GenericMessages.h 12.2 KB
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#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

#include "boost/type_traits/remove_cv_ref.hpp"
#include "ros_bridge/include/MessageBaseClass.h"

namespace ROSBridge {
//!@brief Namespace containing ROS message generics.
namespace GenericMessages {
//!@brief Namespace containing ROS std_msgs generics.

typedef std::ostream OStream;
namespace StdMsgs {

//! @brief C++ representation of std_msgs/Time
class Time{
    Time(): _secs(0), _nsecs(0) {}
    Time(uint32_t secs, uint32_t nsecs): _secs(secs), _nsecs(nsecs) {}
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    Time(const Time &time): _secs(time.secs()), _nsecs(time.nSecs()) {}
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

    uint32_t secs()  const {return _secs;}
    uint32_t nSecs() const {return _nsecs;}

    void setSecs(uint32_t secs)     {_secs = secs;}
    void setNSecs(uint32_t nsecs)   {_nsecs = nsecs;}

    uint32_t _secs;
    uint32_t _nsecs;

//! @brief C++ representation of std_msgs/Header
class Header{
    Header() : _seq(0), _stamp(Time()), _frameId("") {}
    Header(uint32_t seq, const Time &stamp, const std::string &frame_id) :
      , _stamp(stamp)
      , _frameId(frame_id) {}

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44 45 46 47
    Header(const Header &header) :
      , _stamp(header.stamp())
      , _frameId(header.frameId()) {}

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49 50 51 52 53 54
    uint32_t            seq()       const {return _seq;}
    const Time   &stamp()     const {return _stamp;}
    const std::string  &frameId()   const {return _frameId;}

    Time   &stamp()         {return _stamp;}
    std::string  &frameId()       {return _frameId;}
55 56

    void setSeq     (uint32_t seq)                  {_seq = seq;}
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    void setStamp   (const Time &stamp)             {_stamp = stamp;}
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138
    void setFrameId (const std::string  &frameId)   {_frameId = frameId;}
    uint32_t    _seq;
    Time        _stamp;
    std::string _frameId;
} //StdMsgs
//!@brief Namespace containing ROS geometry_msgs generics.
namespace GeometryMsgs {

// ==============================================================================
// class GenericPoint
// ==============================================================================

//! @brief C++ representation of a geometry_msgs/Point32
template<typename FloatType = _Float64>
class GenericPoint : public ROSBridge::MessageBaseClass {
    typedef ROSBridge::MessageGroups::Point32Group Group;
    GenericPoint() : ROSBridge::MessageBaseClass(){}
    GenericPoint(FloatType x, FloatType y, FloatType z) : ROSBridge::MessageBaseClass(), _x(x), _y(y), _z(z){}

    FloatType x() const {return _x;}
    FloatType y() const {return _y;}
    FloatType z() const {return _z;}

    void setX(FloatType x) {_x = x;}
    void setY(FloatType y) {_y = y;}
    void setZ(FloatType z) {_z = z;}

    bool operator==(const GenericPoint &p1) {
        return (p1._x == this->_x
                && p1._y == this->_y
                && p1._z == this->_z);

    bool operator!=(const GenericPoint &p1) {
        return !this->operator==(p1);

    friend OStream& operator<<(OStream& os, const GenericPoint& p)
        os << "x: " << p._x << " y: " << p._y<< " z: " << p._z;
        return os;

    GenericPoint *Clone() const override {return new GenericPoint(*this);}

    FloatType _x;
    FloatType _y;
    FloatType _z;

typedef GenericPoint<> Point;
typedef GenericPoint<_Float32> Point32;

// ==============================================================================
// class GenericPolygon
// ==============================================================================

//! @brief C++ representation of geometry_msgs/Polygon
template <class PointTypeCVR,
          template <class, class...> class ContainerType = std::vector>
class GenericPolygon : public ROSBridge::MessageBaseClass {
    typedef typename boost::remove_cv_ref_t<PointTypeCVR> PointType;
    typedef ROSBridge::MessageBaseClass Base;
    typedef ROSBridge::MessageGroups::PolygonGroup Group;
    GenericPolygon() : Base() {}
    GenericPolygon(const GenericPolygon &poly) : Base(), _points(poly.points()){}

    const ContainerType<PointType> &points() const {return _points;}
          ContainerType<PointType> &points()       {return _points;}

          GenericPolygon *Clone() const override { return new GenericPolygon(*this);}

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139 140 141 142 143
          GenericPolygon &operator=(const GenericPolygon &other) {
              this->_points = other._points;
              return *this;

144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163
    ContainerType<PointType> _points;

typedef GenericPolygon<Point> Polygon;

// ==============================================================================
// class GenericPolygonStamped
// ==============================================================================
using namespace ROSBridge::GenericMessages::StdMsgs;

//! @brief C++ representation of geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped
template <class PolygonType  = Polygon,
          class HeaderType = Header>
class GenericPolygonStamped : public ROSBridge::MessageBaseClass{
    typedef PolygonType Polygon;
    typedef ROSBridge::MessageBaseClass Base;
    typedef ROSBridge::MessageGroups::PolygonStampedGroup Group;
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    GenericPolygonStamped() : Base() {}
165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213
    GenericPolygonStamped(const GenericPolygonStamped &other) :
      , _header(other.header())
      , _polygon(other.polygon())
    GenericPolygonStamped(const HeaderType &header, Polygon &polygon) :
      , _header(header)
      , _polygon(polygon)

    const HeaderType  &header()  const   {return _header;}
    const Polygon     &polygon() const   {return _polygon;}

    HeaderType  &header()  {return _header;}
    Polygon     &polygon() {return _polygon;}

    GenericPolygonStamped *Clone() const override {return new GenericPolygonStamped(*this);}

    HeaderType   _header;
    Polygon      _polygon;

typedef GenericPolygonStamped<> PolygonStamped;

} // namespace GeometryMsgs
//!@brief Namespace containing ROS geographic_msgs generics.
namespace GeographicMsgs {

// ==============================================================================
// class GenericGeoPoint
// ==============================================================================

//! @brief C++ representation of geographic_msgs/GeoPoint.
class GeoPoint : public ROSBridge::MessageBaseClass{
    typedef ROSBridge::MessageBaseClass Base;
    typedef ROSBridge::MessageGroups::GeoPointGroup Group;
        : Base()
        , _latitude(0)
        , _longitude(0)
        , _altitude(0)
    GeoPoint(const GeoPoint &other)
        : Base()
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        ,  _latitude(other.latitude())
215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223
        , _longitude(other.longitude())
        , _altitude(other.altitude())
    GeoPoint(_Float64 latitude, _Float64 longitude, _Float64 altitude)
        : Base()
        , _latitude(latitude)
        , _longitude(longitude)
        , _altitude(altitude)
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    ~GeoPoint() override {}
225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236

    _Float64 latitude()     const {return _latitude;}
    _Float64 longitude()    const {return _longitude;}
    _Float64 altitude()     const {return _altitude;}

    void setLatitude    (_Float64 latitude)    {_latitude  = latitude;}
    void setLongitude   (_Float64 longitude)   {_longitude = longitude;}
    void setAltitude    (_Float64 altitude)    {_altitude  = altitude;}

    GeoPoint *Clone() const override {return new GeoPoint(*this);}

    bool operator==(const GeoPoint &p1) {
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        return (   p1._latitude == this->_latitude
238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327
                && p1._longitude == this->_longitude
                && p1._altitude == this->_altitude);

    bool operator!=(const GeoPoint &p1) {
        return !this->operator==(p1);

    friend OStream& operator<<(OStream& os, const GeoPoint& p)
        os << "lat: " << p._latitude << " lon: " << p._longitude<< " alt: " << p._altitude;
        return os;

    _Float64 _latitude;
    _Float64 _longitude;
    _Float64 _altitude;

} // namespace GeographicMsgs
//!@brief Namespace containing ROS jsk_recognition_msgs generics.
namespace JSKRecognitionMsgs {
using namespace ROSBridge::GenericMessages::StdMsgs;
using namespace ROSBridge::GenericMessages::GeometryMsgs;

// ==============================================================================
// class GenericPolygonArray
// ==============================================================================

//! @brief C++ representation of jsk_recognition_msgs/PolygonArray
template <class PolygonType = Polygon,
          template <class, class...> class ContainerType = std::vector,
          class HeaderType =  Header,
          class IntType = long,
          class FloatType = double>
class GenericPolygonArray : ROSBridge::MessageBaseClass{
    typedef ROSBridge::MessageBaseClass Base;
    typedef ROSBridge::MessageGroups::PolygonArrayGroup Group;
    GenericPolygonArray() : Base() {}
    GenericPolygonArray(const GenericPolygonArray &other)
      : Base()
      , _header(other.header())
      , _polygons(other.polygons())
      , _labels(other.labels())
      , _likelihood(other.likelihood())
    GenericPolygonArray(const HeaderType                   &header,
                 const ContainerType<PolygonType>   &polygons,
                 const ContainerType<IntType>      &labels,
                 const ContainerType<FloatType>      &likelihood)
      : Base()
      , _header(header)
      , _polygons(polygons)
      , _labels(labels)
      , _likelihood(likelihood)

    const HeaderType                 &header()     const {return _header;}
          HeaderType                 &header()           {return _header;}
    const ContainerType<PolygonType> &polygons()   const {return _polygons;}
          ContainerType<PolygonType> &polygons()         {return _polygons;}
    const ContainerType<IntType>     &labels()     const {return _labels;}
          ContainerType<IntType>     &labels()           {return _labels;}
    const ContainerType<FloatType>   &likelyhood() const {return _likelihood;}
          ContainerType<FloatType>   &likelyhood()       {return _likelihood;}

          GenericPolygonArray *Clone() const override {return new GenericPolygonArray(*this);}

    HeaderType                  _header;
    ContainerType<PolygonType>  _polygons;
    ContainerType<IntType>     _labels;
    ContainerType<FloatType>     _likelihood;

typedef GenericPolygonArray<> PolygonArray;

} // namespace JSKRecognitionMsgs
//!@brief Namespace containing ROS nemo_msgs generics.
namespace NemoMsgs {

// ==============================================================================
// class GenericProgress
// ==============================================================================

//! @brief C++ representation of nemo_msgs/Progress message
template <class IntType = long, template <class, class...> class ContainterType = std::vector>
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class GenericProgress : public MessageBaseClass{
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    typedef MessageGroups::ProgressGroup Group;
331 332 333
    GenericProgress() : MessageBaseClass() {}
    GenericProgress(const ContainterType<IntType> &progress) : MessageBaseClass(), _progress(progress){}
    GenericProgress(const GenericProgress &p) :MessageBaseClass(), _progress(p.progress()){}
    ~GenericProgress() {}
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    virtual GenericProgress *Clone() const override { return new GenericProgress(*this); }

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    virtual const ContainterType<IntType> &progress(void) const {return _progress;}
    virtual       ContainterType<IntType> &progress(void)       {return _progress;}
341 342 343 344 345
    ContainterType<IntType> _progress;

typedef GenericProgress<> Progress;

346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355
// ==============================================================================
// class Heartbeat
// ==============================================================================

//! @brief C++ representation of nemo_msgs/Heartbeat message
class Heartbeat : public MessageBaseClass{
    typedef MessageGroups::HeartbeatGroup Group;
    Heartbeat(int status) :_status(status){}
    Heartbeat(const Heartbeat &heartbeat) : MessageBaseClass(), _status(heartbeat.status()){}
357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368
    ~Heartbeat() = default;

    virtual Heartbeat *Clone() const override { return new Heartbeat(*this); }

    virtual int     status      (void)const    {return _status;}
    virtual void    setStatus   (int status)    {_status = status;}
    int _status;

typedef GenericProgress<> Progress;

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} // namespace NemoMsgs
} // namespace GenericMessages
} // namespace ROSBridge