<short_desc>Timeout for detecting a failure after takeoff</short_desc>
<long_desc>A non-zero, positive value specifies the timeframe in seconds within failure detector is allowed to put the vehicle into a lockdown state if attitude exceeds the limits defined in FD_FAIL_P and FD_FAIL_R. The check is not executed for flight modes that do support acrobatic maneuvers, e.g: Acro (MC/FW), Rattitude and Manual (FW). A zero or negative value means that the check is disabled.</long_desc>
<short_desc>Enable checks on ESCs that report their arming state.
If enabled, failure detector will verify that all the ESCs have successfully armed when the vehicle has transitioned to the armed state.
Timeout for receiving an acknowledgement from the ESCs is 0.3s, if no feedback is received the failure detector will auto disarm the vehicle</short_desc>