Commit 64a58f8f authored by PX4BuildBot's avatar PX4BuildBot

Update PX4 Firmware metadata Fri Aug 9 09:10:08 UTC 2019

parent 29d7cd6c
......@@ -137,6 +137,61 @@
<group name="Airspeed Validator">
<parameter default="1.0" name="ARSP_ARSP_SCALE" type="FLOAT">
<short_desc>Airspeed scale (scale from IAS to CAS/EAS)</short_desc>
<long_desc>Scale can either be entered manually, or estimated in-flight by setting ARSP_SCALE_EST to 1.</long_desc>
<parameter default="1" name="ARSP_BETA_GATE" type="INT32">
<short_desc>Airspeed Selector: Gate size for true sideslip fusion</short_desc>
<long_desc>Sets the number of standard deviations used by the innovation consistency test.</long_desc>
<parameter default="0.3" name="ARSP_BETA_NOISE" type="FLOAT">
<short_desc>Airspeed Selector: Wind estimator sideslip measurement noise</short_desc>
<long_desc>Sideslip measurement noise of the internal wind estimator(s) of the airspeed selector.</long_desc>
<parameter default="0" name="ARSP_SCALE_EST" type="INT32">
<short_desc>Automatic airspeed scale estimation on</short_desc>
<long_desc>Turns the automatic airspeed scale (scale from IAS to CAS/EAS) on or off. It is recommended level (keeping altitude) while performing the estimation. Set to 1 to start estimation (best when already flying). Set to 0 to end scale estimation. The estimated scale is then saved in the ARSP_ARSP_SCALE parameter.</long_desc>
<boolean />
<parameter default="0.0001" name="ARSP_SC_P_NOISE" type="FLOAT">
<short_desc>Airspeed Selector: Wind estimator true airspeed scale process noise</short_desc>
<long_desc>Airspeed scale process noise of the internal wind estimator(s) of the airspeed selector.</long_desc>
<parameter default="3" name="ARSP_TAS_GATE" type="INT32">
<short_desc>Airspeed Selector: Gate size for true airspeed fusion</short_desc>
<long_desc>Sets the number of standard deviations used by the innovation consistency test.</long_desc>
<parameter default="1.4" name="ARSP_TAS_NOISE" type="FLOAT">
<short_desc>Airspeed Selector: Wind estimator true airspeed measurement noise</short_desc>
<long_desc>True airspeed measurement noise of the internal wind estimator(s) of the airspeed selector.</long_desc>
<parameter default="0.1" name="ARSP_W_P_NOISE" type="FLOAT">
<short_desc>Airspeed Selector: Wind estimator wind process noise</short_desc>
<long_desc>Wind process noise of the internal wind estimator(s) of the airspeed selector.</long_desc>
<group name="Attitude Q estimator">
<parameter default="1" name="ATT_ACC_COMP" type="INT32">
<short_desc>Acceleration compensation based on GPS
......@@ -10492,50 +10547,6 @@ to fixed wing mode. Zero or negative values will produce an instant throttle ris
<group name="Wind Estimator">
<parameter default="1" name="WEST_BETA_GATE" type="INT32">
<short_desc>Gate size for true sideslip fusion</short_desc>
<long_desc>Sets the number of standard deviations used by the innovation consistency test.</long_desc>
<parameter default="0.3" name="WEST_BETA_NOISE" type="FLOAT">
<short_desc>Wind estimator sideslip measurement noise</short_desc>
<parameter default="0" name="WEST_EN" type="INT32">
<short_desc>Enable Wind estimator</short_desc>
<boolean />
<parameter default="0.0001" name="WEST_SC_P_NOISE" type="FLOAT">
<short_desc>Wind estimator true airspeed scale process noise</short_desc>
<parameter default="3" name="WEST_TAS_GATE" type="INT32">
<short_desc>Gate size for true airspeed fusion</short_desc>
<long_desc>Sets the number of standard deviations used by the innovation consistency test.</long_desc>
<parameter default="1.4" name="WEST_TAS_NOISE" type="FLOAT">
<short_desc>Wind estimator true airspeed measurement noise</short_desc>
<parameter default="0.1" name="WEST_W_P_NOISE" type="FLOAT">
<short_desc>Wind estimator wind process noise</short_desc>
<group name="Miscellaneous">
<parameter default="0.1" name="EXFW_HDNG_P" type="FLOAT">
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