AirMapSharedState.h 2.48 KB
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 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * in the root of the source code directory.

#pragma once

#include <QObject>
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#include <QQueue>

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#include "AirspaceManager.h"

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#include <airmap/qt/client.h>

 * @class AirMapSharedState
 * Contains state & settings that need to be shared (such as login)

class AirMapSharedState : public QObject
    struct Settings {
        QString apiKey;
        // login credentials
        QString clientID;
        QString userName; ///< use anonymous login if empty
        QString password;

    void                setSettings         (const Settings& settings);
    const Settings&     settings            () const { return _settings; }
    void                setClient           (airmap::qt::Client* client) { _client = client; }

     * Get the current client instance. It can be NULL. If not NULL, it implies
     * there's an API key set.
    airmap::qt::Client* client              () const { return _client; }
    bool                hasAPIKey           () const { return _settings.apiKey != ""; }
    bool                isLoggedIn          () const { return _loginToken != ""; }

    using Callback = std::function<void(const QString& /* login_token */)>;

     * Do a request that requires user login: if not yet logged in, the request is queued and
     * processed after successful login, otherwise it's executed directly.
    void                doRequestWithLogin  (const Callback& callback);
    void                login               ();
    void                logout              ();
    const QString&      loginToken          () const { return _loginToken; }

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    void    error       (const QString& what, const QString& airmapdMessage, const QString& airmapdDetails);
    void    authStatus  (AirspaceManager::AuthStatus status);
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    void _processPendingRequests            ();

    bool                _isLoginInProgress = false;
    QString             _loginToken;        ///< login token: empty when not logged in
    airmap::qt::Client* _client = nullptr;
    Settings            _settings;
    QQueue<Callback>    _pendingRequests;   ///< pending requests that are processed after a successful login