readonlypropertystringfwManualModeDescription:"The pilot has full control of the aircraft, no assistance is provided. "+
readonlypropertystringfwManualModeDescription:"The pilot has full control of the aircraft, no assistance is provided. "+
"The Main mode switch must always be assigned to a channel in order to fly"
"The Main mode switch must always be assigned to a channel in order to fly"
readonlypropertystringmrManualModeDescription:"Centering roll/pitch stick will return the multirotor to a level attitude, but it will continue drifting in the direction it was previously sent. "+
readonlypropertystringmrManualModeDescription:"Roll and Pitch control angle of multi-rotor in respective direction. "+
"Centering Roll/Pitch will return multirotor to level attitude. "+
"Position is not automatically held, multi-rotor will continue drifting in the direction it was previously travelling. "+
"Altitude is controlled fully by pilot using the Throttle stick. "+
"Altitude is controlled fully by pilot using the Throttle stick. "+
"The Main mode switch must always be assigned to a channel in order to fly"
"The Main mode switch must always be assigned to a channel in order to fly"