• Don Gagne's avatar
    Resource restructuring · d5146cd2
    Don Gagne authored
    - All resources are either under src or under resources dirs
    - Removed files top level directory
    - Move flightgear files to top level dir
qgroundcontrol-quadrotor.xml 5.5 KB
<?xml version="1.0"?>



    <name>time (sec)</name>

   <!-- Position -->


    <name>altitiude (m)</name>
    <factor>0.3048</factor>                  <!-- feet to meter -->

   <!-- Orientation -->

    <name>roll angle</name>
    <factor>0.01745329251994329576</factor>  <!-- degrees to radians -->

    <name>pitch angle (rad)</name>
    <factor>0.01745329251994329576</factor>  <!-- degrees to radians -->

    <name>yaw angle</name>
    <factor>0.01745329251994329576</factor>  <!-- degrees to radians -->

    <name>roll rate ("p" rad/sec)</name>

    <name>pitch rate ("q" rad/sec)</name>

    <name>yaw rate ("r" rad/sec)</name>

    <name>X accel (body axis) (mps)</name>
    <factor>0.3048</factor>  <!-- feet to meter -->

    <name>Y accel (body axis) (mps)</name>
    <factor>0.3048</factor>  <!-- feet to meter -->

    <name>Z accel (body axis) (mps)</name>
    <factor>0.3048</factor>  <!-- feet to meter -->

   <!-- Velocities -->

    <name>Velocity North ("vn" mps)</name>
    <factor>0.3048</factor>                  <!-- fps to mps -->

    <name>Velocity East ("ve" mps)</name>
    <factor>0.3048</factor>                  <!-- fps to mps -->

    <name>Velocity Down ("vd" mps)</name>
    <factor>0.3048</factor>                  <!-- fps to mps -->

     <factor>0.514444444444444</factor>      <!-- knots to mps -->

   <!-- Magnetometer -->
    <name>Magnetic Variation (rad)</name>
    <factor>0.01745329251994329576</factor>  <!-- degrees to radians -->

    <name>Magnetic Dip (rad)</name>
    <factor>0.01745329251994329576</factor>  <!-- degrees to radians -->

   <!-- Temperature -->
    <name>Temperature (deg C)</name>

   <!-- Pressure -->
    <name>Pressure (hPa)</name>
    <factor>33.86389</factor>                  <!-- inhg to hpa -->
   <!-- Altitude AGL -->
       <name>Altitude AGL (m)</name>
       <factor>0.3048</factor>  <!-- feet to meter -->



   <!-- Controls -->
     <!-- motors, in range 0.0 to 1.0 -->


