REM This batch file is meant to facilitate regenerating prebuilt binaries for REM the Windows tools.REM You MUST run it from a Visual Studio xxxx Command Prompt. To do this,REM navigate to:REM REM Start->Programs->Microsoft Visual Studio XXXX->Tools->REM Visual Studio Command PromptREMREM Then run this batch file. It performs an SVN update, edits theREM README.binaries file to containREM the revision number, and builds the tools. You must run 'svn commit' toREM commit the pending edits to the repository.pushd %~dp0\..\..\call svn update --accept postponecd tools\windowsdevenv symupload\symupload.vcproj /rebuild Releasecopy symupload\Release\symupload.exe binaries\REM switch back to top level so that 'svn info' displays useful ..\..\echo This checkin of the binaries was created by refresh_binaries.bat. > %TEMP%\checkin.txtecho Date: %DATE% %TIME% >> %TEMP%\checkin.txtecho Repository information (output of 'svn info') follows: >> %TEMP%\checkin.txtcall svn info >> %TEMP%\checkin.txtecho Done!echo type 'svn commit -F %%TEMP%%\checkin.txt' to commit.popd