Commit 96ef0dad authored by Lorenz Meier's avatar Lorenz Meier

Be more forgiving about component IDs, but warn developers. Do *not* translate...

Be more forgiving about component IDs, but warn developers. Do *not* translate developer debug messages (they would show up in the translation tool). Anyone without sufficient command of the english language will have a hard time contributing or debugging this application and we should not entangle the poor translators in this.
parent 71e284cd
......@@ -1102,13 +1102,19 @@ void UAS::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message)
// Check that this message applies to the UAS.
if(mc.target_system == mavlink->getSystemId() && mc.target_component == mavlink->getComponentId())
if(mc.target_system == mavlink->getSystemId())
if (mc.target_component != mavlink->getComponentId()) {
qDebug() << "The target component ID is not set correctly. This is currently only a warning, but will be turned into an error.";
qDebug() << "Expecting" << mavlink->getComponentId() << "but got" << mc.target_component;
waypointManager.handleWaypointCount(message.sysid, message.compid, mc.count);
qDebug() << tr("Received mission count message, but was wrong system id. Expected %1, received %2").arg(mavlink->getSystemId()).arg(mc.target_system);
qDebug() << QString("Received mission count message, but was wrong system id. Expected %1, received %2").arg(mavlink->getSystemId()).arg(mc.target_system);
......@@ -1127,13 +1133,19 @@ void UAS::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message)
// Check that the item pertains to this UAS.
if(mi.target_system == mavlink->getSystemId() && mi.target_component == mavlink->getComponentId())
if(mi.target_system == mavlink->getSystemId())
if (mi.target_component != mavlink->getComponentId()) {
qDebug() << "The target component ID is not set correctly. This is currently only a warning, but will be turned into an error.";
qDebug() << "Expecting" << mavlink->getComponentId() << "but got" << mi.target_component;
waypointManager.handleWaypoint(message.sysid, message.compid, &mi);
qDebug() << tr("Received mission item message, but was wrong system id. Expected %1, received %2").arg(mavlink->getSystemId()).arg(mi.target_system);
qDebug() << QString("Received mission item message, but was wrong system id. Expected %1, received %2").arg(mavlink->getSystemId()).arg(mi.target_system);
......@@ -1152,13 +1164,19 @@ void UAS::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message)
// Check that the ack pertains to this UAS.
if(ma.target_system == mavlink->getSystemId() && ma.target_component == mavlink->getComponentId())
if(ma.target_system == mavlink->getSystemId())
if (ma.target_component != mavlink->getComponentId()) {
qDebug() << tr("The target component ID is not set correctly. This is currently only a warning, but will be turned into an error.");
qDebug() << "Expecting" << mavlink->getComponentId() << "but got" << ma.target_component;
waypointManager.handleWaypointAck(message.sysid, message.compid, &ma);
qDebug() << tr("Received mission ack message, but was wrong system id. Expected %1, received %2").arg(mavlink->getSystemId()).arg(ma.target_system);
qDebug() << QString("Received mission ack message, but was wrong system id. Expected %1, received %2").arg(mavlink->getSystemId()).arg(ma.target_system);
......@@ -1177,13 +1195,19 @@ void UAS::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message)
// Check that the request pertains to this UAS.
if(mr.target_system == mavlink->getSystemId() && mr.target_component == mavlink->getComponentId())
if(mr.target_system == mavlink->getSystemId())
if (mr.target_component != mavlink->getComponentId()) {
qDebug() << QString("The target component ID is not set correctly. This is currently only a warning, but will be turned into an error.");
qDebug() << "Expecting" << mavlink->getComponentId() << "but got" << mr.target_component;
waypointManager.handleWaypointRequest(message.sysid, message.compid, &mr);
qDebug() << tr("Received mission request message, but was wrong system id. Expected %1, received %2").arg(mavlink->getSystemId()).arg(mr.target_system);
qDebug() << QString("Received mission request message, but was wrong system id. Expected %1, received %2").arg(mavlink->getSystemId()).arg(mr.target_system);
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