Commit 95f54af9 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne

Don't show resource busy errors from auto connect attempt

parent ac81491c
......@@ -154,28 +154,30 @@ bool SerialLink::_connect(void)
QSerialPort::SerialPortError error;
QString errorString;
// Initialize the connection
if (!_hardwareConnect(_type)) {
// Need to error out here.
QString err("Could not create port.");
if (_port) {
err = _port->errorString();
if (!_hardwareConnect(error, errorString)) {
if (qgcApp()->toolbox()->linkManager()->isAutoconnectLink(this)) {
// Be careful with spitting out open error related to trying to open a busy port using autoconnect
if (error == QSerialPort::PermissionError) {
// Device already open, ignore and fail connect
return false;
_emitLinkError("Error connecting: " + err);
_emitLinkError(QString("Error connecting: Could not create port. %1").arg(errorString));
return false;
return true;
* @brief This function is called indirectly by the _connect() call.
* The _connect() function starts the thread and indirectly calls this method.
* @return True if the connection could be established, false otherwise
* @see _connect() For the right function to establish the connection.
bool SerialLink::_hardwareConnect(QString &type)
/// Performs the actual hardware port connection.
/// @param[out] error if failed
/// @param[out] error string if failed
/// @return success/fail
bool SerialLink::_hardwareConnect(QSerialPort::SerialPortError& error, QString& errorString)
if (_port) {
qCDebug(SerialLinkLog) << "SerialLink:" << QString::number((long)this, 16) << "closing port";
......@@ -235,6 +237,9 @@ bool SerialLink::_hardwareConnect(QString &type)
if (!_port->isOpen() ) {
qDebug() << "open failed" << _port->errorString() << _port->error() << getName() << qgcApp()->toolbox()->linkManager()->isAutoconnectLink(this);
error = _port->error();
errorString = _port->errorString();
emit communicationUpdate(getName(),"Error opening port: " + _port->errorString());
delete _port;
......@@ -252,7 +257,7 @@ bool SerialLink::_hardwareConnect(QString &type)
emit communicationUpdate(getName(), "Opened port!");
emit connected();
qCDebug(SerialLinkLog) << "CONNECTING LINK: " << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "type:" << type << "with settings" << _config->portName()
qCDebug(SerialLinkLog) << "Connection SeriaLink: " << "with settings" << _config->portName()
<< _config->baud() << _config->dataBits() << _config->parity() << _config->stopBits();
return true; // successful connection
......@@ -152,7 +152,6 @@ protected:
int _timeout;
QMutex _dataMutex; // Mutex for reading data from _port
QMutex _writeMutex; // Mutex for accessing the _transmitBuffer.
QString _type;
private slots:
void _readBytes(void);
......@@ -168,7 +167,7 @@ private:
// Internal methods
void _emitLinkError(const QString& errorMsg);
bool _hardwareConnect(QString &_type);
bool _hardwareConnect(QSerialPort::SerialPortError& error, QString& errorString);
bool _isBootloader();
void _resetConfiguration();
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