• Don Gagne's avatar
    · e8e9aa4c
    Don Gagne authored
    Duplication cleanup
ParameterEditor.qml 12.6 KB
 *   (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory.

import QtQuick          2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Dialogs  1.2
import QtQuick.Layouts  1.2

import QGroundControl               1.0
import QGroundControl.Controls      1.0
import QGroundControl.Palette       1.0
import QGroundControl.ScreenTools   1.0
import QGroundControl.Controllers   1.0
import QGroundControl.FactSystem    1.0
import QGroundControl.FactControls  1.0

QGCView {
    id:         qgcView
    viewPanel:  panel

    QGCPalette { id: __qgcPal; colorGroupEnabled: true }

    property Fact   _editorDialogFact: Fact { }
    property int    _rowHeight:         ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 2
    property int    _rowWidth:          10      // Dynamic adjusted at runtime
    property bool   _searchFilter:      searchText.text.trim() != ""   ///< true: showing results of search
    property var    _searchResults              ///< List of parameter names from search results
    property bool   _showRCToParam:     !ScreenTools.isMobile && QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle.px4Firmware
    property var    _activeVehicle:     QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle
    property var    _appSettings:       QGroundControl.settingsManager.appSettings

    ParameterEditorController {
        id:         controller;
        factPanel:  panel
        onShowErrorMessage: {
            showMessage(qsTr("Parameter Load Errors"), errorMsg, StandardButton.Ok)

    ExclusiveGroup { id: sectionGroup }

    QGCViewPanel {
        id:             panel
        anchors.fill:   parent

        //-- Header
        Row {
            id:             header
            anchors.left:   parent.left
            anchors.right:  parent.right
            spacing:        ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth

            Timer {
                id:         clearTimer
                interval:   100;
                running:    false;
                repeat:     false
                onTriggered: {
                    searchText.text = ""
                    controller.searchText = ""

            QGCLabel {
                anchors.baseline:   clearButton.baseline
                text:               qsTr("Search:")

            QGCTextField {
                id:                 searchText
                anchors.baseline:   clearButton.baseline
                text:               controller.searchText
                onDisplayTextChanged: controller.searchText = displayText

            QGCButton {
                id:         clearButton
                text:       qsTr("Clear")
                onClicked: {
                    if(ScreenTools.isMobile) {
        } // Row - Header

        QGCButton {
            anchors.top:    header.top
            anchors.bottom: header.bottom
            anchors.right:  parent.right
            text:           qsTr("Tools")
            visible:        !_searchFilter

            menu: Menu {
                MenuItem {
                    text:           qsTr("Refresh")
                    onTriggered:	controller.refresh()
                MenuItem {
                    text:           qsTr("Reset all to defaults")
                    visible:        !_activeVehicle.apmFirmware
                    onTriggered:    showDialog(resetToDefaultConfirmComponent, qsTr("Reset All"), qgcView.showDialogDefaultWidth, StandardButton.Cancel | StandardButton.Reset)
                MenuSeparator { }
                MenuItem {
                    text:           qsTr("Load from file...")
                    onTriggered: {
                        fileDialog.qgcView =        qgcView
                        fileDialog.title =          qsTr("Load Parameters")
                        fileDialog.selectExisting = true
                MenuItem {
                    text:           qsTr("Save to file...")
                    onTriggered: {
                        fileDialog.qgcView =        qgcView
                        fileDialog.title =          qsTr("Save Parameters")
                        fileDialog.selectExisting = false
                MenuSeparator { visible: _showRCToParam }
                MenuItem {
                    text:           qsTr("Clear RC to Param")
                    onTriggered:	controller.clearRCToParam()
                    visible:        _showRCToParam
                MenuSeparator { }
                MenuItem {
                    text:           qsTr("Reboot Vehicle")
                    onTriggered:    showDialog(rebootVehicleConfirmComponent, qsTr("Reboot Vehicle"), qgcView.showDialogDefaultWidth, StandardButton.Cancel | StandardButton.Ok)

        /// Group buttons
        QGCFlickable {
            id :                groupScroll
            width:              ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 25
            anchors.top:        header.bottom
            anchors.bottom:     parent.bottom
            clip:               true
            pixelAligned:       true
            contentHeight:      groupedViewCategoryColumn.height
            flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick
            visible:            !_searchFilter

            ColumnLayout {
                id:             groupedViewCategoryColumn
                anchors.left:   parent.left
                anchors.right:  parent.right
                spacing:        Math.ceil(ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 0.25)

                Repeater {
                    model: controller.categories

                    Column {
                        Layout.fillWidth:   true
                        spacing:            Math.ceil(ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 0.25)

                        readonly property string category: modelData

                        SectionHeader {
                            id:             categoryHeader
                            text:           category
                            checked:        controller.currentCategory == text
                            exclusiveGroup: sectionGroup

                            onCheckedChanged: {
                                if (checked) {
                                    controller.currentCategory  = category
                                    controller.currentGroup     = controller.getGroupsForCategory(category)[0]

                        ExclusiveGroup { id: buttonGroup }

                        Repeater {
                            model: categoryHeader.checked ? controller.getGroupsForCategory(category) : 0

                            QGCButton {
                                width:          ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 25
                                text:           groupName
                                height:         _rowHeight
                                checked:        controller.currentGroup == text
                                exclusiveGroup: buttonGroup

                                readonly property string groupName: modelData

                                onClicked: {
                                    checked = true
                                    _rowWidth                   = 10
                                    controller.currentCategory  = category
                                    controller.currentGroup     = groupName

        /// Parameter list
        QGCListView {
            id:                 editorListView
            anchors.leftMargin: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
            anchors.left:       _searchFilter ? parent.left : groupScroll.right
            anchors.right:      parent.right
            anchors.top:        header.bottom
            anchors.bottom:     parent.bottom
            orientation:        ListView.Vertical
            model:              controller.parameters
            cacheBuffer:        height > 0 ? height * 2 : 0
            clip:               true

            delegate: Rectangle {
                height: _rowHeight
                width:  _rowWidth
                color:  Qt.rgba(0,0,0,0)

                Row {
                    id:     factRow
                    spacing: Math.ceil(ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 0.5)
                    anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

                    property Fact modelFact: object

                    QGCLabel {
                        id:     nameLabel
                        width:  ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth  * 20
                        text:   factRow.modelFact.name
                        clip:   true

                    QGCLabel {
                        id:     valueLabel
                        width:  ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth  * 20
                        color:  factRow.modelFact.defaultValueAvailable ? (factRow.modelFact.valueEqualsDefault ? __qgcPal.text : __qgcPal.warningText) : __qgcPal.text
                        text:   factRow.modelFact.enumStrings.length === 0 ? factRow.modelFact.valueString + " " + factRow.modelFact.units : factRow.modelFact.enumStringValue
                        clip:   true

                    QGCLabel {
                        text:   factRow.modelFact.shortDescription

                    Component.onCompleted: {
                        if(_rowWidth < factRow.width + ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth) {
                            _rowWidth = factRow.width + ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth

                Rectangle {
                    width:  _rowWidth
                    height: 1
                    color:  __qgcPal.text
                    opacity: 0.15
                    anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
                    anchors.left:   parent.left

                MouseArea {
                    anchors.fill:       parent
                    acceptedButtons:    Qt.LeftButton
                    onClicked: {
                        _editorDialogFact = factRow.modelFact
                        showDialog(editorDialogComponent, qsTr("Parameter Editor"), qgcView.showDialogDefaultWidth, StandardButton.Cancel | StandardButton.Save)
    } // QGCViewPanel

    QGCFileDialog {
        id:             fileDialog
        folder:         _appSettings.parameterSavePath
        fileExtension:  _appSettings.parameterFileExtension
        nameFilters:    [ qsTr("Parameter Files (*.%1)").arg(_appSettings.parameterFileExtension) , qsTr("All Files (*.*)") ]

        onAcceptedForSave: {

        onAcceptedForLoad: {

    Component {
        id: editorDialogComponent

        ParameterEditorDialog {
            fact:           _editorDialogFact
            showRCToParam:  _showRCToParam

    Component {
        id: resetToDefaultConfirmComponent

        QGCViewDialog {
            function accept() {

            QGCLabel {
                width:              parent.width
                wrapMode:           Text.WordWrap
                text:               qsTr("Select Reset to reset all parameters to their defaults.")

    Component {
        id: rebootVehicleConfirmComponent

        QGCViewDialog {
            function accept() {

            QGCLabel {
                width:              parent.width
                wrapMode:           Text.WordWrap
                text:               qsTr("Select Ok to reboot vehicle.")
} // QGCView