FREQ" to activate the filter and to set the notch frequency.</long_desc>
<short_desc>Driver level notch frequency for gyro</short_desc>
<long_desc>The center frequency for the 2nd order notch filter on the gyro driver. This filter can be enabled to avoid feedback amplification of structural resonances at a specific frequency. This only affects the signal sent to the controllers, not the estimators. 0 disables the filter. See "IMU_GYRO_NF_BW" to set the bandwidth of the filter.</long_desc>
<short_desc>Gyro control data maximum publication rate</short_desc>
<long_desc>This is the maximum rate the gyro control data (sensor_gyro_control) will be allowed to publish at. Set to 0 to disable and publish at the native sensor sample rate.</long_desc>