Commit 1de3b8e6 authored by Valentin Platzgummer's avatar Valentin Platzgummer

code not compilable.

parent 3409524b
......@@ -433,10 +433,7 @@ HEADERS += \
src/Wima/Polygon2D.h \
src/Wima/PolygonArray.h \
src/Wima/QtROSJsonFactory.h \
src/Wima/ROSCommunicator.h \
src/Wima/ROSJsonFactory.h \
src/Wima/ROSMessageGroups.h \
src/Wima/ROSMessageType.h \
src/Wima/QtROSTypeFactory.h \
src/Wima/SnakeTiles.h \
src/Wima/SnakeTilesLocal.h \
src/Wima/WimaControllerDetail.h \
......@@ -475,8 +472,9 @@ HEADERS += \
src/Wima/testplanimetrycalculus.h \
src/Settings/WimaSettings.h \
src/QmlControls/QmlObjectVectorModel.h \
src/comm/ros_bridge/include/ROSMessageTraits.h \
src/comm/ros_bridge/include/messages.h \
src/comm/ros_bridge/include/JsonMethodes.h \
src/comm/ros_bridge/include/MessageTraits.h \
src/comm/ros_bridge/include/TypeFactory.h \
src/Snake/clipper/clipper.cpp \
......@@ -484,8 +482,7 @@ SOURCES += \
src/Snake/snake_geometry.cpp \
src/Wima/GeoPoint3D.cpp \
src/Wima/ \
src/Wima/ROSCommunicator.cpp \
src/Wima/ROSJsonFactory.cpp \
src/comm/ros_bridge/src/ROSCommunicator.cpp \
src/Wima/ \
src/Wima/snaketile.cpp \
src/api/ \
#pragma once
#include "ros_bridge/include/messages.h"
#include "ROSMessageType.h"
#include "ROSMessageGroups.h"
#include "ros_bridge/include/JsonMethodes.h"
#include "ros_bridge/include/MessageBaseClass.h"
#include "ros_bridge/include/MessageGroups.h"
#include <QObject>
typedef ROSMessageType<QString> ROSMsg;
typedef ros_bridge::GeoPoint::GeoPoint ROSGeoPoint;
typedef ROSBridge::MessageBaseClass<QString> ROSMsg;
typedef ROSBridge::JsonMethodes::GeoPoint::GeoPoint ROSGeoPoint;
namespace MsgGroups = ROSBridge::MessageGroups;
class GeoPoint3D : public QObject, public ROSMsg, public ROSGeoPoint
typedef GeoPointGroup Group;
typedef MsgGroups::GeoPointGroup Group;
explicit GeoPoint3D(QObject *parent = nullptr)
: QObject(parent), ROSMsg(), ROSGeoPoint() {}
......@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ public:
QObject *parent = nullptr)
: QObject(parent), ROSMsg(), ROSGeoPoint(p.latitude(), p.longitude(), p.altitude())
explicit GeoPoint3D(const class ros_bridge::GeoPoint::GeoPoint& p,
explicit GeoPoint3D(const ROSGeoPoint& p,
QObject *parent = nullptr)
: QObject(parent), ROSMsg(), ROSGeoPoint(p.latitude(), p.longitude(), p.altitude())
......@@ -3,14 +3,15 @@
#include <QPolygonF>
#include <QPointF>
#include "ROSMessageGroups.h"
#include "ROSMessageType.h"
#include "ros_bridge/include/MessageGroups.h"
#include "ros_bridge/include/MessageBaseClass.h"
typedef ROSMessageType<QString> ROSMsg;
typedef ROSBridge::MessageBaseClass<QString> ROSMsg;
namespace MsgGroups = ROSBridge::MessageGroups;
class Polygon2D : public QPolygonF, public ROSMsg{
typedef PolygonGroup Group;
typedef MsgGroups::PolygonGroup Group;
Polygon2D(const Polygon2D &other) : QPolygonF(other) , ROSMsg(){}
#include "PolygonArray.h"
template <class PolygonType, template <class,class...> class ContainerType >
const char *PolygonArray<PolygonType, ContainerType>::typeName = "PolygonArray";
......@@ -2,16 +2,14 @@
#include <QObject>
#include "ROSMessageType.h"
#include "ros_bridge/include/MessageBaseClass.h"
typedef ROSBridge::MessageBaseClass<QString> ROSMsgBase;
template <class PolygonType, template <class,class...> class ContainerType >
class PolygonArray : public ROSMessageType<QString>, public ContainerType<PolygonType> {
class PolygonArray : public ROSMsgBase, public ContainerType<PolygonType> {
explicit PolygonArray() : ROSMessageType<QString>(), ContainerType<PolygonType>() {}
explicit PolygonArray() : ROSMsgBase(), ContainerType<PolygonType>() {}
PolygonArray(const PolygonArray &other) : ContainerType<PolygonType>(other) {}
QString type() const override {return typeName;}
static const char *typeName;
QString type() const override {return "PolygonArray";}
#pragma once
#include "ROSJsonFactory.h"
#include "ros_bridge/include/JsonFactory.h"
#include <QString>
typedef ROSJsonFactory<> QtROSJsonFactory;
typedef ROSBridge::JsonFactory<QString> QtROSJsonFactory;
#pragma once
#include "ros_bridge/include/TypeFactory.h"
#include <QString>
typedef ROSBridge::TypeFactory<QString> QtROSTypeFactory;
#include "ROSCommunicator.h"
void ROSCommunicator::send(const ROSMsg *msg)
#pragma once
#include "WimaAreaData.h"
#include "ROSMessageType.h"
typedef ROSMessageType<QString> ROSMsg;
class ROSCommunicator : public QObject
explicit ROSCommunicator(QObject *parent = 0) :
QObject(parent) {}
void send(const ROSMsg *msg);
public slots:
virtual void receive(ROSMsg *msg) = 0;
void readAsynkPolledChanged(int value);
#include "ROSJsonFactory.h"
#include "PolygonArray.h"
#pragma once
namespace detail {
//! \note Each calls belonging to a ROS message group must derive from \class ROSMessageType.
//! \brief The EmptyGroup struct is used by the \class ROSMessageType base class.
//! The EmptyGroup struct is used by the \class ROSMessageType base class. Passing a class using this
//! group will to the \class ROSJsonFactory will lead to a compile-time error.
struct EmptyGroup {};
//! \brief The Point32Group struct is used the mark a class as a ROS Point32 message.
//! The Point32Group struct is used the mark a class as a ROS Point32 message.
struct Point32Group {};
//! \brief The GeoPointGroup struct is used the mark a class as a ROS geographic_msgs/GeoPoint message.
//! The GeoPointGroup struct is used the mark a class as a ROS geographic_msgs/GeoPoint message.
struct GeoPointGroup {};
//! \brief The PolygonGroup struct is used the mark a class as a ROS Polygon message.
//! The PolygonGroup struct is used the mark a class as a ROS Polygon message.
struct PolygonGroup {};
//! \brief The PolygonStampedGroup struct is used the mark a class as a ROS PolygonStamped message.
//! The PolygonStampedGroup struct is used the mark a class as a ROS PolygonStamped message.
struct PolygonStampedGroup {};
//! \brief The PolygonArrayGroup struct is used the mark a class as a ROS PolygonArray message.
//! The PolygonArrayGroup struct is used the mark a class as a ROS PolygonArray message.
struct PolygonArrayGroup {};
#pragma once
#include "snaketile.h"
#include "WimaPolygonArray.h"
#endif // SNAKETILES_H
typedef WimaPolygonArray<SnakeTile, QVector> SnakeTiles;
#pragma once
#include "ros_bridge/include/MessageGroups.h"
#include "Polygon2D.h"
#include "WimaPolygonArray.h"
namespace MsgGroups = ROSBridge::MessageGroups;
typedef WimaPolygonArray<Polygon2D, QVector, MsgGroups::PolygonArrayGroup> SnakeTilesLocal;
#include "WimaController.h"
#include "utilities.h"
#include "ros_bridge/include/messages.h"
#include "ros_bridge/include/JsonMethodes.h"
#include "ros_bridge/rapidjson/include/rapidjson/document.h"
#include "ros_bridge/rapidjson/include/rapidjson/writer.h"
#include "ros_bridge/rapidjson/include/rapidjson/ostreamwrapper.h"
#include "QtROSJsonFactory.h"
#include "QtROSTypeFactory.h"
#include "time.h"
#include "assert.h"
......@@ -613,13 +614,14 @@ bool WimaController::_fetchContainerData()
QtROSJsonFactory factory;
QScopedPointer<rapidjson::Document> doc(factory.create(_snakeTilesLocal));
QtROSJsonFactory JsonFactory;
QScopedPointer<rapidjson::Document> doc(JsonFactory.create(_snakeTilesLocal));
auto &temp = _scenario.getOrigin();
::GeoPoint3D origin(temp[0], temp[1], temp[2]);
QScopedPointer<rapidjson::Document> doc2(factory.create(origin));
QScopedPointer<rapidjson::Document> doc2(JsonFactory.create(origin));
cout << "Origin" << endl;
rapidjson::OStreamWrapper out(std::cout);
rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::OStreamWrapper> writer(out);
......@@ -628,9 +630,25 @@ bool WimaController::_fetchContainerData()
cout << "Snake Tiles" << endl;
rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::OStreamWrapper> writer2(out);
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
QtROSTypeFactory TypeFactory;
::GeoPoint3D origin_same;
TypeFactory.create(*, origin_same);
cout << "Origin2" << endl;
std::cout << origin_same << std::endl;
std::cout << "TypeFactory test true: ";
bool isSame = origin_same == origin;
std::cout << isSame << endl;
::SnakeTilesLocal tiles_same;
TypeFactory.create(*, tiles_same);
......@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@
#include "snake.h"
#include "WimaControllerDetail.h"
#include "WimaPolygonArray.h"
#include "snaketile.h"
#include "ROSMessageGroups.h"
#include "Polygon2D.h"
//#include "snaketile.h"
//#include "Polygon2D.h"
#include "SnakeTiles.h"
#include "SnakeTilesLocal.h"
#include "GeoPoint3D.h"
#define CHECK_BATTERY_INTERVAL 1000 // ms
......@@ -327,11 +327,7 @@ private:
SettingsFact _snakeMinTileArea;
SettingsFact _snakeLineDistance;
SettingsFact _snakeMinTransectLength;
typedef WimaPolygonArray<SnakeTile, QVector> SnakeTiles;
SnakeTiles _snakeTiles; // tiles
typedef WimaPolygonArray<Polygon2D, QVector, PolygonArrayGroup> SnakeTilesLocal;
SnakeTiles _snakeTiles; // tiles
SnakeTilesLocal _snakeTilesLocal; // tiles local coordinate system
QVariantList _snakeTileCenterPoints;
QList<int> _snakeProgress; // measurement progress
#pragma once
#include "ROSMessageType.h"
#include "ROSMessageGroups.h"
#include "ros_bridge/include/MessageBaseClass.h"
#include "ros_bridge/include/MessageGroups.h"
#include "QmlObjectListModel.h"
#include <QVector>
#include <QString>
typedef ROSMessageType<QString> ROSMsg;
typedef ROSBridge::MessageBaseClass<QString> ROSMsg;
namespace MsgGroups = ROSBridge::MessageGroups;
typedef MsgGroups::EmptyGroup EmptyGroup;
template <class PolygonType, template <class, class...> class ContainerType = QVector, typename GroupType = EmptyGroup>
class WimaPolygonArray : public ROSMsg
......@@ -19,7 +21,7 @@ public:
, _polygons(other._polygons), _dirty(true)
virtual ROSMessageType<QString> * Clone() const override{
virtual MessageBaseClass<QString> * Clone() const override{
return new WimaPolygonArray(*this);
#pragma once
#include "ros_bridge/rapidjson/include/rapidjson/document.h"
#include "ros_bridge/include/messages.h"
#include "ROSMessageType.h"
#include <QString>
#include "WimaAreaData.h"
#include "ros_bridge/include/JsonMethodes.h"
#include "MessageBaseClass.h"
#include "utilities.h"
#include "ros_bridge/include/ROSMessageTraits.h"
#include "ros_bridge/include/MessageTraits.h"
#include "ROSMessageGroups.h"
#include "ros_bridge/include/MessageGroups.h"
#include "boost/type_traits.hpp"
#include "boost/type_traits/is_base_of.hpp"
namespace ROSBridge {
class StdHeaderPolicy;
//! \brief The ROSJsonFactory class is used to create ROS messages.
//! \brief The JsonFactory class is used to create ROS messages.
//! The ROSJsonFactory class is used to create \class rapidjson::Document documents containing ROS messages
//! from classes derived from \class ROSMessageType. Each class has a group mark (typedef ... Group) which allows the
//! ROSJsonFactory to determine the ROS message type it will create.
template <class HeaderPolicy = StdHeaderPolicy>
class ROSJsonFactory : public HeaderPolicy
//! The JsonFactory class is used to create \class rapidjson::Document documents containing ROS messages
//! from classes derived from \class MessageBaseClass. Each class has a group mark (typedef ... Group) which allows the
//! JsonFactory to determine the ROS message type it will create.
template <class StringType = std::string, class HeaderPolicy = StdHeaderPolicy>
class JsonFactory : public HeaderPolicy
typedef QString StringType;
typedef ROSMessageType<StringType> ROSMsg;
typedef MessageBaseClass<StringType> ROSMsg;
//! \brief Creates a \class rapidjson::Document document containing a ROS mesage from \p msg.
//! Creates a \class rapidjson::Document document containing a ROS message from \p msg.
//! A compile-time error will occur, if \p msg belongs to the \struct EmptyGroup or is
//! not derived from \class ROSMessageType.
//! \param msg Instance of a \class ROSMessageType subclass belonging to a ROSMessageGroup.
//! not derived from \class MessageBaseClass.
//! \param msg Instance of a \class MessageBaseClass subclass belonging to a ROSMessageGroup.
//! \return rapidjson::Document document containing a ROS message.
template <class T>
rapidjson::Document *create(const T &msg){
static_assert(boost::is_base_of<ROSMsg, T>::value, "Type of msg must be derived from ROSMessageType.");
static_assert(!::boost::is_same<typename T::Group, EmptyGroup>::value,
static_assert(boost::is_base_of<ROSMsg, T>::value, "Type of msg must be derived from MessageBaseClass.");
static_assert(!::boost::is_same<typename T::Group, MessageGroups::EmptyGroup>::value,
"msg belongs to group EmptyGroup (not allowed). Please specify Group (typedef MessageGroup Group)");
//cout << T::Group::label() << endl;
return _create(msg, Type2Type<typename T::Group>());
......@@ -62,10 +61,10 @@ private:
// Point32Group
// ===========================================================================
template<class U>
rapidjson::Document *_create(const U &msg, Type2Type<Point32Group>){
using namespace ros_bridge;
rapidjson::Document *_create(const U &msg, Type2Type<MessageGroups::Point32Group>){
using namespace ROSBridge;
rapidjson::Document *doc = new rapidjson::Document(rapidjson::kObjectType);
bool ret = Point32::toJson<_Float32>(msg, *doc, doc->GetAllocator());
bool ret = JsonMethodes::Point32::toJson<_Float32>(msg, *doc, doc->GetAllocator());
......@@ -76,10 +75,10 @@ private:
// GeoPointGroup
// ===========================================================================
template<class U>
rapidjson::Document *_create(const U &msg, Type2Type<GeoPointGroup>){
using namespace ros_bridge;
rapidjson::Document *_create(const U &msg, Type2Type<MessageGroups::GeoPointGroup>){
using namespace ROSBridge;
rapidjson::Document *doc = new rapidjson::Document(rapidjson::kObjectType);
bool ret = GeoPoint::toJson(msg, *doc, doc->GetAllocator());
bool ret = JsonMethodes::GeoPoint::toJson(msg, *doc, doc->GetAllocator());
......@@ -90,10 +89,10 @@ private:
// PolygonGroup
// ===========================================================================
template<class U>
rapidjson::Document *_create(const U &msg, Type2Type<PolygonGroup>){
using namespace ros_bridge;
rapidjson::Document *_create(const U &msg, Type2Type<MessageGroups::PolygonGroup>){
using namespace ROSBridge;
rapidjson::Document *doc = new rapidjson::Document(rapidjson::kObjectType);
bool ret = Polygon::toJson(msg, *doc, doc->GetAllocator());
bool ret = JsonMethodes::Polygon::toJson(msg, *doc, doc->GetAllocator());
......@@ -104,9 +103,9 @@ private:
// PolygonStampedGroup
// ===========================================================================
template<class U>
rapidjson::Document *_create(const U &msg, Type2Type<PolygonStampedGroup>){
using namespace ros_bridge;
using namespace ros_bridge::traits;
rapidjson::Document *_create(const U &msg, Type2Type<MessageGroups::PolygonStampedGroup>){
using namespace ROSBridge;
using namespace ROSBridge::traits;
typedef HasMemberHeader<U> HasHeader;
return _createPolygonStamped(msg, Int2Type<HasHeader::value>());
......@@ -114,9 +113,9 @@ private:
template<class U, int k>
rapidjson::Document *_createPolygonStamped(const U &msg, Int2Type<k>){ // U has member header(), use integraded header.
using namespace ros_bridge;
using namespace ROSBridge;
rapidjson::Document *doc = new rapidjson::Document(rapidjson::kObjectType);
bool ret = PolygonStamped::toJson(msg, *doc, doc->GetAllocator());
bool ret = JsonMethodes::PolygonStamped::toJson(msg, *doc, doc->GetAllocator());
......@@ -126,10 +125,10 @@ private:
template<class U>
rapidjson::Document *_createPolygonStamped(const U &msg, Int2Type<0>){// U has no member header(), generate one on the fly.
using namespace ros_bridge;
Header::Header header(HeaderPolicy::header(msg));
using namespace ROSBridge;
JsonMethodes::Header::Header header(HeaderPolicy::header(msg));
rapidjson::Document *doc = new rapidjson::Document(rapidjson::kObjectType);
bool ret = PolygonStamped::toJson(msg, header, *doc, doc->GetAllocator());
bool ret = JsonMethodes::PolygonStamped::toJson(msg, header, *doc, doc->GetAllocator());
......@@ -140,9 +139,9 @@ private:
// PolygonArrayGroup
// ===========================================================================
template<class U>
rapidjson::Document *_create(const U &msg, Type2Type<PolygonArrayGroup>){
using namespace ros_bridge;
using namespace ros_bridge::traits;
rapidjson::Document *_create(const U &msg, Type2Type<MessageGroups::PolygonArrayGroup>){
using namespace ROSBridge;
using namespace ROSBridge::traits;
typedef HasMemberHeader<U> HasHeader;
return _createPolygonArray(msg, Int2Type<HasHeader::value>());
......@@ -150,9 +149,9 @@ private:
template<class U, int k>
rapidjson::Document *_createPolygonArray(const U &msg, Int2Type<k>){ // U has member header(), use integraded header.
using namespace ros_bridge;
using namespace ROSBridge;
rapidjson::Document *doc = new rapidjson::Document(rapidjson::kObjectType);
bool ret = PolygonArray::toJson(msg, *doc, doc->GetAllocator());
bool ret = JsonMethodes::PolygonArray::toJson(msg, *doc, doc->GetAllocator());
......@@ -162,10 +161,10 @@ private:
template<class U>
rapidjson::Document *_createPolygonArray(const U &msg, Int2Type<0>){// U has no member header(), generate one on the fly.
using namespace ros_bridge;
Header::Header header(HeaderPolicy::header(msg));
using namespace ROSBridge;
JsonMethodes::Header::Header header(HeaderPolicy::header(msg));
rapidjson::Document *doc = new rapidjson::Document(rapidjson::kObjectType);
bool ret = PolygonArray::toJson(msg, header, *doc, doc->GetAllocator());
bool ret = JsonMethodes::PolygonArray::toJson(msg, header, *doc, doc->GetAllocator());
......@@ -184,8 +183,8 @@ public:
//! \return Returns the header belonging to msg.
template<typename T>
ros_bridge::Header::Header header(const T&msg) {
return ros_bridge::Header::Header(++_seq, time(msg), "/map");
ROSBridge::JsonMethodes::Header::Header header(const T&msg) {
return ROSBridge::JsonMethodes::Header::Header(++_seq, time(msg), "/map");
......@@ -193,12 +192,14 @@ public:
//! \brief time Returns the current time.
//! \return Returns the current time.
template<typename T>
ros_bridge::Time::Time time(const T&msg) {
ROSBridge::JsonMethodes::Time::Time time(const T&msg) {
return ros_bridge::Time::Time(0,0);
return ROSBridge::JsonMethodes::Time::Time(0,0);
long _seq;
} // end namespace ros_bridge
#pragma once
#include "ROSMessageGroups.h"
#include "MessageGroups.h"
namespace ROSBridge {
//! @brief Abstract base class for all ROS Messages Types.
//! Abstract base class for all ROS Messages Types. This class defines a basic interface
//! every class must fullfill if it takes advantages of the \class ROSJsonFactory.
//! Every class must define the public typedef Group, which associates it to a message Group (\see ROSMessageGroups). The Group type
//! Every class must define the public typedef Group, which associates it to a message Group (\see MessageGroups). The Group type
//! is used by the \class ROSJsonFactory to determine the type of the message it creates. The
//! ROSMessageType belongs to the \struct EmptyGroup. Passing a class belonging to the \struct EmptyGroup to the
//! MessageBaseClass belongs to the \struct EmptyGroup. Passing a class belonging to the \struct EmptyGroup to the
//! \class ROSJsonFactory will yield an error.
template <typename StringType>
class ROSMessageType{
class MessageBaseClass{
typedef EmptyGroup Group;
typedef MessageGroups::EmptyGroup Group;
ROSMessageType() {};
~ROSMessageType() {};
// Avoid sliceing (copy with ROSMessage::Clone)!
ROSMessageType(const ROSMessageType &) = delete;
ROSMessageType& operator=(const ROSMessageType &) = delete;
MessageBaseClass() {};
~MessageBaseClass() {};
// Avoid sliceing (copy with ROSMessage::Clone or define subclass operator=)!
MessageBaseClass(const MessageBaseClass &) = delete;
MessageBaseClass& operator=(const MessageBaseClass &) = delete;
virtual ROSMessageType* Clone() const = 0;
virtual MessageBaseClass* Clone() const = 0;
#pragma once
#include <string>
namespace ROSBridge {
namespace MessageGroups {
typedef std::string StringType;
template<typename Group, typename SubGroup, typename...MoreSubGroups>
struct MessageGroup {
static StringType label() {return _label<Group, SubGroup, MoreSubGroups...>();}
template<typename G, typename SubG, typename...MoreSubG>
static StringType _label() {return G::label()+ "/" + _label<SubG, MoreSubG...>(); }
template<typename G>
static StringType _label() {return G::label(); }
//! \note Each class belonging to a ROS message group must derive from \class MessageBaseClass.
namespace detail {
//! \brief The EmptyGroup struct is used by the \class MessageBaseClass base class.
//! The EmptyGroup struct is used by the \class MessageBaseClass base class. Passing a class using this
//! group will to the \class JsonFactory will lead to a compile-time error.
struct EmptyGroup {
static StringType label() {return "";}
struct GeometryMsgs {
static StringType label() {return "geometry_msgs";}
//! \brief The Point32Group struct is used the mark a class as a ROS Point32 message.
//! The Point32Group struct is used the mark a class as a ROS Point32 message.
struct Point32Group {
static StringType label() {return "Point32";}
//! \brief The GeoPointGroup struct is used the mark a class as a ROS geographic_msgs/GeoPoint message.
//! The GeoPointGroup struct is used the mark a class as a ROS geographic_msgs/GeoPoint message.
struct GeoPointGroup {
static StringType label() {return "GeoPoint";}
//! \brief The PolygonGroup struct is used the mark a class as a ROS Polygon message.
//! The PolygonGroup struct is used the mark a class as a ROS Polygon message.
struct PolygonGroup {
static StringType label() {return "Polygon";}
//! \brief The PolygonStampedGroup struct is used the mark a class as a ROS PolygonStamped message.
//! The PolygonStampedGroup struct is used the mark a class as a ROS PolygonStamped message.
struct PolygonStampedGroup {
static StringType label() {return "PolygonStamped";}
struct JSKRecognitionMsgs {
static StringType label() {return "jsk_recognition_msgs";}
//! \brief The PolygonArrayGroup struct is used the mark a class as a ROS PolygonArray message.
//! The PolygonArrayGroup struct is used the mark a class as a ROS PolygonArray message.
struct PolygonArrayGroup {
static StringType label() {return "PolygonArray";}
typedef MessageGroup<detail::EmptyGroup,
typedef MessageGroups::MessageGroup<MessageGroups::GeometryMsgs,
typedef MessageGroups::MessageGroup<MessageGroups::GeometryMsgs,
typedef MessageGroups::MessageGroup<MessageGroups::GeometryMsgs,
typedef MessageGroups::MessageGroup<MessageGroups::GeometryMsgs,