Commit 7e13b6d4 authored by Gus Grubba's avatar Gus Grubba

Better debugging message to identify camera issues.

parent 1f8db8fb
......@@ -359,7 +359,16 @@ QGCCameraControl::takePhoto()
qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "takePhoto()";
//-- Check if camera can capture photos or if it can capture it while in Video Mode
if(!capturesPhotos() || (cameraMode() == CAM_MODE_VIDEO && !photosInVideoMode()) || photoStatus() != PHOTO_CAPTURE_IDLE) {
if(!capturesPhotos()) {
qCWarning(CameraControlLog) << "Camera does not handle image capture";
return false;
if(cameraMode() == CAM_MODE_VIDEO && !photosInVideoMode()) {
qCWarning(CameraControlLog) << "Camera does not handle image capture while in video mode";
return false;
if(photoStatus() != PHOTO_CAPTURE_IDLE) {
qCWarning(CameraControlLog) << "Camera not idle";
return false;
if(!_resetting) {
......@@ -779,6 +788,7 @@ void
QGCCameraControl::_setPhotoStatus(PhotoStatus status)
if(_photo_status != status) {
qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "Set Photo Status:" << status;
_photo_status = status;
emit photoStatusChanged();
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