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 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
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/// @file
///     @author Gus Grubba <mavlink@grubba.com>

#ifndef OfflineMapsManager_H
#define OfflineMapsManager_H

#include "QmlObjectListModel.h"
#include "QGCToolbox.h"
#include "QGCLoggingCategory.h"
#include "QGCMapEngine.h"
#include "QGCMapTileSet.h"


class QGCMapEngineManager : public QGCTool
    QGCMapEngineManager(QGCApplication* app, QGCToolbox* toolbox);
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    enum ImportAction {
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    Q_PROPERTY(int                  tileX0          READ    tileX0          NOTIFY tileX0Changed)
    Q_PROPERTY(int                  tileX1          READ    tileX1          NOTIFY tileX1Changed)
    Q_PROPERTY(int                  tileY0          READ    tileY0          NOTIFY tileY0Changed)
    Q_PROPERTY(int                  tileY1          READ    tileY1          NOTIFY tileY1Changed)
    Q_PROPERTY(quint64              tileCount       READ    tileCount       NOTIFY tileCountChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString              tileCountStr    READ    tileCountStr    NOTIFY tileCountChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(quint64              tileSize        READ    tileSize        NOTIFY tileSizeChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString              tileSizeStr     READ    tileSizeStr     NOTIFY tileSizeChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(QmlObjectListModel*  tileSets        READ    tileSets        NOTIFY tileSetsChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(QStringList          mapList         READ    mapList         CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(quint32              maxMemCache     READ    maxMemCache     WRITE   setMaxMemCache  NOTIFY  maxMemCacheChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(quint32              maxDiskCache    READ    maxDiskCache    WRITE   setMaxDiskCache NOTIFY  maxDiskCacheChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString              errorMessage    READ    errorMessage    NOTIFY  errorMessageChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool                 fetchElevation  READ    fetchElevation  WRITE   setFetchElevation   NOTIFY  fetchElevationChanged)
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    //-- Disk Space in MB
    Q_PROPERTY(quint32              freeDiskSpace   READ    freeDiskSpace   NOTIFY  freeDiskSpaceChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(quint32              diskSpace       READ    diskSpace       CONSTANT)
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    //-- Tile set export
    Q_PROPERTY(int                  selectedCount   READ    selectedCount   NOTIFY selectedCountChanged)
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    Q_PROPERTY(int                  actionProgress  READ    actionProgress  NOTIFY actionProgressChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(ImportAction         importAction    READ    importAction    WRITE  setImportAction   NOTIFY importActionChanged)
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    Q_PROPERTY(bool                 importReplace   READ    importReplace   WRITE   setImportReplace   NOTIFY importReplaceChanged)
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    Q_INVOKABLE void                loadTileSets            ();
    Q_INVOKABLE void                updateForCurrentView    (double lon0, double lat0, double lon1, double lat1, int minZoom, int maxZoom, const QString& mapName);
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    Q_INVOKABLE void                startDownload           (const QString& name, const QString& mapType);
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    Q_INVOKABLE void                saveSetting             (const QString& key,  const QString& value);
    Q_INVOKABLE QString             loadSetting             (const QString& key,  const QString& defaultValue);
    Q_INVOKABLE void                deleteTileSet           (QGCCachedTileSet* tileSet);
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    Q_INVOKABLE void                renameTileSet           (QGCCachedTileSet* tileSet, QString newName);
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    Q_INVOKABLE QString             getUniqueName           ();
    Q_INVOKABLE bool                findName                (const QString& name);
73 74
    Q_INVOKABLE void                selectAll               ();
    Q_INVOKABLE void                selectNone              ();
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    Q_INVOKABLE bool                exportSets              (QString path = QString());
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    Q_INVOKABLE bool                importSets              (QString path = QString());
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    Q_INVOKABLE void                resetAction             ();
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    int                             tileX0                  () { return _totalSet.tileX0; }
    int                             tileX1                  () { return _totalSet.tileX1; }
    int                             tileY0                  () { return _totalSet.tileY0; }
    int                             tileY1                  () { return _totalSet.tileY1; }
    quint64                         tileCount               () { return _totalSet.tileCount; }
    QString                         tileCountStr            ();
    quint64                         tileSize                () { return _totalSet.tileSize; }
    QString                         tileSizeStr             ();
    QStringList                     mapList                 ();
    QmlObjectListModel*             tileSets                () { return &_tileSets; }
    quint32                         maxMemCache             ();
    quint32                         maxDiskCache            ();
    QString                         errorMessage            () { return _errorMessage; }
    bool                            fetchElevation          () { return _fetchElevation; }
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    quint64                         freeDiskSpace           () { return _freeDiskSpace; }
    quint64                         diskSpace               () { return _diskSpace; }
    int                             selectedCount           ();
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    int                             actionProgress          () { return _actionProgress; }
    ImportAction                    importAction            () { return _importAction; }
    bool                            importReplace           () { return _importReplace; }
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    void                            setMaxMemCache          (quint32 size);
    void                            setMaxDiskCache         (quint32 size);
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    void                            setImportReplace        (bool replace) { _importReplace = replace; emit importReplaceChanged(); }
    void                            setImportAction         (ImportAction action)  {_importAction = action; emit importActionChanged(); }
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    void                            setErrorMessage         (const QString& error) { _errorMessage = error; emit errorMessageChanged(); }
    void                            setFetchElevation       (bool fetchElevation) { _fetchElevation = fetchElevation; emit fetchElevationChanged(); }
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    // Override from QGCTool
    void setToolbox(QGCToolbox *toolbox);

    void tileX0Changed          ();
    void tileX1Changed          ();
    void tileY0Changed          ();
    void tileY1Changed          ();
    void tileCountChanged       ();
    void tileSizeChanged        ();
    void tileSetsChanged        ();
    void maxMemCacheChanged     ();
    void maxDiskCacheChanged    ();
    void errorMessageChanged    ();
    void fetchElevationChanged  ();
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    void freeDiskSpaceChanged   ();
    void selectedCountChanged   ();
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    void actionProgressChanged  ();
    void importActionChanged    ();
    void importReplaceChanged   ();
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public slots:
    void taskError              (QGCMapTask::TaskType type, QString error);

private slots:
    void _tileSetSaved          (QGCCachedTileSet* set);
    void _tileSetFetched        (QGCCachedTileSet* tileSets);
    void _tileSetDeleted        (quint64 setID);
    void _updateTotals          (quint32 totaltiles, quint64 totalsize, quint32 defaulttiles, quint64 defaultsize);
    void _resetCompleted        ();
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    void _actionCompleted       ();
    void _actionProgressHandler (int percentage);
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    void _updateDiskFreeSpace   ();

    QGCTileSet  _totalSet;
    double      _topleftLat;
    double      _topleftLon;
    double      _bottomRightLat;
    double      _bottomRightLon;
    int         _minZoom;
    int         _maxZoom;
    quint64     _setID;
    quint32     _freeDiskSpace;
    quint32     _diskSpace;
    QmlObjectListModel _tileSets;
    QString     _errorMessage;
    bool        _fetchElevation;
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    int         _actionProgress;
    ImportAction _importAction;
    bool        _importReplace;
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