Commit a2ab9b23 authored by lm's avatar lm

Disabled bogus calibration buttons

parent 6a38548a
......@@ -71,6 +71,9 @@ QGCSensorSettingsWidget::QGCSensorSettingsWidget(UASInterface* uas, QWidget *par
connect(ui->magCalButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), mav, SLOT(startMagnetometerCalibration()));
connect(ui->pressureCalButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), mav, SLOT(startPressureCalibration()));
connect(ui->gyroCalButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), mav, SLOT(startGyroscopeCalibration()));
// Hide the calibration stuff - done in custom widgets anyway
void QGCSensorSettingsWidget::delayedSendRawSensor(int rate)
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