Commit c0393e63 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne

Merge pull request #2660 from DonLakeFlyer/VirtualJoystick

Virtual joystick improvments
parents a0b03086 b946e889
......@@ -220,83 +220,6 @@ Item {
QGCMapPalette { id: mapPal; lightColors: !isBackgroundDark }
MultiPointTouchArea {
anchors.fill: parent
touchPoints: [
TouchPoint { id: point1 },
TouchPoint { id: point2 }
property var leftRect: Qt.rect(0, 0, parent.thumbAreaHeight, parent.thumbAreaHeight)
property var rightRect: Qt.rect(parent.width - parent.thumbAreaHeight, 0, parent.thumbAreaHeight, parent.thumbAreaHeight)
function pointInRect(rect, point) {
return point.x >= rect.x &&
point.y >= rect.y &&
point.x <= rect.x + rect.width &&
point.y <= rect.y + rect.height
function newTouchPoints(touchPoints)
var point1Location = 0
var point2Location = 0
var point1
if (touchPoints.length > 0) {
point1 = touchPoints[0]
if (pointInRect(leftRect, point1)) {
point1Location = -1
} else if (pointInRect(rightRect, point1)) {
point1Location = 1
var point2
if (touchPoints.length == 2) {
point2 = touchPoints[1]
if (pointInRect(leftRect, point2)) {
point2Location = -1
} else if (pointInRect(rightRect, point2)) {
point2Location = 1
var leftStickSet = false
var rightStickSet = false
// Make sure points are not both in the same rect
if (point1Location != point2Location) {
if (point1Location != 0) {
if (point1Location == -1) {
leftStick.stickPosition = point1
leftStickSet = true
} else {
rightStick.stickPosition = Qt.point(point1.x - (multiTouchItem.width - multiTouchItem.thumbAreaHeight), point1.y)
rightStickSet = true
if (point2Location != 0) {
if (point2Location == -1) {
leftStick.stickPosition = point2
leftStickSet = true
} else {
rightStick.stickPosition = Qt.point(point2.x - (multiTouchItem.width - multiTouchItem.thumbAreaHeight), point2.y)
rightStickSet = true
if (!leftStickSet) {
if (!rightStickSet) {
onTouchUpdated: newTouchPoints(touchPoints)
Timer {
interval: 40 // 25Hz, same as real joystick rate
running: QGroundControl.virtualTabletJoystick && _activeVehicle
......@@ -310,6 +233,8 @@ Item {
JoystickThumbPad {
id: leftStick
anchors.leftMargin: xPositionDelta
anchors.bottomMargin: -yPositionDelta
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
width: parent.thumbAreaHeight
......@@ -320,6 +245,8 @@ Item {
JoystickThumbPad {
id: rightStick
anchors.rightMargin: -xPositionDelta
anchors.bottomMargin: -yPositionDelta
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
width: parent.thumbAreaHeight
......@@ -7,29 +7,30 @@ import QGroundControl.ScreenTools 1.0
Item {
id: _joyRoot
property alias lightColors: mapPal.lightColors /// true: use light colors from QGCMapPalette for drawing
property var stickPosition: Qt.point(0, 0)
property real xAxis: 0 /// Value range [-1,1], negative values left stick, positive values right stick
property real yAxis: 0 /// Value range [-1,1], negative values up stick, positive values down stick
property bool yAxisThrottle: false /// true: yAxis used for throttle, range [1,0], positive value are stick up
property alias lightColors: mapPal.lightColors ///< true: use light colors from QGCMapPalette for drawing
property real xAxis: 0 ///< Value range [-1,1], negative values left stick, positive values right stick
property real yAxis: 0 ///< Value range [-1,1], negative values up stick, positive values down stick
property bool yAxisThrottle: false ///< true: yAxis used for throttle, range [1,0], positive value are stick up
property real xPositionDelta: 0 ///< Amount to move the control on x axis
property real yPositionDelta: 0 ///< Anount to move the control on y axis
property real _centerXY: width / 2
property bool _processTouchPoints: false
property bool _stickCenteredOnce: false
property real stickPositionX: _centerXY
property real stickPositionY: _centerXY
QGCMapPalette { id: mapPal }
onWidthChanged: {
if (!_stickCenteredOnce && width != 0) {
onStickPositionChanged: {
var xAxisTemp = stickPosition.x / width
onStickPositionXChanged: {
var xAxisTemp = stickPositionX / width
xAxisTemp *= 2.0
xAxisTemp -= 1.0
xAxis = xAxisTemp
var yAxisTemp = stickPosition.y / width
onStickPositionYChanged: {
var yAxisTemp = stickPositionY / width
yAxisTemp *= 2.0
yAxisTemp -= 1.0
if (yAxisThrottle) {
......@@ -40,11 +41,26 @@ Item {
function reCenter()
stickPosition = Qt.point(width / 2, width / 2)
_processTouchPoints = false
// Move control back to original position
xPositionDelta = 0
yPositionDelta = 0
// Center sticks
stickPositionX = _centerXY
stickPositionY = _centerXY
function thumbDown(touchPoints)
// Center the control around the initial thumb position
xPositionDelta = touchPoints[0].x - _centerXY
yPositionDelta = touchPoints[0].y - _centerXY
// We need to wait until we move the control to the right position before we process touch points
_processTouchPoints = true
Keep in for debugging
// Keep in for debugging
Column {
QGCLabel { text: xAxis }
QGCLabel { text: yAxis }
......@@ -72,10 +88,35 @@ Item {
height: hatWidth
radius: hatWidthHalf
color: mapPal.thumbJoystick
x: stickPosition.x - hatWidthHalf
y: stickPosition.y - hatWidthHalf
x: stickPositionX - hatWidthHalf
y: stickPositionY - hatWidthHalf
readonly property real hatWidth: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
readonly property real hatWidthHalf: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight / 2
Connections {
target: touchPoint
onXChanged: {
if (_processTouchPoints) {
_joyRoot.stickPositionX = Math.max(Math.min(touchPoint.x, _joyRoot.width), 0)
onYChanged: {
if (_processTouchPoints) {
_joyRoot.stickPositionY = Math.max(Math.min(touchPoint.y, _joyRoot.height), 0)
MultiPointTouchArea {
anchors.fill: parent
minimumTouchPoints: 1
maximumTouchPoints: 1
touchPoints: [ TouchPoint { id: touchPoint } ]
onPressed: _joyRoot.thumbDown(touchPoints)
onReleased: _joyRoot.reCenter()
......@@ -390,6 +390,10 @@ void MockLink::_handleIncomingMavlinkBytes(const uint8_t* bytes, int cBytes)
......@@ -413,6 +417,14 @@ void MockLink::_handleSetMode(const mavlink_message_t& msg)
_mavCustomMode = request.custom_mode;
void MockLink::_handleManualControl(const mavlink_message_t& msg)
mavlink_manual_control_t manualControl;
mavlink_msg_manual_control_decode(&msg, &manualControl);
qDebug() << "MANUAL_CONTROL" << manualControl.x << manualControl.y << manualControl.z << manualControl.r;
void MockLink::_setParamFloatUnionIntoMap(int componentId, const QString& paramName, float paramFloat)
mavlink_param_union_t valueUnion;
......@@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ private:
void _handleParamRequestRead(const mavlink_message_t& msg);
void _handleFTP(const mavlink_message_t& msg);
void _handleCommandLong(const mavlink_message_t& msg);
void _handleManualControl(const mavlink_message_t& msg);
float _floatUnionForParam(int componentId, const QString& paramName);
void _setParamFloatUnionIntoMap(int componentId, const QString& paramName, float paramFloat);
void _sendHomePosition(void);
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