Commit a76dd63b authored by DonLakeFlyer's avatar DonLakeFlyer

Merge conflict fix

parent 8b8a55c2
......@@ -160,7 +160,6 @@ QString UDPLink::getName() const
void UDPLink::_writeBytes(const QByteArray data)
<<<<<<< HEAD
if (!_socket)
// Send to all manually targeted systems
......@@ -168,37 +167,6 @@ void UDPLink::_writeBytes(const QByteArray data)
// Skip it if it's part of the session clients below
if(!contains_target(_sessionTargets, target->address, target->port)) {
_writeDataGram(data, target);
if (_socket) {
QStringList goneHosts;
// Send to all connected systems
QString host;
int port;
if(_udpConfig->firstHost(host, port)) {
do {
QHostAddress currentHost(host);
if(_socket->writeDatagram(data, currentHost, (quint16)port) < 0) {
// This host is gone. Add to list to be removed
// We should keep track of hosts that were manually added (static) and
// hosts that were added because we heard from them (dynamic). Only
// dynamic hosts should be removed and even then, after a few tries, not
// the first failure. In the mean time, we don't remove anything.
} else {
// Only log rate if data actually got sent. Not sure about this as
// "host not there" takes time too regardless of size of data. In fact,
// 1 byte or "UDP frame size" bytes are the same as that's the data
// unit sent by UDP.
_logOutputDataRate(data.size(), QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch());
} while (_udpConfig->nextHost(host, port));
//-- Remove hosts that are no longer there
foreach (const QString& ghost, goneHosts) {
>>>>>>> b4f4085c6733b934358b00389d734600eab87bf7
// Send to all connected systems
......@@ -226,31 +194,23 @@ void UDPLink::_writeDataGram(const QByteArray data, const UDPCLient* target)
void UDPLink::readBytes()
if (_socket) {
QByteArray databuffer;
while (_socket->hasPendingDatagrams()) {
QByteArray datagram;
QHostAddress sender;
quint16 senderPort;
_socket->readDatagram(, datagram.size(), &sender, &senderPort);
//-- Wait a bit before sending it over
if(databuffer.size() > 10 * 1024) {
emit bytesReceived(this, databuffer);
_logInputDataRate(datagram.length(), QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch());
// TODO This doesn't validade the sender. Anything sending UDP packets to this port gets
// added to the list and will start receiving datagrams from here. Even a port scanner
// would trigger this.
// Add host to broadcast list if not yet present, or update its port
_udpConfig->addHost(sender.toString(), (int)senderPort);
//-- Send whatever is left
if(databuffer.size()) {
QByteArray databuffer;
while (_socket->hasPendingDatagrams())
QByteArray datagram;
QHostAddress sender;
quint16 senderPort;
_socket->readDatagram(, datagram.size(), &sender, &senderPort);
//-- Wait a bit before sending it over
if(databuffer.size() > 10 * 1024) {
emit bytesReceived(this, databuffer);
<<<<<<< HEAD
_logInputDataRate(datagram.length(), QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch());
// TODO: This doesn't validade the sender. Anything sending UDP packets to this port gets
// added to the list and will start receiving datagrams from here. Even a port scanner
......@@ -269,8 +229,6 @@ void UDPLink::readBytes()
//-- Send whatever is left
if(databuffer.size()) {
emit bytesReceived(this, databuffer);
>>>>>>> b4f4085c6733b934358b00389d734600eab87bf7
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