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     <!-- note that APM specific messages should use the command id
      range from 150 to 250, to leave plenty of room for growth
      of common.xml 

      If you prototype a message here, then you should consider if it
      is general enough to move into common.xml later
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72

	  <!-- Camera Mount mode Enumeration -->
	  <enum name="MAV_MOUNT_MODE">
	    <description>Enumeration of possible mount operation modes</description>
	    <entry name="MAV_MOUNT_MODE_RETRACT" value="0"><description>Load and keep safe position (Roll,Pitch,Yaw) from EEPROM and stop stabilization</description></entry>
	    <entry name="MAV_MOUNT_MODE_NEUTRAL" value="1"><description>Load and keep neutral position (Roll,Pitch,Yaw) from EEPROM.</description></entry>
	    <entry name="MAV_MOUNT_MODE_MAVLINK_TARGETING" value="2"><description>Load neutral position and start MAVLink Roll,Pitch,Yaw control with stabilization</description></entry>
	    <entry name="MAV_MOUNT_MODE_RC_TARGETING" value="3"><description>Load neutral position and start RC Roll,Pitch,Yaw control with stabilization</description></entry>
	    <entry name="MAV_MOUNT_MODE_GPS_POINT" value="4"><description>Load neutral position and start to point to Lat,Lon,Alt</description></entry>

	  <enum name="MAV_CMD" >
	    <!-- Camera Controller Mission Commands Enumeration -->
	    <entry name="MAV_CMD_DO_DIGICAM_CONFIGURE" value="202">
	      <description>Mission command to configure an on-board camera controller system.</description>
	      <param index="1">Modes: P, TV, AV, M, Etc</param>
	      <param index="2">Shutter speed: Divisor number for one second</param>
	      <param index="3">Aperture: F stop number</param>
	      <param index="4">ISO number e.g. 80, 100, 200, Etc</param>
	      <param index="5">Exposure type enumerator</param>
	      <param index="6">Command Identity</param>
	      <param index="7">Main engine cut-off time before camera trigger in seconds/10 (0 means no cut-off)</param>
	    <entry name="MAV_CMD_DO_DIGICAM_CONTROL" value="203">
	      <description>Mission command to control an on-board camera controller system.</description>
	      <param index="1">Session control e.g. show/hide lens</param>
	      <param index="2">Zoom's absolute position</param>
	      <param index="3">Zooming step value to offset zoom from the current position</param>
	      <param index="4">Focus Locking, Unlocking or Re-locking</param>
	      <param index="5">Shooting Command</param>
	      <param index="6">Command Identity</param>
	      <param index="7">Empty</param>
	    <!-- Camera Mount Mission Commands Enumeration -->
	    <entry name="MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE" value="204">
	      <description>Mission command to configure a camera or antenna mount</description>
	      <param index="1">Mount operation mode (see MAV_MOUNT_MODE enum)</param>
	      <param index="2">stabilize roll? (1 = yes, 0 = no)</param>
	      <param index="3">stabilize pitch? (1 = yes, 0 = no)</param>
	      <param index="4">stabilize yaw? (1 = yes, 0 = no)</param>
	      <param index="5">Empty</param>
	      <param index="6">Empty</param>
	      <param index="7">Empty</param>
	    <entry name="MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONTROL" value="205">
	      <description>Mission command to control a camera or antenna mount</description>
	      <param index="1">pitch(deg*100) or lat, depending on mount mode.</param>
	      <param index="2">roll(deg*100) or lon depending on mount mode</param>
	      <param index="3">yaw(deg*100) or alt (in cm) depending on mount mode</param>
	      <param index="4">Empty</param>
	      <param index="5">Empty</param>
	      <param index="6">Empty</param>
	      <param index="7">Empty</param>

73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
          <message id="150" name="SENSOR_OFFSETS">
               <description>Offsets and calibrations values for hardware
        sensors. This makes it easier to debug the calibration process.</description>
               <field type="int16_t" name="mag_ofs_x">magnetometer X offset</field>
               <field type="int16_t" name="mag_ofs_y">magnetometer Y offset</field>
               <field type="int16_t" name="mag_ofs_z">magnetometer Z offset</field>
               <field type="float" name="mag_declination">magnetic declination (radians)</field>
               <field type="int32_t" name="raw_press">raw pressure from barometer</field>
               <field type="int32_t" name="raw_temp">raw temperature from barometer</field>
               <field type="float" name="gyro_cal_x">gyro X calibration</field>
               <field type="float" name="gyro_cal_y">gyro Y calibration</field>
               <field type="float" name="gyro_cal_z">gyro Z calibration</field>
               <field type="float" name="accel_cal_x">accel X calibration</field>
               <field type="float" name="accel_cal_y">accel Y calibration</field>
               <field type="float" name="accel_cal_z">accel Z calibration</field>

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98
          <message id="151" name="SET_MAG_OFFSETS">
               <description>set the magnetometer offsets</description>
               <field type="uint8_t" name="target_system">System ID</field>
               <field type="uint8_t" name="target_component">Component ID</field>
               <field type="int16_t" name="mag_ofs_x">magnetometer X offset</field>
               <field type="int16_t" name="mag_ofs_y">magnetometer Y offset</field>
               <field type="int16_t" name="mag_ofs_z">magnetometer Z offset</field>
99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175

          <message id="152" name="MEMINFO">
               <description>state of APM memory</description>
               <field type="uint16_t" name="brkval">heap top</field>
               <field type="uint16_t" name="freemem">free memory</field>

          <message id="153" name="AP_ADC">
               <description>raw ADC output</description>
               <field type="uint16_t" name="adc1">ADC output 1</field>
               <field type="uint16_t" name="adc2">ADC output 2</field>
               <field type="uint16_t" name="adc3">ADC output 3</field>
               <field type="uint16_t" name="adc4">ADC output 4</field>
               <field type="uint16_t" name="adc5">ADC output 5</field>
               <field type="uint16_t" name="adc6">ADC output 6</field>

	  <!-- Camera Controller Messages -->
	  <message name="DIGICAM_CONFIGURE" id="154">
	    <description>Configure on-board Camera Control System.</description>
	    <field name="target_system" type="uint8_t">System ID</field>      
	    <field name="target_component" type="uint8_t">Component ID</field>
	    <field name="mode" type="uint8_t">Mode enumeration from 1 to N //P, TV, AV, M, Etc (0 means ignore)</field>
	    <field name="shutter_speed" type="uint16_t">Divisor number //e.g. 1000 means 1/1000 (0 means ignore)</field>
	    <field name="aperture" type="uint8_t">F stop number x 10 //e.g. 28 means 2.8 (0 means ignore)</field>
	    <field name="iso" type="uint8_t">ISO enumeration from 1 to N //e.g. 80, 100, 200, Etc (0 means ignore)</field>
	    <field name="exposure_type" type="uint8_t">Exposure type enumeration from 1 to N (0 means ignore)</field>
	    <field name="command_id" type="uint8_t">Command Identity (incremental loop: 0 to 255)//A command sent multiple times will be executed or pooled just once</field>
 	    <field name="engine_cut_off" type="uint8_t">Main engine cut-off time before camera trigger in seconds/10 (0 means no cut-off)</field>
	    <field name="extra_param" type="uint8_t">Extra parameters enumeration (0 means ignore)</field>
	    <field name="extra_value" type="float">Correspondent value to given extra_param</field>

	  <message name="DIGICAM_CONTROL" id="155">
	    <description>Control on-board Camera Control System to take shots.</description>
	    <field name="target_system" type="uint8_t">System ID</field>
	    <field name="target_component" type="uint8_t">Component ID</field>
	    <field name="session" type="uint8_t">0: stop, 1: start or keep it up //Session control e.g. show/hide lens</field>
	    <field name="zoom_pos" type="uint8_t">1 to N //Zoom's absolute position (0 means ignore)</field>
	    <field name="zoom_step" type="int8_t">-100 to 100 //Zooming step value to offset zoom from the current position</field>
	    <field name="focus_lock" type="uint8_t">0: unlock focus or keep unlocked, 1: lock focus or keep locked, 3: re-lock focus</field>
	    <field name="shot" type="uint8_t">0: ignore, 1: shot or start filming</field>
	    <field name="command_id" type="uint8_t">Command Identity (incremental loop: 0 to 255)//A command sent multiple times will be executed or pooled just once</field>
	    <field name="extra_param" type="uint8">Extra parameters enumeration (0 means ignore)</field>
	    <field name="extra_value" type="float">Correspondent value to given extra_param</field>

	  <!-- Camera Mount Messages -->
	  <message name="MOUNT_CONFIGURE" id="156">
	    <description>Message to configure a camera mount, directional antenna, etc.</description>
	    <field name="target_system" type="uint8_t">System ID</field>
	    <field name="target_component" type="uint8_t">Component ID</field>
	    <field name="mount_mode" type="uint8_t">mount operating mode (see MAV_MOUNT_MODE enum)</field>
	    <field name="stab_roll" type="uint8_t">(1 = yes, 0 = no)</field>
	    <field name="stab_pitch" type="uint8_t">(1 = yes, 0 = no)</field>
	    <field name="stab_yaw" type="uint8_t">(1 = yes, 0 = no)</field>
	  <message name="MOUNT_CONTROL" id="157">
	    <description>Message to control a camera mount, directional antenna, etc.</description>
	    <field name="target_system" type="uint8_t">System ID</field>
	    <field name="target_component" type="uint8_t">Component ID</field>
	    <field name="input_a" type="int32_t">pitch(deg*100) or lat, depending on mount mode</field>
	    <field name="input_b" type="int32_t">roll(deg*100) or lon depending on mount mode</field>
	    <field name="input_c" type="int32_t">yaw(deg*100) or alt (in cm) depending on mount mode</field>
	    <field name="save_position" type="uint8_t">if "1" it will save current trimmed position on EEPROM (just valid for NEUTRAL and LANDING)</field>

	  <message name="MOUNT_STATUS" id="158">
	    <description>Message with some status from APM to GCS about camera or antenna mount</description>
	    <field name="target_system" type="uint8_t">System ID</field>
	    <field name="target_component" type="uint8_t">Component ID</field>
	    <field name="pointing_a" type="int32_t">pitch(deg*100) or lat, depending on mount mode</field>
	    <field name="pointing_b" type="int32_t">roll(deg*100) or lon depending on mount mode</field>
	    <field name="pointing_c" type="int32_t">yaw(deg*100) or alt (in cm) depending on mount mode</field>

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