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// Copyright 2010-2018 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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// Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows, fixed stop times and
// capacitated resources. A stop is defined as consecutive nodes at the same
// location.
// This is an extension to the model in so refer to that file for
// more information on the common part of the model. The model implemented here
// limits the number of vehicles which can simultaneously leave or enter a node
// to one.

#include <vector>

#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "examples/cpp/cvrptw_lib.h"
#include "google/protobuf/text_format.h"
#include "ortools/base/commandlineflags.h"
#include "ortools/base/integral_types.h"
#include "ortools/base/logging.h"
#include "ortools/base/random.h"
#include "ortools/constraint_solver/routing.h"
#include "ortools/constraint_solver/routing_index_manager.h"
#include "ortools/constraint_solver/routing_parameters.h"
#include "ortools/constraint_solver/routing_parameters.pb.h"

using operations_research::ACMRandom;
using operations_research::Assignment;
using operations_research::DefaultRoutingSearchParameters;
using operations_research::GetSeed;
using operations_research::IntervalVar;
using operations_research::IntVar;
using operations_research::LocationContainer;
using operations_research::RandomDemand;
using operations_research::RoutingDimension;
using operations_research::RoutingIndexManager;
using operations_research::RoutingModel;
using operations_research::RoutingNodeIndex;
using operations_research::RoutingSearchParameters;
using operations_research::Solver;
using operations_research::StopServiceTimePlusTransition;

DEFINE_int32(vrp_stops, 25, "Stop locations in the problem.");
DEFINE_int32(vrp_orders_per_stop, 5, "Nodes for each stop.");
DEFINE_int32(vrp_vehicles, 20, "Size of Traveling Salesman Problem instance.");
DEFINE_bool(vrp_use_deterministic_random_seed, false,
            "Use deterministic random seeds.");
DEFINE_string(routing_search_parameters, "",
              "Text proto RoutingSearchParameters (possibly partial) that will "
              "override the DefaultRoutingSearchParameters()");

const char* kTime = "Time";
const char* kCapacity = "Capacity";

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
  CHECK_LT(0, FLAGS_vrp_stops) << "Specify an instance size greater than 0.";
  CHECK_LT(0, FLAGS_vrp_orders_per_stop)
      << "Specify an instance size greater than 0.";
  CHECK_LT(0, FLAGS_vrp_vehicles) << "Specify a non-null vehicle fleet size.";
  const int vrp_orders = FLAGS_vrp_stops * FLAGS_vrp_orders_per_stop;
  // Nodes are indexed from 0 to vrp_orders, the starts and ends of the routes
  // are at node 0.
  const RoutingIndexManager::NodeIndex kDepot(0);
  RoutingIndexManager manager(vrp_orders + 1, FLAGS_vrp_vehicles, kDepot);
  RoutingModel routing(manager);

  // Setting up locations.
  const int64 kXMax = 100000;
  const int64 kYMax = 100000;
  const int64 kSpeed = 10;
  LocationContainer locations(kSpeed, FLAGS_vrp_use_deterministic_random_seed);
  for (int stop = 0; stop <= FLAGS_vrp_stops; ++stop) {
    const int num_orders = stop == 0 ? 1 : FLAGS_vrp_orders_per_stop;
    locations.AddRandomLocation(kXMax, kYMax, num_orders);

  // Setting the cost function.
  const int vehicle_cost =
      routing.RegisterTransitCallback([&locations, &manager](int64 i, int64 j) {
        return locations.ManhattanDistance(manager.IndexToNode(i),

  // Adding capacity dimension constraints.
  const int64 kVehicleCapacity = 40;
  const int64 kNullCapacitySlack = 0;
  RandomDemand demand(manager.num_nodes(), kDepot,
      routing.RegisterTransitCallback([&demand, &manager](int64 i, int64 j) {
        return demand.Demand(manager.IndexToNode(i), manager.IndexToNode(j));
      kNullCapacitySlack, kVehicleCapacity,
      /*fix_start_cumul_to_zero=*/true, kCapacity);

  // Adding time dimension constraints.
  const int64 kStopTime = 300;
  const int64 kHorizon = 24 * 3600;
  StopServiceTimePlusTransition time(
      kStopTime, locations,
      [&locations](RoutingNodeIndex i, RoutingNodeIndex j) {
        return locations.ManhattanTime(i, j);
      routing.RegisterTransitCallback([&time, &manager](int64 i, int64 j) {
        return time.Compute(manager.IndexToNode(i), manager.IndexToNode(j));
      kHorizon, kHorizon, /*fix_start_cumul_to_zero=*/false, kTime);
  const RoutingDimension& time_dimension = routing.GetDimensionOrDie(kTime);

  // Adding time windows, for the sake of simplicty same for each stop.
  ACMRandom randomizer(GetSeed(FLAGS_vrp_use_deterministic_random_seed));
  const int64 kTWDuration = 5 * 3600;
  for (int stop = 0; stop < FLAGS_vrp_stops; ++stop) {
    const int64 start = randomizer.Uniform(kHorizon - kTWDuration);
    for (int stop_order = 0; stop_order < FLAGS_vrp_orders_per_stop;
         ++stop_order) {
      const int order = stop * FLAGS_vrp_orders_per_stop + stop_order + 1;
      time_dimension.CumulVar(order)->SetRange(start, start + kTWDuration);

  // Adding resource constraints at order locations.
  Solver* const solver = routing.solver();
  std::vector<IntervalVar*> intervals;
  for (int stop = 0; stop < FLAGS_vrp_stops; ++stop) {
    std::vector<IntervalVar*> stop_intervals;
    for (int stop_order = 0; stop_order < FLAGS_vrp_orders_per_stop;
         ++stop_order) {
      const int order = stop * FLAGS_vrp_orders_per_stop + stop_order + 1;
      IntervalVar* const interval = solver->MakeFixedDurationIntervalVar(
          0, kHorizon, kStopTime, true, absl::StrCat("Order", order));
      // Link order and interval.
      IntVar* const order_start = time_dimension.CumulVar(order);
          solver->MakeIsEqualCt(interval->SafeStartExpr(0), order_start,
      // Make interval performed iff corresponding order has service time.
      // An order has no service time iff it is at the same location as the
      // next order on the route.
      IntVar* const is_null_duration =
                  [&locations, order](int64 index) {
                    return locations.SameLocationFromIndex(order, index);
          solver->MakeNonEquality(interval->PerformedExpr(), is_null_duration));
      // We are minimizing route durations by minimizing route ends; so we can
      // maximize order starts to pack them together.
    // Only one order can happen at the same time at a given location.
    std::vector<int64> location_usage(stop_intervals.size(), 1);
        stop_intervals, location_usage, 1, absl::StrCat("Client", stop)));
  // Minimizing route duration.
  for (int vehicle = 0; vehicle < manager.num_vehicles(); ++vehicle) {

  // Adding penalty costs to allow skipping orders.
  const int64 kPenalty = 100000;
  const RoutingIndexManager::NodeIndex kFirstNodeAfterDepot(1);
  for (RoutingIndexManager::NodeIndex order = kFirstNodeAfterDepot;
       order < routing.nodes(); ++order) {
    std::vector<int64> orders(1, manager.NodeToIndex(order));
    routing.AddDisjunction(orders, kPenalty);

  // Solve, returns a solution if any (owned by RoutingModel).
  RoutingSearchParameters parameters = DefaultRoutingSearchParameters();
      FLAGS_routing_search_parameters, &parameters));
  const Assignment* solution = routing.SolveWithParameters(parameters);
  if (solution != nullptr) {
    DisplayPlan(manager, routing, *solution, /*use_same_vehicle_costs=*/false,
                /*max_nodes_per_group=*/0, /*same_vehicle_cost=*/0,
    LOG(INFO) << "Stop intervals:";
    for (IntervalVar* const interval : intervals) {
      if (solution->PerformedValue(interval)) {
        LOG(INFO) << interval->name() << ": " << solution->StartValue(interval);
  } else {
    LOG(INFO) << "No solution found.";
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;