QGCPendingParamWidget.cc 980 Bytes
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#include "QGCPendingParamWidget.h"

#include "UASManager.h"
#include "UASParameterCommsMgr.h"

QGCPendingParamWidget::QGCPendingParamWidget(QObject *parent) :

void QGCPendingParamWidget::init()
    //we override a lot of the super's init methods

    //don't request update params here...assume that everything we need is in the data model

void QGCPendingParamWidget::connectSignalsAndSlots()
    // Listing for pending list update
    connect(paramDataModel, SIGNAL(pendingParamUpdate(int , const QString&, QVariant , bool )),
            this, SLOT(handlePendingParamUpdate(int , const QString& ,  QVariant, bool )));

    // Listen to communications status messages so we can display them
    connect(paramCommsMgr, SIGNAL(parameterStatusMsgUpdated(QString,int)),
            this, SLOT(handleParamStatusMsgUpdate(QString , int )));