17.1 KB
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 *   (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * in the root of the source code directory.

 * @file
 *   @brief Implementation of class MAVLinkProtocol
 *   @author Lorenz Meier <>

#include <inttypes.h>
#include <iostream>

#include <QDebug>
#include <QTime>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QStandardPaths>
#include <QtEndian>
#include <QMetaType>

#include "MAVLinkProtocol.h"
#include "UASInterface.h"
#include "UASInterface.h"
#include "UAS.h"
#include "LinkManager.h"
#include "QGCMAVLink.h"
#include "QGC.h"
#include "QGCApplication.h"
#include "QGCLoggingCategory.h"
#include "MultiVehicleManager.h"


QGC_LOGGING_CATEGORY(MAVLinkProtocolLog, "MAVLinkProtocolLog")

#ifndef __mobile__
const char* MAVLinkProtocol::_tempLogFileTemplate = "FlightDataXXXXXX"; ///< Template for temporary log file
const char* MAVLinkProtocol::_logFileExtension = "mavlink";             ///< Extension for log files

 * The default constructor will create a new MAVLink object sending heartbeats at
 * the MAVLINK_HEARTBEAT_DEFAULT_RATE to all connected links.
MAVLinkProtocol::MAVLinkProtocol(QGCApplication* app)
    : QGCTool(app)
    , m_enable_version_check(true)
    , versionMismatchIgnore(false)
    , systemId(255)
#ifndef __mobile__
    , _logSuspendError(false)
    , _logSuspendReplay(false)
    , _vehicleWasArmed(false)
    , _tempLogFile(QString("%2.%3").arg(_tempLogFileTemplate).arg(_logFileExtension))
    , _linkMgr(NULL)
    , _multiVehicleManager(NULL)
    memset(&totalReceiveCounter, 0, sizeof(totalReceiveCounter));
    memset(&totalLossCounter, 0, sizeof(totalLossCounter));
    memset(&totalErrorCounter, 0, sizeof(totalErrorCounter));
    memset(&currReceiveCounter, 0, sizeof(currReceiveCounter));
    memset(&currLossCounter, 0, sizeof(currLossCounter));


#ifndef __mobile__

void MAVLinkProtocol::setToolbox(QGCToolbox *toolbox)

   _linkMgr =               _toolbox->linkManager();
   _multiVehicleManager =   _toolbox->multiVehicleManager();



   // All the *Counter variables are not initialized here, as they should be initialized
   // on a per-link basis before those links are used. @see resetMetadataForLink().

   // Initialize the list for tracking dropped messages to invalid.
   for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
       for (int j = 0; j < 256; j++)
           lastIndex[i][j] = -1;

   connect(this, &MAVLinkProtocol::protocolStatusMessage, _app, &QGCApplication::criticalMessageBoxOnMainThread);
#ifndef __mobile__
   connect(this, &MAVLinkProtocol::saveTempFlightDataLog, _app, &QGCApplication::saveTempFlightDataLogOnMainThread);

   connect(_multiVehicleManager->vehicles(), &QmlObjectListModel::countChanged, this, &MAVLinkProtocol::_vehicleCountChanged);

   emit versionCheckChanged(m_enable_version_check);

void MAVLinkProtocol::loadSettings()
    // Load defaults from settings
    QSettings settings;
    enableVersionCheck(settings.value("VERSION_CHECK_ENABLED", m_enable_version_check).toBool());

    // Only set system id if it was valid
    int temp = settings.value("GCS_SYSTEM_ID", systemId).toInt();
    if (temp > 0 && temp < 256)
        systemId = temp;

void MAVLinkProtocol::storeSettings()
    // Store settings
    QSettings settings;
    settings.setValue("VERSION_CHECK_ENABLED", m_enable_version_check);
    settings.setValue("GCS_SYSTEM_ID", systemId);
    // Parameter interface settings

void MAVLinkProtocol::resetMetadataForLink(const LinkInterface *link)
    int channel = link->mavlinkChannel();
    totalReceiveCounter[channel] = 0;
    totalLossCounter[channel] = 0;
    totalErrorCounter[channel] = 0;
    currReceiveCounter[channel] = 0;
    currLossCounter[channel] = 0;

 * This method parses all incoming bytes and constructs a MAVLink packet.
 * It can handle multiple links in parallel, as each link has it's own buffer/
 * parsing state machine.
 * @param link The interface to read from
 * @see LinkInterface
void MAVLinkProtocol::receiveBytes(LinkInterface* link, QByteArray b)
    // Since receiveBytes signals cross threads we can end up with signals in the queue
    // that come through after the link is disconnected. For these we just drop the data
    // since the link is closed.
    if (!_linkMgr->containsLink(link)) {

//    receiveMutex.lock();
    mavlink_message_t message;
    mavlink_status_t status;

    int mavlinkChannel = link->mavlinkChannel();

    static int nonmavlinkCount = 0;
    static bool checkedUserNonMavlink = false;
    static bool warnedUserNonMavlink = false;

    for (int position = 0; position < b.size(); position++) {
        unsigned int decodeState = mavlink_parse_char(mavlinkChannel, (uint8_t)(b[position]), &message, &status);

        if (decodeState == 0 && !link->decodedFirstMavlinkPacket())
            if (nonmavlinkCount > 2000 && !warnedUserNonMavlink)
                //2000 bytes with no mavlink message. Are we connected to a mavlink capable device?
                if (!checkedUserNonMavlink)
                    checkedUserNonMavlink = true;
                    warnedUserNonMavlink = true;
                    emit protocolStatusMessage(tr("MAVLink Protocol"), tr("There is a MAVLink Version or Baud Rate Mismatch. "
                                                                          "Please check if the baud rates of QGroundControl and your autopilot are the same."));
        if (decodeState == 1)
            if (!link->decodedFirstMavlinkPacket()) {
                mavlink_status_t* mavlinkStatus = mavlink_get_channel_status(mavlinkChannel);
                if (!(mavlinkStatus->flags & MAVLINK_STATUS_FLAG_IN_MAVLINK1) && (mavlinkStatus->flags & MAVLINK_STATUS_FLAG_OUT_MAVLINK1)) {
                    qDebug() << "Switching outbound to mavlink 2.0 due to incoming mavlink 2.0 packet:" << mavlinkStatus << mavlinkChannel << mavlinkStatus->flags;
                    mavlinkStatus->flags &= ~MAVLINK_STATUS_FLAG_OUT_MAVLINK1;

            if(message.msgid == MAVLINK_MSG_ID_RADIO_STATUS)
                // process telemetry status message
                mavlink_radio_status_t rstatus;
                mavlink_msg_radio_status_decode(&message, &rstatus);
                int rssi = rstatus.rssi,
                    remrssi = rstatus.remrssi;
                // 3DR Si1k radio needs rssi fields to be converted to dBm
                if (message.sysid == '3' && message.compid == 'D') {
                    /* Per the Si1K datasheet figure 23.25 and SI AN474 code
                     * samples the relationship between the RSSI register
                     * and received power is as follows:
                     *                       10
                     * inputPower = rssi * ------ 127
                     *                       19
                     * Additionally limit to the only realistic range [-120,0] dBm
                    rssi    = qMin(qMax(qRound(static_cast<qreal>(rssi)    / 1.9 - 127.0), - 120), 0);
                    remrssi = qMin(qMax(qRound(static_cast<qreal>(remrssi) / 1.9 - 127.0), - 120), 0);
                } else {
                    rssi = (int8_t) rstatus.rssi;
                    remrssi = (int8_t) rstatus.remrssi;

                emit radioStatusChanged(link, rstatus.rxerrors, rstatus.fixed, rssi, remrssi,
                    rstatus.txbuf, rstatus.noise, rstatus.remnoise);

#ifndef __mobile__
            // Log data

            if (!_logSuspendError && !_logSuspendReplay && _tempLogFile.isOpen()) {
                uint8_t buf[MAVLINK_MAX_PACKET_LEN+sizeof(quint64)];

                // Write the uint64 time in microseconds in big endian format before the message.
                // This timestamp is saved in UTC time. We are only saving in ms precision because
                // getting more than this isn't possible with Qt without a ton of extra code.
                quint64 time = (quint64)QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() * 1000;
                qToBigEndian(time, buf);

                // Then write the message to the buffer
                int len = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buf + sizeof(quint64), &message);

                // Determine how many bytes were written by adding the timestamp size to the message size
                len += sizeof(quint64);

                // Now write this timestamp/message pair to the log.
                QByteArray b((const char*)buf, len);
                if(_tempLogFile.write(b) != len)
                    // If there's an error logging data, raise an alert and stop logging.
                    emit protocolStatusMessage(tr("MAVLink Protocol"), tr("MAVLink Logging failed. Could not write to file %1, logging disabled.").arg(_tempLogFile.fileName()));
                    _logSuspendError = true;

                // Check for the vehicle arming going by. This is used to trigger log save.
                if (!_vehicleWasArmed && message.msgid == MAVLINK_MSG_ID_HEARTBEAT) {
                    mavlink_heartbeat_t state;
                    mavlink_msg_heartbeat_decode(&message, &state);
                    if (state.base_mode & MAV_MODE_FLAG_DECODE_POSITION_SAFETY) {
                        _vehicleWasArmed = true;

            if (message.msgid == MAVLINK_MSG_ID_HEARTBEAT) {
#ifndef __mobile__
                // Start loggin on first heartbeat

                mavlink_heartbeat_t heartbeat;
                mavlink_msg_heartbeat_decode(&message, &heartbeat);
                emit vehicleHeartbeatInfo(link, message.sysid, heartbeat.mavlink_version, heartbeat.autopilot, heartbeat.type);

            // Increase receive counter

            // Determine what the next expected sequence number is, accounting for
            // never having seen a message for this system/component pair.
            int lastSeq = lastIndex[message.sysid][message.compid];
            int expectedSeq = (lastSeq == -1) ? message.seq : (lastSeq + 1);

            // And if we didn't encounter that sequence number, record the error
            if (message.seq != expectedSeq)

                // Determine how many messages were skipped
                int lostMessages = message.seq - expectedSeq;

                // Out of order messages or wraparound can cause this, but we just ignore these conditions for simplicity
                if (lostMessages < 0)
                    lostMessages = 0;

                // And log how many were lost for all time and just this timestep
                totalLossCounter[mavlinkChannel] += lostMessages;
                currLossCounter[mavlinkChannel] += lostMessages;

            // And update the last sequence number for this system/component pair
            lastIndex[message.sysid][message.compid] = expectedSeq;

            // Update on every 32th packet
            if ((totalReceiveCounter[mavlinkChannel] & 0x1F) == 0)
                // Calculate new loss ratio
                // Receive loss
                float receiveLossPercent = (double)currLossCounter[mavlinkChannel]/(double)(currReceiveCounter[mavlinkChannel]+currLossCounter[mavlinkChannel]);
                receiveLossPercent *= 100.0f;
                currLossCounter[mavlinkChannel] = 0;
                currReceiveCounter[mavlinkChannel] = 0;
                emit receiveLossPercentChanged(message.sysid, receiveLossPercent);
                emit receiveLossTotalChanged(message.sysid, totalLossCounter[mavlinkChannel]);

            // The packet is emitted as a whole, as it is only 255 - 261 bytes short
            // kind of inefficient, but no issue for a groundstation pc.
            // It buys as reentrancy for the whole code over all threads
            emit messageReceived(link, message);

 * @return The name of this protocol
QString MAVLinkProtocol::getName()
    return QString(tr("MAVLink protocol"));

/** @return System id of this application */
int MAVLinkProtocol::getSystemId()
    return systemId;

void MAVLinkProtocol::setSystemId(int id)
    systemId = id;

/** @return Component id of this application */
int MAVLinkProtocol::getComponentId()
    return 0;

void MAVLinkProtocol::enableVersionCheck(bool enabled)
    m_enable_version_check = enabled;
    emit versionCheckChanged(enabled);

void MAVLinkProtocol::_vehicleCountChanged(int count)
#ifndef __mobile__
    if (count == 0) {
        // Last vehicle is gone, close out logging

#ifndef __mobile__
/// @brief Closes the log file if it is open
bool MAVLinkProtocol::_closeLogFile(void)
    if (_tempLogFile.isOpen()) {
        if (_tempLogFile.size() == 0) {
            // Don't save zero byte files
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;

    return false;

void MAVLinkProtocol::_startLogging(void)
    if (!_tempLogFile.isOpen()) {
        if (!_logSuspendReplay) {
            if (! {
                emit protocolStatusMessage(tr("MAVLink Protocol"), tr("Opening Flight Data file for writing failed. "
                                                                      "Unable to write to %1. Please choose a different file location.").arg(_tempLogFile.fileName()));
                _logSuspendError = true;

            qDebug() << "Temp log" << _tempLogFile.fileName();

            _logSuspendError = false;

void MAVLinkProtocol::_stopLogging(void)
    if (_closeLogFile()) {
        // If the signals are not connected it means we are running a unit test. In that case just delete log files
        if ((_vehicleWasArmed || _app->promptFlightDataSaveNotArmed()) && _app->promptFlightDataSave()) {
            emit saveTempFlightDataLog(_tempLogFile.fileName());
        } else {
    _vehicleWasArmed = false;

/// @brief Checks the temp directory for log files which may have been left there.
///         This could happen if QGC crashes without the temp log file being saved.
///         Give the user an option to save these orphaned files.
void MAVLinkProtocol::checkForLostLogFiles(void)
    QDir tempDir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::TempLocation));

    QString filter(QString("*.%1").arg(_logFileExtension));
    QFileInfoList fileInfoList = tempDir.entryInfoList(QStringList(filter), QDir::Files);
    qDebug() << "Orphaned log file count" << fileInfoList.count();

    foreach(const QFileInfo fileInfo, fileInfoList) {
        qDebug() << "Orphaned log file" << fileInfo.filePath();
        if (fileInfo.size() == 0) {
            // Delete all zero length files

        // Give the user a chance to save the orphaned log file
        emit protocolStatusMessage(tr("Found unsaved Flight Data"),
                                   tr("This can happen if QGroundControl crashes during Flight Data collection. "
                                      "If you want to save the unsaved Flight Data, select the file you want to save it to. "
                                      "If you do not want to keep the Flight Data, select 'Cancel' on the next dialog."));
        emit saveTempFlightDataLog(fileInfo.filePath());

void MAVLinkProtocol::suspendLogForReplay(bool suspend)
    _logSuspendReplay = suspend;

void MAVLinkProtocol::deleteTempLogFiles(void)
    QDir tempDir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::TempLocation));

    QString filter(QString("*.%1").arg(_logFileExtension));
    QFileInfoList fileInfoList = tempDir.entryInfoList(QStringList(filter), QDir::Files);

    foreach(const QFileInfo fileInfo, fileInfoList) {