qwt_scale_div.h 2.54 KB
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/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- *****************************
 * Qwt Widget Library
 * Copyright (C) 1997   Josef Wilgen
 * Copyright (C) 2002   Uwe Rathmann
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0


#include "qwt_global.h"
#include "qwt_valuelist.h"
#include "qwt_double_interval.h"

class QwtDoubleInterval;

  \brief A class representing a scale division

  A scale division consists of its limits and 3 list
  of tick values qualified as major, medium and minor ticks.

  In most cases scale divisions are calculated by a QwtScaleEngine.

  \sa QwtScaleEngine::subDivideInto, QwtScaleEngine::subDivide

class QWT_EXPORT QwtScaleDiv
    enum TickType
        NoTick = -1,



    explicit QwtScaleDiv();
    explicit QwtScaleDiv(const QwtDoubleInterval &,
    explicit QwtScaleDiv(double lBound, double rBound,

    int operator==(const QwtScaleDiv &s) const;
    int operator!=(const QwtScaleDiv &s) const;
    void setInterval(double lBound, double rBound);
    void setInterval(const QwtDoubleInterval &);
    QwtDoubleInterval interval() const;

    inline double lBound() const;
    inline double hBound() const;
    inline double range() const;

    bool contains(double v) const;

    void setTicks(int type, const QwtValueList &);
    const QwtValueList &ticks(int type) const;

    void invalidate();
    bool isValid() const;
    void invert();

    double d_lBound;
    double d_hBound;
    QwtValueList d_ticks[NTickTypes];

    bool d_isValid;

   Change the interval
   \lBound left bound
   \rBound right bound
inline void QwtScaleDiv::setInterval(double lBound, double hBound)
    d_lBound = lBound;
    d_hBound = hBound;

  \return lBound -> hBound
inline QwtDoubleInterval QwtScaleDiv::interval() const
    return QwtDoubleInterval(d_lBound, d_hBound);

  \return left bound
  \sa QwtScaleDiv::hBound
inline double QwtScaleDiv::lBound() const 
    return d_lBound;

  \return right bound
  \sa QwtScaleDiv::lBound
inline double QwtScaleDiv::hBound() const 
    return d_hBound;

  \return hBound() - lBound()
inline double QwtScaleDiv::range() const 
    return d_hBound - d_lBound;