#!/bin/bash if [ ! -d /Volumes/RAMDisk ] ; then echo 'RAM Disk not found' echo 'Only used for App Store builds. It will not work on your computer.' exit 1 fi #-- Set to my local installation
#-- Using Travis variables as this will eventually live there SHADOW_BUILD_DIR=/Volumes/RAMDisk/build-qgroundcontrol-iOS-Release
#-- Build it mkdir -p ${SHADOW_BUILD_DIR} && cd ${SHADOW_BUILD_DIR} &&
#-- Create project only (build using Xcode) ${QMAKE} -r ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/qgroundcontrol.pro CONFIG+=WarningsAsErrorsOn CONFIG-=debug_and_release CONFIG+=release CONFIG+=ForAppStore #-- Create and build #${QMAKE} -r ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/qgroundcontrol.pro CONFIG+=WarningsAsErrorsOn CONFIG-=debug_and_release CONFIG+=release CONFIG+=ForAppStore && #xcodebuild -configuration Release -xcconfig ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/ios/qgroundcontrol_appstore.xcconfig