Commit 74091411 authored by dogmaphobic's avatar dogmaphobic

Fixed logic where target UDP hosts were using the same local, listening port by default.

Also fixed a typo (copy/paste error) in the TCP link settings loading where it was using the UDP port as the default value instead of the TCP port.
parent fd6b895b
......@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ void TCPConfiguration::saveSettings(QSettings& settings, const QString& root)
void TCPConfiguration::loadSettings(QSettings& settings, const QString& root)
_port = (quint16)settings.value("port", QGC_UDP_PORT).toUInt();
_port = (quint16)settings.value("port", QGC_TCP_PORT).toUInt();
QString address = settings.value("host", _address.toString()).toString();
_address = address;
......@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ qint64 UDPLink::getCurrentOutDataRate() const
UDPConfiguration::UDPConfiguration(const QString& name) : LinkConfiguration(name)
_localPort = QGC_UDP_PORT;
_localPort = QGC_UDP_LOCAL_PORT;
UDPConfiguration::UDPConfiguration(UDPConfiguration* source) : LinkConfiguration(source)
......@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ void UDPConfiguration::loadSettings(QSettings& settings, const QString& root)
_localPort = (quint16)settings.value("port", QGC_UDP_PORT).toUInt();
_localPort = (quint16)settings.value("port", QGC_UDP_LOCAL_PORT).toUInt();
int hostCount = settings.value("hostCount", 0).toInt();
for(int i = 0; i < hostCount; i++) {
QString hkey = QString("host%1").arg(i);
......@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
#include "QGCConfig.h"
#include "LinkManager.h"
#define QGC_UDP_PORT 14550
#define QGC_UDP_LOCAL_PORT 14550
#define QGC_UDP_TARGET_PORT 14555
class UDPConfiguration : public LinkConfiguration
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ void QGCUDPLinkConfiguration::on_addHost_clicked()
QString hostName = QInputDialog::getText(
this, tr("Add a host target to MAVLink"),
tr("Host (hostname:port): "),
QLineEdit::Normal, QString("localhost:%1").arg(QGC_UDP_PORT), &ok);
QLineEdit::Normal, QString("localhost:%1").arg(QGC_UDP_TARGET_PORT), &ok);
if (ok && !hostName.isEmpty()) {
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