/** * This function is called by MAVLink once a complete, uncorrupted (CRC check valid) * mavlink packet is received. * * @param link Hardware link the message came from (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0 or UDP port). * messages can be sent back to the system via this link * @param message MAVLink message, as received from the MAVLink protocol stack */voidArduPilotMAV::receiveMessage(LinkInterface*link,mavlink_message_tmessage){// Let UAS handle the default message setUAS::receiveMessage(link,message);// Handle your special messagesswitch(message.msgid){caseMAVLINK_MSG_ID_HEARTBEAT:{qDebug()<<"ARDUPILOT RECEIVED HEARTBEAT";break;}default:qDebug()<<"\nARDUPILOT RECEIVED MESSAGE WITH ID"<<message.msgid;break;}}