Add-Type -TypeDefinition @'
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class NativeMethods
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint="MoveFileW", SetLastError=true,
CharSet=CharSet.Unicode, ExactSpelling=true,
public static extern bool MoveFile(string lpExistingFileName, string lpNewFileName);
Get-ChildItem ".\symbols" -recurse | ForEach-Object {[NativeMethods]::MoveFile($_.FullName,[io.path]::combine((Split-Path $_.FullName -Parent),$_.Name.ToLower()))}
Daniel Agar authored
* [WIP] deploy release and daily build pdbs to s3 * First pass at windows symbol generation for #2680 * Kill the conflicted compiler flag warning * Tweaks to windows compiler flags for release builds, more qt-ish release symbols and ltcg * Deploy tagged release symbols and CI builds to different S3 folders * Support LTCG on iOS * Just turn off ltcg for iOS if it is going to be such a pain