Commit 23a1c919 authored by Daniel Agar's avatar Daniel Agar

Jenkins add Android release build

parent 17904eed
......@@ -4,6 +4,31 @@ pipeline {
stage('build') {
parallel {
stage('Android Release') {
environment {
QGC_CONFIG = 'release'
QMAKE_VER = "5.9.2/android_armv7/bin/qmake"
agent {
docker {
image 'mavlink/qgc-build-android:2018-04-14'
args '-v ${CCACHE_DIR}:${CCACHE_DIR}:rw'
steps {
sh 'export'
sh 'ccache -z'
sh 'git submodule deinit -f .'
sh 'git clean -ff -x -d .'
sh 'git submodule update --init --recursive --force'
sh 'mkdir build; cd build; ${QT_PATH}/${QMAKE_VER} -r ${WORKSPACE}/ CONFIG+=${QGC_CONFIG} CONFIG+=WarningsAsErrorsOn'
sh 'cd build; make -j`nproc --all`'
sh 'ccache -s'
sh 'git clean -ff -x -d .'
stage('Linux Debug') {
environment {
......@@ -25,6 +50,7 @@ pipeline {
sh 'mkdir build; cd build; ${QT_PATH}/${QMAKE_VER} -r ${WORKSPACE}/ CONFIG+=${QGC_CONFIG} CONFIG+=WarningsAsErrorsOn'
sh 'cd build; make -j`nproc --all`'
sh 'ccache -s'
sh 'git clean -ff -x -d .'
......@@ -49,6 +75,7 @@ pipeline {
sh 'mkdir build; cd build; ${QT_PATH}/${QMAKE_VER} -r ${WORKSPACE}/ CONFIG+=${QGC_CONFIG} CONFIG+=WarningsAsErrorsOn'
sh 'cd build; make -j`nproc --all`'
sh 'ccache -s'
sh 'git clean -ff -x -d .'
......@@ -72,6 +99,7 @@ pipeline {
sh 'mkdir build; cd build; ${QT_PATH}/${QMAKE_VER} -r ${WORKSPACE}/ CONFIG+=${QGC_CONFIG} CONFIG+=WarningsAsErrorsOn'
sh 'cd build; make -j`sysctl -n hw.ncpu`'
sh 'ccache -s'
sh 'git clean -ff -x -d .'
......@@ -96,6 +124,7 @@ pipeline {
sh 'cd build; make -j`sysctl -n hw.ncpu`'
sh 'ccache -s'
archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'build/**/*.dmg', fingerprint: true, onlyIfSuccessful: true)
sh 'git clean -ff -x -d .'
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