Commit 56256077 authored by DonLakeFlyer's avatar DonLakeFlyer

parent 8ac56bc2
......@@ -19,22 +19,29 @@ TrajectoryPoints::TrajectoryPoints(Vehicle* vehicle, QObject* parent)
void TrajectoryPoints::_vehicleCoordinateChanged(QGeoCoordinate coordinate)
// The goal of this algorithm is to limit the number of trajectory points whic represent the vehicle path.
// Fewer points means higher performance of map display.
if (_lastPoint.isValid()) {
if (_lastPoint.distanceTo(coordinate) > _distanceTolerance) {
// Vehicle has moved far enough from previous point for an update
double newAzimuth = _lastPoint.azimuthTo(coordinate);
if (qIsNaN(_lastAzimuth) || qAbs(newAzimuth - _lastAzimuth) > _azimuthTolerance) {
// The new position IS NOT colinear with the last segment. Append the new position to the list.
_lastAzimuth = _lastPoint.azimuthTo(coordinate);
_lastPoint = coordinate;
emit pointAdded(coordinate);
} else {
// The new position IS colinear with the last segment. Don't add a new point, just update
// the last point to be the new position.
_lastPoint = coordinate;
_points[_points.count() - 1] = QVariant::fromValue(coordinate);
emit updateLastPoint(coordinate);
} else {
_lastAzimuth = _lastPoint.azimuthTo(coordinate);
// Add the very first trajectory point to the list
_lastPoint = coordinate;
emit pointAdded(coordinate);
......@@ -56,5 +63,7 @@ void TrajectoryPoints::stop(void)
void TrajectoryPoints::clear(void)
_lastPoint = QGeoCoordinate();
_lastAzimuth = qQNaN();
emit pointsCleared();
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