If you are using qextserialport-XXX.tar.gz, the qesp.qch and
html files have been provided.
Open the file "html/index.html" using your web browser.
Or integrated the "html/qesp.qch" into your QtCreator.
== How to generate help files? ==
Simply run following commands at toplevel directory.
make docs
Or run the following command at this directory
qdoc3 qextserialport.qdocconf
Then a folder called "html" will be generated.
Open the file "html/index.html" using your web browser.
== How to integrated into Qt Creator or Qt Assistant? ==
Once the html files are generated. run following commands
cd doc/html
qhelpgenerator qesp.qhp
A file called "qesp.qch" will be generated.
For Qt Assistant:
Edit ==> Preferences ==> Documentations ==> Add...
For Qt Creator
Tools ==> Options ==> Help ==> Documentations ==> Add...
Don Gagne authored
QSerialPort buffering too slow on Windows.