QGCFileDownload.cc 3.85 KB
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#include "QGCFileDownload.h"

#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QStandardPaths>

QGCFileDownload::QGCFileDownload(QObject* parent)
    : QNetworkAccessManager(parent)


bool QGCFileDownload::download(const QString& remoteFile)
    if (remoteFile.isEmpty()) {
        qWarning() << "downloadFile empty";
        return false;
    // Split out filename from path
    QString remoteFileName = QFileInfo(remoteFile).fileName();
    if (remoteFileName.isEmpty()) {
        qWarning() << "Unabled to parse filename from downloadFile" << remoteFile;
        return false;

    // Determine location to download file to
    QString localFile = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::TempLocation);
    if (localFile.isEmpty()) {
        localFile = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DownloadLocation);
        if (localFile.isEmpty()) {
            qDebug() << "Unabled to find writable download location. Tried downloads and temp directory.";
            return false;
    localFile += "/"  + remoteFileName;

    QUrl remoteUrl;
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    if (remoteFile.startsWith("http:") || remoteFile.startsWith("https:")) {
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    } else {
        remoteUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(remoteFile);
    if (!remoteUrl.isValid()) {
        qWarning() << "Remote URL is invalid" << remoteFile;
        return false;
    QNetworkRequest networkRequest(remoteUrl);
    // Store local file location in user attribute so we can retrieve when the download finishes
    networkRequest.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::User, localFile);
    QNetworkReply* networkReply = get(networkRequest);
    if (!networkReply) {
        qWarning() << "QNetworkAccessManager::get failed";
        return false;

    connect(networkReply, &QNetworkReply::downloadProgress, this, &QGCFileDownload::downloadProgress);
    connect(networkReply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &QGCFileDownload::_downloadFinished);
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    connect(networkReply, static_cast<void (QNetworkReply::*)(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)>(&QNetworkReply::error),
            this, &QGCFileDownload::_downloadError);
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    return true;

void QGCFileDownload::_downloadFinished(void)
    QNetworkReply* reply = qobject_cast<QNetworkReply*>(QObject::sender());
    // When an error occurs or the user cancels the download, we still end up here. So bail out in
    // those cases.
    if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) {
    // Download file location is in user attribute
    QString downloadFilename = reply->request().attribute(QNetworkRequest::User).toString();
    // Store downloaded file in download location
    QFile file(downloadFilename);
    if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
        emit error(QString("Could not save downloaded file to %1. Error: %2").arg(downloadFilename).arg(file.errorString()));

    emit downloadFinished(reply->url().toString(), downloadFilename);

/// @brief Called when an error occurs during download
void QGCFileDownload::_downloadError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError code)
    QString errorMsg;
    if (code == QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError) {
        errorMsg = "Download cancelled";
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    } else if (code == QNetworkReply::ContentNotFoundError) {
        errorMsg = "Error: File Not Found";

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    } else {
        errorMsg = QString("Error during download. Error: %1").arg(code);

    emit error(errorMsg);