Gus Grubba authoredGus Grubba authored
APMCompassCal.cc 25.67 KiB
* (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org>
* QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
* COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory.
#include "APMCompassCal.h"
#include "AutoPilotPlugin.h"
#include "ParameterManager.h"
const float CalWorkerThread::mag_sphere_radius = 0.2f;
const unsigned int CalWorkerThread::calibration_sides = 6;
const unsigned int CalWorkerThread::calibration_total_points = 240;
const unsigned int CalWorkerThread::calibraton_duration_seconds = CalWorkerThread::calibration_sides * 10;
const char* CalWorkerThread::rgCompassParams[3][4] = {
CalWorkerThread::CalWorkerThread(Vehicle* vehicle, QObject* parent)
: QThread(parent)
, _vehicle(vehicle)
, _cancel(false)
void CalWorkerThread::run(void)
if (calibrate() == calibrate_return_ok) {
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("[cal] progress <100>"));
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("[cal] calibration done: mag"));
void CalWorkerThread::_emitVehicleTextMessage(const QString& message)
emit vehicleTextMessage(_vehicle->id(), 0, MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, message);
qCDebug(APMCompassCalLog) << message;
unsigned CalWorkerThread::progress_percentage(mag_worker_data_t* worker_data)
return 100 * ((float)worker_data->done_count) / calibration_sides;
CalWorkerThread::calibrate_return CalWorkerThread::calibrate(void)
calibrate_return result = calibrate_return_ok;
mag_worker_data_t worker_data;
worker_data.done_count = 0;
worker_data.calibration_points_perside = calibration_total_points / calibration_sides;
worker_data.calibration_interval_perside_seconds = calibraton_duration_seconds / calibration_sides;
worker_data.calibration_interval_perside_useconds = worker_data.calibration_interval_perside_seconds * 1000 * 1000;
// Collect data for all sides
worker_data.side_data_collected[DETECT_ORIENTATION_RIGHTSIDE_UP] = false;
worker_data.side_data_collected[DETECT_ORIENTATION_LEFT] = false;
worker_data.side_data_collected[DETECT_ORIENTATION_NOSE_DOWN] = false;
worker_data.side_data_collected[DETECT_ORIENTATION_TAIL_DOWN] = false;
worker_data.side_data_collected[DETECT_ORIENTATION_UPSIDE_DOWN] = false;
worker_data.side_data_collected[DETECT_ORIENTATION_RIGHT] = false;
for (size_t cur_mag=0; cur_mag<max_mags; cur_mag++) {
// Initialize to no memory allocated
worker_data.x[cur_mag] = NULL;
worker_data.y[cur_mag] = NULL;
worker_data.z[cur_mag] = NULL;
worker_data.calibration_counter_total[cur_mag] = 0;
const unsigned int calibration_points_maxcount = calibration_sides * worker_data.calibration_points_perside;
for (size_t cur_mag=0; cur_mag<max_mags; cur_mag++) {
if (rgCompassAvailable[cur_mag]) {
worker_data.x[cur_mag] = reinterpret_cast<float *>(malloc(sizeof(float) * calibration_points_maxcount));
worker_data.y[cur_mag] = reinterpret_cast<float *>(malloc(sizeof(float) * calibration_points_maxcount));
worker_data.z[cur_mag] = reinterpret_cast<float *>(malloc(sizeof(float) * calibration_points_maxcount));
if (worker_data.x[cur_mag] == NULL || worker_data.y[cur_mag] == NULL || worker_data.z[cur_mag] == NULL) {
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("[cal] ERROR: out of memory"));
result = calibrate_return_error;
if (result == calibrate_return_ok) {
result = calibrate_from_orientation(
worker_data.side_data_collected, // Sides to calibrate
&worker_data); // Opaque data for calibration worked
// Calculate calibration values for each mag
float sphere_x[max_mags];
float sphere_y[max_mags];
float sphere_z[max_mags];
float sphere_radius[max_mags];
// Sphere fit the data to get calibration values
if (result == calibrate_return_ok) {
for (unsigned cur_mag=0; cur_mag<max_mags; cur_mag++) {
if (rgCompassAvailable[cur_mag]) {
sphere_fit_least_squares(worker_data.x[cur_mag], worker_data.y[cur_mag], worker_data.z[cur_mag],
100, 0.0f,
&sphere_x[cur_mag], &sphere_y[cur_mag], &sphere_z[cur_mag],
if (qIsNaN(sphere_x[cur_mag]) || qIsNaN(sphere_y[cur_mag]) || qIsNaN(sphere_z[cur_mag])) {
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("[cal] ERROR: NaN in sphere fit for mag %1").arg(cur_mag));
result = calibrate_return_error;
// Data points are no longer needed
for (size_t cur_mag=0; cur_mag<max_mags; cur_mag++) {
if (result == calibrate_return_ok) {
for (unsigned cur_mag=0; cur_mag<max_mags; cur_mag++) {
if (rgCompassAvailable[cur_mag]) {
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("[cal] mag #%1 off: x:%2 y:%3 z:%4").arg(cur_mag).arg(-sphere_x[cur_mag]).arg(-sphere_y[cur_mag]).arg(-sphere_z[cur_mag]));
float sensorId = 0.0f;
if (cur_mag == 0) {
sensorId = 2.0f;
} else if (cur_mag == 1) {
sensorId = 5.0f;
} else if (cur_mag == 2) {
sensorId = 6.0f;
if (sensorId != 0.0f) {
true, /* showErrors */
sensorId, -sphere_x[cur_mag], -sphere_y[cur_mag], -sphere_z[cur_mag]);
return result;
CalWorkerThread::calibrate_return CalWorkerThread::mag_calibration_worker(detect_orientation_return orientation, void* data)
calibrate_return result = calibrate_return_ok;
unsigned int calibration_counter_side;
mag_worker_data_t* worker_data = (mag_worker_data_t*)(data);
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("[cal] Rotate vehicle around the detected orientation"));
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("[cal] Continue rotation for %1 seconds").arg(worker_data->calibration_interval_perside_seconds));
uint64_t calibration_deadline = QGC::groundTimeUsecs() + worker_data->calibration_interval_perside_useconds;
unsigned int loop_interval_usecs = (worker_data->calibration_interval_perside_seconds * 1000000) / worker_data->calibration_points_perside;
calibration_counter_side = 0;
while (QGC::groundTimeUsecs() < calibration_deadline && calibration_counter_side < worker_data->calibration_points_perside) {
if (_cancel) {
result = calibrate_return_cancelled;
int prev_count[max_mags];
bool rejected = false;
for (size_t cur_mag=0; cur_mag<max_mags; cur_mag++) {
prev_count[cur_mag] = worker_data->calibration_counter_total[cur_mag];
if (!rgCompassAvailable[cur_mag]) {
mavlink_scaled_imu_t copyLastScaledImu = rgLastScaledImu[cur_mag];
worker_data->x[cur_mag][worker_data->calibration_counter_total[cur_mag]] = copyLastScaledImu.xmag;
worker_data->y[cur_mag][worker_data->calibration_counter_total[cur_mag]] = copyLastScaledImu.ymag;
worker_data->z[cur_mag][worker_data->calibration_counter_total[cur_mag]] = copyLastScaledImu.zmag;
// Keep calibration of all mags in lockstep
if (rejected) {
qCDebug(APMCompassCalLog) << QStringLiteral("Point rejected");
// Reset counts, since one of the mags rejected the measurement
for (size_t cur_mag = 0; cur_mag < max_mags; cur_mag++) {
worker_data->calibration_counter_total[cur_mag] = prev_count[cur_mag];
} else {
// Progress indicator for side
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("[cal] %1 side calibration: progress <%2>").arg(detect_orientation_str(orientation)).arg(progress_percentage(worker_data) +
(unsigned)((100 / calibration_sides) * ((float)calibration_counter_side / (float)worker_data->calibration_points_perside))));
if (result == calibrate_return_ok) {
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("[cal] %1 side done, rotate to a different side").arg(detect_orientation_str(orientation)));
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("[cal] progress <%1>").arg(progress_percentage(worker_data)));
return result;
CalWorkerThread::calibrate_return CalWorkerThread::calibrate_from_orientation(
bool side_data_collected[detect_orientation_side_count],
void* worker_data)
calibrate_return result = calibrate_return_ok;
unsigned orientation_failures = 0;
// Rotate through all requested orientations
while (true) {
if (_cancel) {
result = calibrate_return_cancelled;
unsigned int side_complete_count = 0;
// Update the number of completed sides
for (unsigned i = 0; i < detect_orientation_side_count; i++) {
if (side_data_collected[i]) {
if (side_complete_count == detect_orientation_side_count) {
// We have completed all sides, move on
/* inform user which orientations are still needed */
char pendingStr[256];
pendingStr[0] = 0;
for (unsigned int cur_orientation=0; cur_orientation<detect_orientation_side_count; cur_orientation++) {
if (!side_data_collected[cur_orientation]) {
strcat(pendingStr, " ");
strcat(pendingStr, detect_orientation_str((enum detect_orientation_return)cur_orientation));
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("[cal] pending:%1").arg(pendingStr));
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("[cal] hold vehicle still on a pending side"));
enum detect_orientation_return orient = detect_orientation();
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("[cal] detected motion, hold still..."));
/* inform user about already handled side */
if (side_data_collected[orient]) {
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("%1 side already completed").arg(detect_orientation_str(orient)));
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("rotate to a pending side"));
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("[cal] %1 orientation detected").arg(detect_orientation_str(orient)));
orientation_failures = 0;
// Call worker routine
result = mag_calibration_worker(orient, worker_data);
if (result != calibrate_return_ok ) {
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("[cal] %1 side done, rotate to a different side").arg(detect_orientation_str(orient)));
// Note that this side is complete
side_data_collected[orient] = true;
return result;
enum CalWorkerThread::detect_orientation_return CalWorkerThread::detect_orientation(void)
bool stillDetected = false;
quint64 stillDetectTime;
int16_t lastX = 0;
int16_t lastY = 0;
int16_t lastZ = 0;
while (true) {
mavlink_raw_imu_t copyLastRawImu = lastRawImu;
int16_t xDelta = abs(lastX - copyLastRawImu.xacc);
int16_t yDelta = abs(lastY - copyLastRawImu.yacc);
int16_t zDelta = abs(lastZ - copyLastRawImu.zacc);
lastX = copyLastRawImu.xacc;
lastY = copyLastRawImu.yacc;
lastZ = copyLastRawImu.zacc;
if (xDelta < 100 && yDelta < 100 && zDelta < 100) {
if (stillDetected) {
if (QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds() - stillDetectTime > 1000) {
} else {
stillDetectTime = QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds();
stillDetected = true;
} else {
stillDetected = false;
if (_cancel) {
// FIXME: No timeout for never detect still
static const uint16_t rawImuOneG = 800;
static const uint16_t rawImuNoGThreshold = 200;
if (lastX > rawImuOneG && abs(lastY) < rawImuNoGThreshold && abs(lastZ) < rawImuNoGThreshold) {
return DETECT_ORIENTATION_TAIL_DOWN; // [ g, 0, 0 ]
if (lastX < -rawImuOneG && abs(lastY) < rawImuNoGThreshold && abs(lastZ) < rawImuNoGThreshold) {
return DETECT_ORIENTATION_NOSE_DOWN; // [ -g, 0, 0 ]
if (lastY > rawImuOneG && abs(lastX) < rawImuNoGThreshold && abs(lastZ) < rawImuNoGThreshold) {
return DETECT_ORIENTATION_LEFT; // [ 0, g, 0 ]
if (lastY < -rawImuOneG && abs(lastX) < rawImuNoGThreshold && abs(lastZ) < rawImuNoGThreshold) {
return DETECT_ORIENTATION_RIGHT; // [ 0, -g, 0 ]
if (lastZ > rawImuOneG && abs(lastX) < rawImuNoGThreshold && abs(lastY) < rawImuNoGThreshold) {
if (lastZ < -rawImuOneG && abs(lastX) < rawImuNoGThreshold && abs(lastY) < rawImuNoGThreshold) {
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("[cal] ERROR: invalid orientation"));
return DETECT_ORIENTATION_ERROR; // Can't detect orientation
const char* CalWorkerThread::detect_orientation_str(enum detect_orientation_return orientation)
static const char* rgOrientationStrs[] = {
"back", // tail down
"front", // nose down
"up", // upside-down
"down", // right-side up
return rgOrientationStrs[orientation];
int CalWorkerThread::sphere_fit_least_squares(const float x[], const float y[], const float z[],
unsigned int size, unsigned int max_iterations, float delta, float *sphere_x, float *sphere_y, float *sphere_z,
float *sphere_radius)
float x_sumplain = 0.0f;
float x_sumsq = 0.0f;
float x_sumcube = 0.0f;
float y_sumplain = 0.0f;
float y_sumsq = 0.0f;
float y_sumcube = 0.0f;
float z_sumplain = 0.0f;
float z_sumsq = 0.0f;
float z_sumcube = 0.0f;
float xy_sum = 0.0f;
float xz_sum = 0.0f;
float yz_sum = 0.0f;
float x2y_sum = 0.0f;
float x2z_sum = 0.0f;
float y2x_sum = 0.0f;
float y2z_sum = 0.0f;
float z2x_sum = 0.0f;
float z2y_sum = 0.0f;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
float x2 = x[i] * x[i];
float y2 = y[i] * y[i];
float z2 = z[i] * z[i];
x_sumplain += x[i];
x_sumsq += x2;
x_sumcube += x2 * x[i];
y_sumplain += y[i];
y_sumsq += y2;
y_sumcube += y2 * y[i];
z_sumplain += z[i];
z_sumsq += z2;
z_sumcube += z2 * z[i];
xy_sum += x[i] * y[i];
xz_sum += x[i] * z[i];
yz_sum += y[i] * z[i];
x2y_sum += x2 * y[i];
x2z_sum += x2 * z[i];
y2x_sum += y2 * x[i];
y2z_sum += y2 * z[i];
z2x_sum += z2 * x[i];
z2y_sum += z2 * y[i];
//Least Squares Fit a sphere A,B,C with radius squared Rsq to 3D data
// P is a structure that has been computed with the data earlier.
// P.npoints is the number of elements; the length of X,Y,Z are identical.
// P's members are logically named.
// X[n] is the x component of point n
// Y[n] is the y component of point n
// Z[n] is the z component of point n
// A is the x coordiante of the sphere
// B is the y coordiante of the sphere
// C is the z coordiante of the sphere
// Rsq is the radius squared of the sphere.
//This method should converge; maybe 5-100 iterations or more.
float x_sum = x_sumplain / size; //sum( X[n] )
float x_sum2 = x_sumsq / size; //sum( X[n]^2 )
float x_sum3 = x_sumcube / size; //sum( X[n]^3 )
float y_sum = y_sumplain / size; //sum( Y[n] )
float y_sum2 = y_sumsq / size; //sum( Y[n]^2 )
float y_sum3 = y_sumcube / size; //sum( Y[n]^3 )
float z_sum = z_sumplain / size; //sum( Z[n] )
float z_sum2 = z_sumsq / size; //sum( Z[n]^2 )
float z_sum3 = z_sumcube / size; //sum( Z[n]^3 )
float XY = xy_sum / size; //sum( X[n] * Y[n] )
float XZ = xz_sum / size; //sum( X[n] * Z[n] )
float YZ = yz_sum / size; //sum( Y[n] * Z[n] )
float X2Y = x2y_sum / size; //sum( X[n]^2 * Y[n] )
float X2Z = x2z_sum / size; //sum( X[n]^2 * Z[n] )
float Y2X = y2x_sum / size; //sum( Y[n]^2 * X[n] )
float Y2Z = y2z_sum / size; //sum( Y[n]^2 * Z[n] )
float Z2X = z2x_sum / size; //sum( Z[n]^2 * X[n] )
float Z2Y = z2y_sum / size; //sum( Z[n]^2 * Y[n] )
//Reduction of multiplications
float F0 = x_sum2 + y_sum2 + z_sum2;
float F1 = 0.5f * F0;
float F2 = -8.0f * (x_sum3 + Y2X + Z2X);
float F3 = -8.0f * (X2Y + y_sum3 + Z2Y);
float F4 = -8.0f * (X2Z + Y2Z + z_sum3);
//Set initial conditions:
float A = x_sum;
float B = y_sum;
float C = z_sum;
//First iteration computation:
float A2 = A * A;
float B2 = B * B;
float C2 = C * C;
float QS = A2 + B2 + C2;
float QB = -2.0f * (A * x_sum + B * y_sum + C * z_sum);
//Set initial conditions:
float Rsq = F0 + QB + QS;
//First iteration computation:
float Q0 = 0.5f * (QS - Rsq);
float Q1 = F1 + Q0;
float Q2 = 8.0f * (QS - Rsq + QB + F0);
float aA, aB, aC, nA, nB, nC, dA, dB, dC;
//Iterate N times, ignore stop condition.
unsigned int n = 0;
#define FLT_EPSILON 1.1920929e-07F /* 1E-5 */
while (n < max_iterations) {
//Compute denominator:
aA = Q2 + 16.0f * (A2 - 2.0f * A * x_sum + x_sum2);
aB = Q2 + 16.0f * (B2 - 2.0f * B * y_sum + y_sum2);
aC = Q2 + 16.0f * (C2 - 2.0f * C * z_sum + z_sum2);
aA = (fabsf(aA) < FLT_EPSILON) ? 1.0f : aA;
aB = (fabsf(aB) < FLT_EPSILON) ? 1.0f : aB;
aC = (fabsf(aC) < FLT_EPSILON) ? 1.0f : aC;
//Compute next iteration
nA = A - ((F2 + 16.0f * (B * XY + C * XZ + x_sum * (-A2 - Q0) + A * (x_sum2 + Q1 - C * z_sum - B * y_sum))) / aA);
nB = B - ((F3 + 16.0f * (A * XY + C * YZ + y_sum * (-B2 - Q0) + B * (y_sum2 + Q1 - A * x_sum - C * z_sum))) / aB);
nC = C - ((F4 + 16.0f * (A * XZ + B * YZ + z_sum * (-C2 - Q0) + C * (z_sum2 + Q1 - A * x_sum - B * y_sum))) / aC);
//Check for stop condition
dA = (nA - A);
dB = (nB - B);
dC = (nC - C);
if ((dA * dA + dB * dB + dC * dC) <= delta) { break; }
//Compute next iteration's values
A = nA;
B = nB;
C = nC;
A2 = A * A;
B2 = B * B;
C2 = C * C;
QS = A2 + B2 + C2;
QB = -2.0f * (A * x_sum + B * y_sum + C * z_sum);
Rsq = F0 + QB + QS;
Q0 = 0.5f * (QS - Rsq);
Q1 = F1 + Q0;
Q2 = 8.0f * (QS - Rsq + QB + F0);
*sphere_x = A;
*sphere_y = B;
*sphere_z = C;
*sphere_radius = sqrtf(Rsq);
return 0;
: _vehicle(NULL)
, _calWorkerThread(NULL)
if (_calWorkerThread) {
// deleteLater so it happens on correct thread
void APMCompassCal::setVehicle(Vehicle* vehicle)
if (!vehicle) {
qWarning() << "vehicle == NULL";
_vehicle = vehicle;
void APMCompassCal::startCalibration(void)
_setSensorTransmissionSpeed(true /* fast */);
connect (_vehicle, &Vehicle::mavlinkRawImu, this, &APMCompassCal::_handleMavlinkRawImu);
connect (_vehicle, &Vehicle::mavlinkScaledImu2, this, &APMCompassCal::_handleMavlinkScaledImu2);
connect (_vehicle, &Vehicle::mavlinkScaledImu3, this, &APMCompassCal::_handleMavlinkScaledImu3);
// Simulate a start message
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("[cal] calibration started: mag"));
_calWorkerThread = new CalWorkerThread(_vehicle);
connect(_calWorkerThread, &CalWorkerThread::vehicleTextMessage, this, &APMCompassCal::vehicleTextMessage);
// Clear the offset parameters so we get raw data
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
_calWorkerThread->rgCompassAvailable[i] = true;
const char* deviceIdParam = CalWorkerThread::rgCompassParams[i][3];
if (_vehicle->parameterManager()->parameterExists(-1, deviceIdParam)) {
_calWorkerThread->rgCompassAvailable[i] = _vehicle->parameterManager()->getParameter(-1, deviceIdParam)->rawValue().toInt() > 0;
for (int j=0; j<3; j++) {
const char* offsetParam = CalWorkerThread::rgCompassParams[i][j];
Fact* paramFact = _vehicle->parameterManager()->getParameter(-1, offsetParam);
_rgSavedCompassOffsets[i][j] = paramFact->rawValue().toFloat();
} else {
_calWorkerThread->rgCompassAvailable[i] = false;
qCDebug(APMCompassCalLog) << QStringLiteral("Compass %1 available: %2").arg(i).arg(_calWorkerThread->rgCompassAvailable[i]);
void APMCompassCal::cancelCalibration(void)
// Put the original offsets back
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<3; j++) {
const char* offsetParam = CalWorkerThread::rgCompassParams[i][j];
if (_vehicle->parameterManager()->parameterExists(-1, offsetParam)) {
_vehicle->parameterManager()->getParameter(-1, offsetParam)-> setRawValue(_rgSavedCompassOffsets[i][j]);
// Simulate a cancelled message
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("[cal] calibration cancelled"));
void APMCompassCal::_handleMavlinkRawImu(mavlink_message_t message)
mavlink_msg_raw_imu_decode(&message, &_calWorkerThread->lastRawImu);
_calWorkerThread->rgLastScaledImu[0].xacc = _calWorkerThread->lastRawImu.xacc;
_calWorkerThread->rgLastScaledImu[0].yacc = _calWorkerThread->lastRawImu.yacc;
_calWorkerThread->rgLastScaledImu[0].zacc = _calWorkerThread->lastRawImu.zacc;
_calWorkerThread->rgLastScaledImu[0].xgyro = _calWorkerThread->lastRawImu.xgyro;
_calWorkerThread->rgLastScaledImu[0].ygyro = _calWorkerThread->lastRawImu.ygyro;
_calWorkerThread->rgLastScaledImu[0].zgyro = _calWorkerThread->lastRawImu.zgyro;
_calWorkerThread->rgLastScaledImu[0].xmag = _calWorkerThread->lastRawImu.xmag;
_calWorkerThread->rgLastScaledImu[0].ymag = _calWorkerThread->lastRawImu.ymag;
_calWorkerThread->rgLastScaledImu[0].zmag = _calWorkerThread->lastRawImu.zmag;
void APMCompassCal::_handleMavlinkScaledImu2(mavlink_message_t message)
mavlink_msg_scaled_imu2_decode(&message, (mavlink_scaled_imu2_t*)&_calWorkerThread->rgLastScaledImu[1]);
void APMCompassCal::_handleMavlinkScaledImu3(mavlink_message_t message)
mavlink_msg_scaled_imu3_decode(&message, (mavlink_scaled_imu3_t*)&_calWorkerThread->rgLastScaledImu[2]);
void APMCompassCal::_setSensorTransmissionSpeed(bool fast)
_vehicle->requestDataStream(MAV_DATA_STREAM_RAW_SENSORS, fast ? 10 : 2);
void APMCompassCal::_stopCalibration(void)
disconnect (_vehicle, &Vehicle::mavlinkRawImu, this, &APMCompassCal::_handleMavlinkRawImu);
disconnect (_vehicle, &Vehicle::mavlinkScaledImu2, this, &APMCompassCal::_handleMavlinkScaledImu2);
disconnect (_vehicle, &Vehicle::mavlinkScaledImu3, this, &APMCompassCal::_handleMavlinkScaledImu3);
_setSensorTransmissionSpeed(false /* fast */);
void APMCompassCal::_emitVehicleTextMessage(const QString& message)
qCDebug(APMCompassCalLog()) << message;
emit vehicleTextMessage(_vehicle->id(), 0, MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, message);