Commit 279dafd7 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne

Wait for params before reboot

parent f8b8503c
......@@ -105,23 +105,39 @@ void AirframeComponentController::changeAutostart(void)
getParameterFact(-1, "SYS_AUTOSTART")->setValue(_autostartId);
getParameterFact(-1, "SYS_AUTOCONFIG")->setValue(1);
Fact* sysAutoStartFact = getParameterFact(-1, "SYS_AUTOSTART");
Fact* sysAutoConfigFact = getParameterFact(-1, "SYS_AUTOCONFIG");
// FactSystem doesn't currently have a mechanism to wait for the parameters to come backf from the board.
// So instead we wait for enough time for the parameters to hoepfully make it to the board.
// We need to wait for the vehicleUpdated signals to come back before we reboot
_waitParamWriteSignalCount = 0;
connect(sysAutoStartFact, &Fact::vehicleUpdated, this, &AirframeComponentController::_waitParamWriteSignal);
connect(sysAutoConfigFact, &Fact::vehicleUpdated, this, &AirframeComponentController::_waitParamWriteSignal);
// Reboot board
// We use forceSetValue to params are sent even if the previous value is that same as the new value
void AirframeComponentController::_waitParamWriteSignal(QVariant value)
if (_waitParamWriteSignalCount == 2) {
// Now that both params have made it to the vehicle we can reboot it. All these signals are flying
// around on the main thread, so we need to allow the stack to unwind back to the event loop before
// we reboot.
QTimer::singleShot(100, this, &AirframeComponentController::_rebootAfterStackUnwind);
void AirframeComponentController::_rebootAfterStackUnwind(void)
_uas->executeCommand(MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_REBOOT_SHUTDOWN, 1, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0);
......@@ -63,15 +63,20 @@ signals:
void autostartIdChanged(int newAutostartId);
void showCustomConfigPanelChanged(bool show);
private slots:
void _waitParamWriteSignal(QVariant value);
void _rebootAfterStackUnwind(void);
static bool _typesRegistered;
QVariantList _airframeTypes;
QString _currentAirframeType;
QString _currentVehicleName;
int _currentVehicleIndex;
int _autostartId;
bool _showCustomConfigPanel;
QVariantList _airframeTypes;
QString _currentAirframeType;
QString _currentVehicleName;
int _currentVehicleIndex;
int _autostartId;
bool _showCustomConfigPanel;
int _waitParamWriteSignalCount;
class Airframe : public QObject
......@@ -49,6 +49,22 @@ Fact::Fact(int componentId, QString name, FactMetaData::ValueType_t type, QObjec
void Fact::forceSetValue(const QVariant& value)
if (_metaData) {
QVariant typedValue;
QString errorString;
if (_metaData->convertAndValidate(value, true /* convertOnly */, typedValue, errorString)) {
emit valueChanged(_value);
emit _containerValueChanged(_value);
} else {
qWarning() << "Meta data pointer missing";
void Fact::setValue(const QVariant& value)
if (_metaData) {
......@@ -71,6 +87,7 @@ void Fact::_containerSetValue(const QVariant& value)
_value = value;
emit valueChanged(_value);
emit vehicleUpdated(_value);
QString Fact::name(void) const
......@@ -84,6 +84,9 @@ public:
bool maxIsDefaultForType(void);
QString group(void);
/// Sets and sends new value to vehicle even if value is the same
void forceSetValue(const QVariant& value);
/// Sets the meta data associated with the Fact.
void setMetaData(FactMetaData* metaData);
......@@ -95,6 +98,9 @@ signals:
/// This signal is only meant for use by the QT property system. It should not be connected to by client code.
void valueChanged(QVariant value);
/// Signalled when the param write ack comes back from the vehicle
void vehicleUpdated(QVariant value);
/// Signalled when property has been changed by a call to the property write accessor
/// This signal is meant for use by Fact container implementations.
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