pixhawk.xml 16.6 KB
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        <enum name="DATA_TYPES">
            <description>Content Types for data transmission handshake</description>
            <entry name = "DATA_TYPE_JPEG_IMAGE" value="1">
            <entry name = "DATA_TYPE_RAW_IMAGE" value="2">
            <entry name = "DATA_TYPE_KINECT" value="3">
        <message name="ATTITUDE_CONTROL" id="85">
            <field name="target" type="uint8_t">The system to be controlled</field>
            <field name="roll" type="float">roll</field>
            <field name="pitch" type="float">pitch</field>
            <field name="yaw" type="float">yaw</field>
            <field name="thrust" type="float">thrust</field>
            <field name="roll_manual" type="uint8_t">roll control enabled auto:0, manual:1</field>
            <field name="pitch_manual" type="uint8_t">pitch auto:0, manual:1</field>
            <field name="yaw_manual" type="uint8_t">yaw auto:0, manual:1</field>
            <field name="thrust_manual" type="uint8_t">thrust auto:0, manual:1</field>
        <message name="SET_CAM_SHUTTER" id="100">
            <field name="cam_no" type="uint8_t">Camera id</field>
            <field name="cam_mode" type="uint8_t">Camera mode: 0 = auto, 1 = manual</field>
            <field name="trigger_pin" type="uint8_t">Trigger pin, 0-3 for PtGrey FireFly</field>
            <field name="interval" type="uint16_t">Shutter interval, in microseconds</field>
            <field name="exposure" type="uint16_t">Exposure time, in microseconds</field>
            <field name="gain" type="float">Camera gain</field>
        <message name="IMAGE_TRIGGERED" id="101">
            <field name="timestamp" type="uint64_t">Timestamp</field>
            <field name="seq" type="uint32_t">IMU seq</field>
            <field name="roll" type="float">Roll angle in rad</field>
            <field name="pitch" type="float">Pitch angle in rad</field>
            <field name="yaw" type="float">Yaw angle in rad</field>
            <field name="local_z" type="float">Local frame Z coordinate (height over ground)</field>
            <field name="lat" type="float">GPS X coordinate</field>
            <field name="lon" type="float">GPS Y coordinate</field>
            <field name="alt" type="float">Global frame altitude</field>
            <field name="ground_x" type="float">Ground truth X</field>
            <field name="ground_y" type="float">Ground truth Y</field>
            <field name="ground_z" type="float">Ground truth Z</field>
        <message name="IMAGE_TRIGGER_CONTROL" id="102">
            <field name="enable" type="uint8_t">0 to disable, 1 to enable</field>
        <message name="IMAGE_AVAILABLE" id="103">
            <field name="cam_id" type="uint64_t">Camera id</field>
            <field name="cam_no" type="uint8_t">Camera # (starts with 0)</field>
            <field name="timestamp" type="uint64_t">Timestamp</field>
            <field name="valid_until" type="uint64_t">Until which timestamp this buffer will stay valid</field>
            <field name="img_seq" type="uint32_t">The image sequence number</field>
            <field name="img_buf_index" type="uint32_t">Position of the image in the buffer, starts with 0</field>
            <field name="width" type="uint16_t">Image width</field>
            <field name="height" type="uint16_t">Image height</field>
            <field name="depth" type="uint16_t">Image depth</field>
            <field name="channels" type="uint8_t">Image channels</field>
            <field name="key" type="uint32_t">Shared memory area key</field>
            <field name="exposure" type="uint32_t">Exposure time, in microseconds</field>
            <field name="gain" type="float">Camera gain</field>
            <field name="roll" type="float">Roll angle in rad</field>
            <field name="pitch" type="float">Pitch angle in rad</field>
            <field name="yaw" type="float">Yaw angle in rad</field>
            <field name="local_z" type="float">Local frame Z coordinate (height over ground)</field>
            <field name="lat" type="float">GPS X coordinate</field>
            <field name="lon" type="float">GPS Y coordinate</field>
            <field name="alt" type="float">Global frame altitude</field>
            <field name="ground_x" type="float">Ground truth X</field>
            <field name="ground_y" type="float">Ground truth Y</field>
            <field name="ground_z" type="float">Ground truth Z</field>
        <message name="VISION_POSITION_ESTIMATE" id="111">
            <field name="usec" type="uint64_t">Timestamp (milliseconds)</field>
            <field name="x"   type="float">Global X position</field>
            <field name="y"   type="float">Global Y position</field>
            <field name="z"   type="float">Global Z position</field>
            <field name="roll" type="float">Roll angle in rad</field>
            <field name="pitch" type="float">Pitch angle in rad</field>
            <field name="yaw" type="float">Yaw angle in rad</field>
        <message name="VICON_POSITION_ESTIMATE" id="112">
            <field name="usec" type="uint64_t">Timestamp (milliseconds)</field>
            <field name="x"   type="float">Global X position</field>
            <field name="y"   type="float">Global Y position</field>
            <field name="z"   type="float">Global Z position</field>
            <field name="roll" type="float">Roll angle in rad</field>
            <field name="pitch" type="float">Pitch angle in rad</field>
            <field name="yaw" type="float">Yaw angle in rad</field>
        <message name="VISION_SPEED_ESTIMATE" id="113">
            <field name="usec" type="uint64_t">Timestamp (milliseconds)</field>
            <field name="x"   type="float">Global X speed</field>
            <field name="y"   type="float">Global Y speed</field>
            <field name="z"   type="float">Global Z speed</field>
        <message name="POSITION_CONTROL_SETPOINT_SET" id="120">
            <description>Message sent to the MAV to set a new position as reference for the controller</description>
            <field name="target_system" type="uint8_t">System ID</field>
            <field name="target_component" type="uint8_t">Component ID</field>
            <field name="id" type="uint16_t">ID of waypoint, 0 for plain position</field>
            <field name="x" type="float">x position</field>
            <field name="y" type="float">y position</field>
            <field name="z" type="float">z position</field>
            <field name="yaw" type="float">yaw orientation in radians, 0 = NORTH</field>
        <message name="POSITION_CONTROL_OFFSET_SET" id="154">
            <description>Message sent to the MAV to set a new offset from the currently controlled position</description>
            <field name="target_system" type="uint8_t">System ID</field>
            <field name="target_component" type="uint8_t">Component ID</field>
            <field name="x" type="float">x position offset</field>
            <field name="y" type="float">y position offset</field>
            <field name="z" type="float">z position offset</field>
            <field name="yaw" type="float">yaw orientation offset in radians, 0 = NORTH</field>
        <!-- Message sent by the MAV once it sets a new position as reference in the controller -->
        <message name="POSITION_CONTROL_SETPOINT" id="121">
            <field name="id" type="uint16_t">ID of waypoint, 0 for plain position</field>
            <field name="x" type="float">x position</field>
            <field name="y" type="float">y position</field>
            <field name="z" type="float">z position</field>
            <field name="yaw" type="float">yaw orientation in radians, 0 = NORTH</field>
        <message name="MARKER" id="130">
            <field name="id" type="uint16_t">ID</field>
            <field name="x" type="float">x position</field>
            <field name="y" type="float">y position</field>
            <field name="z" type="float">z position</field>
            <field name="roll" type="float">roll orientation</field>
            <field name="pitch" type="float">pitch orientation</field>
            <field name="yaw" type="float">yaw orientation</field>
        <message name="RAW_AUX" id="141">
            <field name="adc1" type="uint16_t">ADC1 (J405 ADC3, LPC2148 AD0.6)</field>
            <field name="adc2" type="uint16_t">ADC2 (J405 ADC5, LPC2148 AD0.2)</field>
            <field name="adc3" type="uint16_t">ADC3 (J405 ADC6, LPC2148 AD0.1)</field>
            <field name="adc4" type="uint16_t">ADC4 (J405 ADC7, LPC2148 AD1.3)</field>
            <field name="vbat" type="uint16_t">Battery voltage</field>
            <field name="temp"  type="int16_t">Temperature (degrees celcius)</field>
            <field name="baro"  type="int32_t">Barometric pressure (hecto Pascal)</field>
        <message name="AUX_STATUS" id="142">
            <field name="load" type="uint16_t">Maximum usage in percent of the mainloop time, (0%: 0, 100%: 1000) should be always below 1000</field>
            <field name="i2c0_err_count" type="uint16_t">Number of I2C errors since startup</field>
            <field name="i2c1_err_count" type="uint16_t">Number of I2C errors since startup</field>
            <field name="spi0_err_count" type="uint16_t">Number of I2C errors since startup</field>
            <field name="spi1_err_count" type="uint16_t">Number of I2C errors since startup</field>
            <field name="uart_total_err_count" type="uint16_t">Number of I2C errors since startup</field>
        <message name="WATCHDOG_HEARTBEAT" id="150">
            <field name="watchdog_id" type="uint16_t">Watchdog ID</field>
            <field name="process_count" type="uint16_t">Number of processes</field>
        <message name="WATCHDOG_PROCESS_INFO" id="151">
            <field name="watchdog_id" type="uint16_t">Watchdog ID</field>
            <field name="process_id" type="uint16_t">Process ID</field>
            <field name="name" type="array[100]">Process name</field>
            <field name="arguments" type="array[147]">Process arguments</field>
            <field name="timeout" type="int32_t">Timeout (seconds)</field>
        <message name="WATCHDOG_PROCESS_STATUS" id="152">
            <field name="watchdog_id" type="uint16_t">Watchdog ID</field>
            <field name="process_id" type="uint16_t">Process ID</field>
            <field name="state" type="uint8_t">Is running / finished / suspended / crashed</field>
            <field name="muted" type="uint8_t">Is muted</field>
            <field name="pid" type="int32_t">PID</field>
            <field name="crashes" type="uint16_t">Number of crashes</field>
        <message name="WATCHDOG_COMMAND" id="153">
            <field name="target_system_id" type="uint8_t">Target system ID</field>
            <field name="watchdog_id" type="uint16_t">Watchdog ID</field>
            <field name="process_id" type="uint16_t">Process ID</field>
            <field name="command_id" type="uint8_t">Command ID</field>
        <message name="PATTERN_DETECTED" id="160">
            <field name="type" type="uint8_t">0: Pattern, 1: Letter</field>
            <field name="confidence" type="float">Confidence of detection</field>
            <field name="file" type="array[100]">Pattern file name</field>
            <field name="detected" type="uint8_t">Accepted as true detection, 0 no, 1 yes</field>
        <message name="POINT_OF_INTEREST" id="161">
            <description>Notifies the operator about a point of interest (POI). This can be anything detected by the
                system. This generic message is intented to help interfacing to generic visualizations and to display
                the POI on a map.
            <field name="type" type="uint8_t">0: Notice, 1: Warning, 2: Critical, 3: Emergency, 4: Debug</field>
            <field name="color" type="uint8_t">0: blue, 1: yellow, 2: red, 3: orange, 4: green, 5: magenta</field>
            <field name="coordinate_system" type="uint8_t">0: global, 1:local</field>
            <field name="timeout" type="uint16_t">0: no timeout, >1: timeout in seconds</field>
            <field name="x" type="float">X Position</field>
            <field name="y" type="float">Y Position</field>
            <field name="z" type="float">Z Position</field>
            <field name="name" type="array[25]">POI name</field>
        <message name="POINT_OF_INTEREST_CONNECTION" id="162">
            <description>Notifies the operator about the connection of two point of interests (POI). This can be anything detected by the
                system. This generic message is intented to help interfacing to generic visualizations and to display
                the POI on a map.
            <field name="type" type="uint8_t">0: Notice, 1: Warning, 2: Critical, 3: Emergency, 4: Debug</field>
            <field name="color" type="uint8_t">0: blue, 1: yellow, 2: red, 3: orange, 4: green, 5: magenta</field>
            <field name="coordinate_system" type="uint8_t">0: global, 1:local</field>
            <field name="timeout" type="uint16_t">0: no timeout, >1: timeout in seconds</field>
            <field name="xp1" type="float">X1 Position</field>
            <field name="yp1" type="float">Y1 Position</field>
            <field name="zp1" type="float">Z1 Position</field>
            <field name="xp2" type="float">X2 Position</field>
            <field name="yp2" type="float">Y2 Position</field>
            <field name="zp2" type="float">Z2 Position</field>
            <field name="name" type="array[25]">POI connection name</field>
        <message name="DATA_TRANSMISSION_HANDSHAKE" id="170">
            <field name="type" type="uint8_t">type of requested/acknowledged data (as defined in ENUM DATA_TYPES in mavlink/include/mavlink_types.h)</field>
            <field name="size" type="uint32_t">total data size in bytes (set on ACK only)</field>
            <field name="packets" type="uint8_t">number of packets beeing sent (set on ACK only)</field>
            <field name="payload" type="uint8_t">payload size per packet (normally 253 byte, see DATA field size in message ENCAPSULATED_DATA) (set on ACK only)</field>
            <field name="jpg_quality" type="uint8_t">JPEG quality out of [1,100]</field>
        <message name="ENCAPSULATED_DATA" id="171">
            <field name="seqnr" type="uint16_t">sequence number (starting with 0 on every transmission)</field>
            <field name="data" type="uint8_t[253]">image data bytes</field>
        <message name="BRIEF_FEATURE" id="172">
            <field name="x" type="float">x position in m</field>
            <field name="y" type="float">y position in m</field>
            <field name="z" type="float">z position in m</field>
            <field name="orientation_assignment" type="uint8_t">Orientation assignment 0: false, 1:true</field>
            <field name="size" type="uint16_t">Size in pixels</field>
            <field name="orientation" type="uint16_t">Orientation</field>
            <field name="descriptor" type="uint8_t[32]">Descriptor</field>
            <field name="response" type="float">Harris operator response at this location</field>
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263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275
        <message name="VISUAL_ODOMETRY" id="180">
           <description>Visual odometry estimate describing relative pose between two frames</description>
           <field name="frame1_time_us" type="uint64_t">Time at which frame 1 was captured (in microseconds since unix epoch)</field>
           <field name="frame2_time_us" type="uint64_t">Time at which frame 2 was captured (in microseconds since unix epoch)</field>
           <field name="x"   type="float">Relative X position</field>
           <field name="y"   type="float">Relative Y position</field>
           <field name="z"   type="float">Relative Z position</field>
           <field name="roll" type="float">Relative roll angle in rad</field>
           <field name="pitch" type="float">Relative pitch angle in rad</field>
           <field name="yaw" type="float">Relative yaw angle in rad</field>
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