Commit 4dd1e6b0 authored by Bryant's avatar Bryant

The HSIDisplay widget now displays all types of waypoints, not just those of type LOCAL_NED.

parent cf176d0c
......@@ -1186,7 +1186,7 @@ void HSIDisplay::drawSetpointXYZYaw(float x, float y, float z, float yaw, const
void HSIDisplay::drawWaypoint(QPainter& painter, const QColor& color, float width, const QVector<Waypoint*>& list, int i, const QPointF& p)
void HSIDisplay::drawWaypoint(QPainter& painter, const QColor& color, float width, const Waypoint *w, const QPointF& p)
......@@ -1206,19 +1206,20 @@ void HSIDisplay::drawWaypoint(QPainter& painter, const QColor& color, float widt
poly.replace(3, QPointF(p.x() - waypointSize/2.0f, p.y()));
float radius = (waypointSize/2.0f) * 0.8 * (1/sqrt(2.0f));
float acceptRadius =>getAcceptanceRadius();
float acceptRadius = w->getAcceptanceRadius();
double yawDiff = w->getYaw()/180.0*M_PI-yaw;
// Draw background
drawLine(p.x(), p.y(), p.x()+sin(>getYaw()/180.0*M_PI-yaw) * radius, p.y()-cos(>getYaw()/180.0*M_PI-yaw) * radius, refLineWidthToPen(0.4f*3.0f), Qt::black, &painter);
drawLine(p.x(), p.y(), p.x()+sin(yawDiff) * radius, p.y()-cos(yawDiff) * radius, refLineWidthToPen(0.4f*3.0f), Qt::black, &painter);
drawPolygon(poly, &painter);
drawCircle(p.x(), p.y(), metricToRef(acceptRadius), 3.0, Qt::black, &painter);
// Draw foreground
drawLine(p.x(), p.y(), p.x()+sin(>getYaw()/180.0*M_PI-yaw) * radius, p.y()-cos(>getYaw()/180.0*M_PI-yaw) * radius, refLineWidthToPen(0.4f), color, &painter);
drawLine(p.x(), p.y(), p.x()+sin(yawDiff) * radius, p.y()-cos(yawDiff) * radius, refLineWidthToPen(0.4f), color, &painter);
drawPolygon(poly, &painter);
drawCircle(p.x(), p.y(), metricToRef(acceptRadius), 1.0, Qt::green, &painter);
......@@ -1227,51 +1228,65 @@ void HSIDisplay::drawWaypoints(QPainter& painter)
if (uas)
// Grab all waypoints.
const QVector<Waypoint*>& list = uas->getWaypointManager()->getWaypointEditableList();
const int numWaypoints = list.size();
// Do not work on empty lists
if (list.size() == 0) return;
if (list.size() == 0)
QColor color;
// Make sure any drawn shapes are not filled-in.
// XXX Ugly hacks, needs rewrite
QPointF lastWaypoint;
QPointF currentWaypoint;
int currentIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
for (int i = 0; i < numWaypoints; i++)
const Waypoint *w =;
QPointF in;
if (>getFrame() == MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED)
// Use local coordinates as-is.
int frameRef = w->getFrame();
if (frameRef == MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED)
// Do not transform
in = QPointF(>getX(),>getY());
} else {
// Transform to local coordinates first
double x =>getX();
double y =>getY();
in = QPointF(x, y);
in = QPointF(w->getX(), w->getY());
else if (frameRef == MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_ENU)
in = QPointF(w->getY(), w->getX());
// Convert global coordinates into the local ENU frame, then display them.
else if (frameRef == MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL || frameRef == MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT) {
// Get the position of the GPS origin for the MAV.
// Transform the lat/lon for this waypoint into the local frame
double e, n, u;
UASManager::instance()->wgs84ToEnu(w->getX(), w->getY(),w->getZ(), &e, &n, &u);
in = QPointF(n, e);
// Otherwise we don't process this waypoint.
// FIXME: This code will probably fail if the last waypoint found is not a valid one.
else {
// Transform from world to body coordinates
in = metricWorldToBody(in);
// Scale from metric to screen reference coordinates
QPointF p = metricBodyToRef(in);
// Select color based on if this is the current waypoint
if (>getCurrent())
// Select color based on if this is the current waypoint.
if (w->getCurrent())
currentIndex = i;
currentWaypoint = p;
drawWaypoint(painter, QGC::colorYellow, refLineWidthToPen(0.8f), w, p);
drawWaypoint(painter, QGC::colorCyan, refLineWidthToPen(0.4f), list, i, p);
drawWaypoint(painter, QGC::colorCyan, refLineWidthToPen(0.4f), w, p);
// Draw line from last waypoint to this one
// Draw connecting line from last waypoint to this one.
if (!lastWaypoint.isNull())
drawLine(lastWaypoint.x(), lastWaypoint.y(), p.x(), p.y(), refLineWidthToPen(0.4f*2.0f), Qt::black, &painter);
......@@ -1279,8 +1294,6 @@ void HSIDisplay::drawWaypoints(QPainter& painter)
lastWaypoint = p;
drawWaypoint(painter, QGC::colorYellow, refLineWidthToPen(0.8f), list, currentIndex, currentWaypoint);
......@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ protected slots:
/** @brief Draw waypoints of this system */
void drawWaypoints(QPainter& painter);
/** @brief Draw one waypoint */
void drawWaypoint(QPainter& painter, const QColor& color, float width, const QVector<Waypoint*>& list, int i, const QPointF& p);
void drawWaypoint(QPainter& painter, const QColor& color, float width, const Waypoint *w, const QPointF& p);
/** @brief Draw the limiting safety area */
void drawSafetyArea(const QPointF &topLeft, const QPointF &bottomRight, const QColor &color, QPainter &painter);
/** @brief Receive mouse clicks */
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