Commit 29d7cd6c authored by PX4BuildBot's avatar PX4BuildBot
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Update PX4 Firmware metadata Fri Aug 9 07:55:08 UTC 2019

parent 931b2c55
......@@ -537,6 +537,11 @@ Set to 2 to use heading from motion capture</short_desc>
* the MSB bit is not used to avoid problems in the conversion between int and uint</short_desc>
<long_desc>Default value: (10 &lt;&lt; 0 | 1000 &lt;&lt; 8 | 0 &lt;&lt; 24) = 256010 - authorizer system id = 10 - authentication method parameter = 10000msec of timeout - authentication method = during arm</long_desc>
<parameter default="1" name="COM_ARM_CHK_ESCS" type="INT32">
<short_desc>Require all the ESCs to be detected to arm</short_desc>
<long_desc>This param is specific for ESCs reporting status. Normal ESCs configurations are not affected by the change of this param.</long_desc>
<boolean />
<parameter default="1.73e-3" name="COM_ARM_EKF_AB" type="FLOAT">
<short_desc>Maximum value of EKF accelerometer delta velocity bias estimate that will allow arming.
Note: ekf2 will limit the delta velocity bias estimate magnitude to be less than EKF2_ABL_LIM * FILTER_UPDATE_PERIOD_MS * 0.001 so this parameter must be less than that to be useful</short_desc>
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