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Rascal110-YASim.xml 5.18 KB
<?xml version="1.0"?>

YASim aerodynamic model for a Rascal 110 (R/C airplane by Sig Mfg.)
Started December 19, 2005 by Curtis Olson.

This aerodynamic model is based on three-views, self captured
performance data, and few guesses.  These sites provided particularly
useful information or were simply fun to visit:

The reference datum for measurements is the tip of the nose.

<!-- 12 lb aircraft weight includes engine, but not fuel (empty weight) -->
<airplane mass="12">

<!-- Approach configuration -->
<approach speed="15" aoa="4">
  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.10"/>

<!-- Cruise configuration -->
<cruise speed="65" alt="1000">
  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="1.00"/>
  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture" value="1.00"/>
  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/elevator-trim" value="0.4"/>

<!-- pilot's eyepoint -->
<cockpit x="-0.48" y="0" z="0.30"/>

<fuselage ax="0.00" ay="0.00" az="-0.05" bx="-1.93" by="0.00" bz="-0.05"
          width="0.30" taper="0.47" midpoint="0.58"/>

  The Rascal has an eliptical wing, but we'll model it as a straight
  tapered wing with the equivalent wing area.
  Note that the dihedral is exaggerated to simulate hull-interference effects
  on a high-wing aircraft; once YASim models that properly, the
  angle should be reduced to something like 2 degrees.

  Note that the Rascal has no flaps.  With a stall speed of 10kt, who
  needs them?
<wing x="-0.66" y="0.07" z="0.11" taper="0.73" incidence="0" twist="-3"
      length="1.33" chord="0.41" sweep="0" dihedral="5" camber="0.0">
  <stall aoa="15" width="4" peak="1.5"/>
  <flap0 start=".40" end="0.95" lift="1.1" drag="1.2"/>
  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron" control="FLAP0" split="true"/>
  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron-trim" control="FLAP0" split="true"/>
  <control-output control="FLAP0" side="left"
  <control-output control="FLAP0" side="right"

<hstab x="-1.80" y="0.03" z="0.00" taper="0.6" effectiveness="1.0"
       length="0.43" chord="0.18" sweep="0" incidence="0.00">
  <stall aoa="16" width="4" peak="1.5"/>
  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.3" drag="1.2"/>
  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator" control="FLAP0"/>
  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator-trim" control="FLAP0"/>
  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm"/>

<!-- rudder has to be able to counteract aileron drag -->
<vstab x="-1.80" y="0.00" z="0.00" taper="0.38" effectiveness="1.0"
       length="0.37" chord="0.33" sweep="0" incidence="0.00">
  <stall aoa="16" width="4" peak="1.5"/>
  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="2.0" drag="1.2"/>
  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder-trim" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm"
		  min="1" max="-1"/>

<!-- motor is reported to do 2.4 bhp but this way over powers the aircraft -->
<propeller radius="0.23"
           x="-0.10" y="0.00" z="0.00"
           mass="3.5" moment="0.001"
	   cruise-speed="60" cruise-rpm="7500"
           cruise-alt="2000" cruise-power="0.6"
           takeoff-power="0.6" takeoff-rpm="7000">
  <piston-engine eng-power="0.6" eng-rpm="7000"
  <actionpt x="0.00" y="0.00" z="0.00"/>
  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/starter" control="STARTER"/>
  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/magnetos" control="MAGNETOS"/>
  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture" control="MIXTURE"/>

<gear x="-1.93" y="0.00" z="-0.13" compression="0.01">
  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="STEER"
                 src0="-1.0" src1="1.0"
                 dst0="0.5" dst1="-0.5"/>

<gear x="-0.48" y="0.27" z="-0.39" compression="0.03"> <!-- left main -->
  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/brake-left" control="BRAKE" split="true"/>
  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/brake-parking" control="BRAKE" split="true"/>

<gear x="-0.48" y="-0.27" z="-0.39" compression="0.03"> <!-- right main -->
  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/brake-right" control="BRAKE" split="true"/>
  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/brake-parking" control="BRAKE" split="true"/>

<!-- There's just one 20 oz tank, right behind the engine (!!!) -->
<tank x="-0.23" y="0.0" z="-0.08" capacity="1.00"/> 

  Note the tandem seating; the x values (arms) come from the
  weight-and-balance page cited at the start.

<ballast x="0.0" y="00" z="0.0" mass="1.2"/>

<!-- pilot -->
<!-- <weight x="-0.91" y="0" z="-0.70" -->
<!-- mass-prop="/yasim/j3cub/pilot-lb"/> -->

<!-- passenger -->
<!-- <weight x="-0.23" y="0" z="-0.70" -->
<!-- mass-prop="/yasim/j3cub/passenger-lb"/> -->
