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 * (c) 2009-2020 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * in the root of the source code directory.

#include "KMLPlanDomDocument.h"
#include "QGCPalette.h"
#include "QGCApplication.h"
#include "MissionCommandTree.h"
#include "MissionCommandUIInfo.h"
#include "FactMetaData.h"
#include "ComplexMissionItem.h"
#include "QmlObjectListModel.h"

#include <QDomDocument>
#include <QStringList>

const char* KMLPlanDomDocument::_missionLineStyleName =     "MissionLineStyle";
const char* KMLPlanDomDocument::surveyPolygonStyleName =   "SurveyPolygonStyle";

    : KMLDomDocument(QStringLiteral("%1 Plan KML").arg(qgcApp()->applicationName()))

void KMLPlanDomDocument::_addFlightPath(Vehicle* vehicle, QList<MissionItem*> rgMissionItems)
    if (rgMissionItems.count() == 0) {

    QDomElement itemFolderElement = createElement("Folder");

    addTextElement(itemFolderElement, "name", "Items");

    QDomElement flightPathElement = createElement("Placemark");

    addTextElement(flightPathElement, "styleUrl",     QStringLiteral("#%1").arg(_missionLineStyleName));
    addTextElement(flightPathElement, "name",         "Flight Path");
    addTextElement(flightPathElement, "visibility",   "1");
    addLookAt(flightPathElement, rgMissionItems[0]->coordinate());

    // Build up the mission trajectory line coords
    QList<QGeoCoordinate> rgFlightCoords;
    QGeoCoordinate homeCoord = rgMissionItems[0]->coordinate();
    for (const MissionItem* item : rgMissionItems) {
        const MissionCommandUIInfo* uiInfo = qgcApp()->toolbox()->missionCommandTree()->getUIInfo(vehicle, QGCMAVLink::VehicleClassGeneric, item->command());
        if (uiInfo) {
            double altAdjustment = item->frame() == MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL ? 0 : homeCoord.altitude(); // Used to convert to amsl
            if (uiInfo->isTakeoffCommand() && !vehicle->fixedWing()) {
                // These takeoff items go straight up from home position to specified altitude
                QGeoCoordinate coord = homeCoord;
                coord.setAltitude(item->param7() + altAdjustment);
                rgFlightCoords += coord;
            if (uiInfo->specifiesCoordinate()) {
                QGeoCoordinate coord = item->coordinate();
                coord.setAltitude(coord.altitude() + altAdjustment); // convert to amsl

                if (!uiInfo->isStandaloneCoordinate()) {
                    // Flight path goes through this item
                    rgFlightCoords += coord;

                // Add a place mark for each WP

                QDomElement wpPlacemarkElement = createElement("Placemark");
                addTextElement(wpPlacemarkElement, "name",     QStringLiteral("%1 %2").arg(QString::number(item->sequenceNumber())).arg(item->command() == MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT ? "" : uiInfo->friendlyName()));
                addTextElement(wpPlacemarkElement, "styleUrl", QStringLiteral("#%1").arg(balloonStyleName));

                QDomElement wpPointElement = createElement("Point");
                addTextElement(wpPointElement, "altitudeMode", "absolute");
                addTextElement(wpPointElement, "coordinates",  kmlCoordString(coord));
                addTextElement(wpPointElement, "extrude",      "1");

                QDomElement descriptionElement = createElement("description");
                QString htmlString;
                htmlString += QStringLiteral("Index: %1\n").arg(item->sequenceNumber());
                htmlString += uiInfo->friendlyName() + "\n";
                htmlString += QStringLiteral("Alt AMSL: %1 %2\n").arg(QString::number(FactMetaData::metersToAppSettingsHorizontalDistanceUnits(coord.altitude()).toDouble(), 'f', 2)).arg(FactMetaData::appSettingsHorizontalDistanceUnitsString());
                htmlString += QStringLiteral("Alt Rel: %1 %2\n").arg(QString::number(FactMetaData::metersToAppSettingsHorizontalDistanceUnits(coord.altitude() - homeCoord.altitude()).toDouble(), 'f', 2)).arg(FactMetaData::appSettingsHorizontalDistanceUnitsString());
                htmlString += QStringLiteral("Lat: %1\n").arg(QString::number(coord.latitude(), 'f', 7));
                htmlString += QStringLiteral("Lon: %1\n").arg(QString::number(coord.longitude(), 'f', 7));
                QDomCDATASection cdataSection = createCDATASection(htmlString);


    // Create a LineString element from the coords

    QDomElement lineStringElement = createElement("LineString");

    addTextElement(lineStringElement, "extruder",      "1");
    addTextElement(lineStringElement, "tessellate",    "1");
    addTextElement(lineStringElement, "altitudeMode",  "absolute");

    QString coordString;
    for (const QGeoCoordinate& coord : rgFlightCoords) {
        coordString += QStringLiteral("%1\n").arg(kmlCoordString(coord));
    addTextElement(lineStringElement, "coordinates", coordString);

void KMLPlanDomDocument::_addComplexItems(QmlObjectListModel* visualItems)
    for (int i=0; i<visualItems->count(); i++) {
        ComplexMissionItem* complexItem = visualItems->value<ComplexMissionItem*>(i);
        if (complexItem) {

void KMLPlanDomDocument::addMission(Vehicle* vehicle, QmlObjectListModel* visualItems, QList<MissionItem*> rgMissionItems)
    _addFlightPath(vehicle, rgMissionItems);

void KMLPlanDomDocument::_addStyles(void)
    QGCPalette palette;

    QDomElement styleElement1 = createElement("Style");
    styleElement1.setAttribute("id", _missionLineStyleName);
    QDomElement lineStyleElement = createElement("LineStyle");
    addTextElement(lineStyleElement, "color", kmlColorString(palette.mapMissionTrajectory()));
    addTextElement(lineStyleElement, "width", "4");

    QString kmlSurveyColorString = kmlColorString(palette.surveyPolygonInterior(), 0.5 /* opacity */);
    QDomElement styleElement2 = createElement("Style");
    styleElement2.setAttribute("id", surveyPolygonStyleName);
    QDomElement polygonStyleElement = createElement("PolyStyle");
    addTextElement(polygonStyleElement, "color", kmlSurveyColorString);
    QDomElement polygonLineStyleElement = createElement("LineStyle");
    addTextElement(polygonLineStyleElement, "color", kmlSurveyColorString);
