/// UI Information associated with a mission command (MAV_CMD)
/// MissionCommandUIInfo is used to automatically generate editing ui for a MAV_CMD. This object also supports the concept of only having a set of partial
/// information for the command. This is used to create overrides of the base command information. For on override just specify the keys you want to modify
/// from the base command ui info. To override param ui info you must specify the entire MissionParamInfo object.
/// The json format for a MissionCommandUIInfo object is:
/// Key Type Default Description
/// id int reauired MAV_CMD id
/// comment string Used to add a comment
/// rawName string required MAV_CMD enum name, should only be set of base tree information
/// friendlyName string rawName Short description of command
/// description string Long description of command
/// specifiesCoordinate bool false true: Command specifies a lat/lon/alt coordinate
/// standaloneCoordinate bool false true: Vehicle does not fly through coordinate associated with command (exampl: ROI)
/// friendlyEdit bool false true: Command supports friendly editing dialog, false: Command supports 'Show all values" style editing only
/// category string Advanced Category which this command belongs to
/// paramRemove string Used by an override to remove params, example: "1,3" will remove params 1 and 3 on the override