• Gus Grubba's avatar
    Plan View Work · 6940e70c
    Gus Grubba authored
    Toggle Rally Point insertion on/off.
    Highlight current Rally Point and current Waypoint.
    Use tab bar instead of a row of radio buttons for selection (Mission, Fence, Rally).
    Fix QGCHoverButton to handle proper checked state toggle.
    Get rid of the many arrays used to define behaviors for the ToolStrip. They are now all defined within its model.
    Fixed color for disabled text within ToolStrip (it was invisible)
QGCPalette.cc 4.64 KB
 *   (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory.

/// @file
///     @author Don Gagne <don@thegagnes.com>

#include "QGCPalette.h"
#include "QGCApplication.h"
#include "QGCCorePlugin.h"

#include <QApplication>
#include <QPalette>

QList<QGCPalette*>   QGCPalette::_paletteObjects;

QGCPalette::Theme QGCPalette::_theme = QGCPalette::Dark;

QMap<int, QMap<int, QMap<QString, QColor>>> QGCPalette::_colorInfoMap;

QStringList QGCPalette::_colors;

QGCPalette::QGCPalette(QObject* parent) :
    if (_colorInfoMap.isEmpty()) {

    // We have to keep track of all QGCPalette objects in the system so we can signal theme change to all of them
    _paletteObjects += this;

    bool fSuccess = _paletteObjects.removeOne(this);
    if (!fSuccess) {
        qWarning() << "Internal error";

void QGCPalette::_buildMap()
    //                                      Light                 Dark
    //                                      Disabled   Enabled    Disabled   Enabled
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(window,               "#ffffff", "#ffffff", "#222222", "#222222")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(windowShade,          "#d9d9d9", "#d9d9d9", "#333333", "#333333")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(windowShadeDark,      "#bdbdbd", "#bdbdbd", "#282828", "#282828")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(text,                 "#9d9d9d", "#000000", "#707070", "#ffffff")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(warningText,          "#cc0808", "#cc0808", "#f85761", "#f85761")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(button,               "#ffffff", "#ffffff", "#707070", "#626270")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(buttonText,           "#9d9d9d", "#000000", "#A6A6A6", "#ffffff")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(buttonHighlight,      "#e4e4e4", "#946120", "#3a3a3a", "#fff291")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(buttonHighlightText,  "#2c2c2c", "#ffffff", "#2c2c2c", "#000000")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(primaryButton,        "#585858", "#8cb3be", "#585858", "#8cb3be")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(primaryButtonText,    "#2c2c2c", "#000000", "#2c2c2c", "#000000")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(textField,            "#ffffff", "#ffffff", "#707070", "#ffffff")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(textFieldText,        "#808080", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(mapButton,            "#585858", "#000000", "#585858", "#000000")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(mapButtonHighlight,   "#585858", "#be781c", "#585858", "#be781c")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(mapIndicator,         "#585858", "#be781c", "#585858", "#be781c")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(mapIndicatorChild,    "#585858", "#766043", "#585858", "#766043")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(colorGreen,           "#009431", "#009431", "#00e04b", "#00e04b")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(colorOrange,          "#b95604", "#b95604", "#de8500", "#de8500")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(colorRed,             "#ed3939", "#ed3939", "#f32836", "#f32836")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(colorGrey,            "#808080", "#808080", "#bfbfbf", "#bfbfbf")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(colorBlue,            "#1a72ff", "#1a72ff", "#536dff", "#536dff")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(alertBackground,      "#eecc44", "#eecc44", "#eecc44", "#eecc44")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(alertBorder,          "#808080", "#808080", "#808080", "#808080")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(alertText,            "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(missionItemEditor,    "#585858", "#dbfef8", "#585858", "#585d83")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(hoverColor,           "#585858", "#dbfef8", "#585858", "#585d83")

    // Colors are not affecting by theming
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(mapWidgetBorderLight, "#ffffff", "#ffffff", "#ffffff", "#ffffff")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(mapWidgetBorderDark,  "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(brandingPurple,       "#4A2C6D", "#4A2C6D", "#4A2C6D", "#4A2C6D")
    DECLARE_QGC_COLOR(brandingBlue,         "#48D6FF", "#6045c5", "#48D6FF", "#6045c5")

void QGCPalette::setColorGroupEnabled(bool enabled)
    _colorGroupEnabled = enabled;
    emit paletteChanged();

void QGCPalette::setGlobalTheme(Theme newTheme)
    // Mobile build does not have themes
    if (_theme != newTheme) {
        _theme = newTheme;

void QGCPalette::_signalPaletteChangeToAll()
    // Notify all objects of the new theme
    foreach (QGCPalette* palette, _paletteObjects) {

void QGCPalette::_signalPaletteChanged()
    emit paletteChanged();