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# Copyright 2010-2018 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Solves a simple shift scheduling problem."""

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from ortools.sat.python import cp_model

class SolutionPrinter(cp_model.CpSolverSolutionCallback):
    """Print intermediate solutions."""

    def __init__(self, num_vendors, num_hours, possible_schedules,
                 selected_schedules, hours_stat, min_vendors):
        self.__solution_count = 0
        self.__num_vendors = num_vendors
        self.__num_hours = num_hours
        self.__possible_schedules = possible_schedules
        self.__selected_schedules = selected_schedules
        self.__hours_stat = hours_stat
        self.__min_vendors = min_vendors

    def on_solution_callback(self):
        """Called at each new solution."""
        self.__solution_count += 1
        print('Solution %i: ', self.__solution_count)
        print('  min vendors:', self.__min_vendors)
        for i in range(self.__num_vendors):
            print('  - vendor %i: ' % i, self.__possible_schedules[self.Value(

        for j in range(self.__num_hours):
            print('  - # workers on day%2i: ' % j, end=' ')
            print(self.Value(self.__hours_stat[j]), end=' ')

    def solution_count(self):
        """Returns the number of solution found."""
        return self.__solution_count

def main():
    """Create the shift scheduling model and solve it."""
    # Create the model.
    model = cp_model.CpModel()

    # data
    num_vendors = 9
    num_hours = 10
    num_work_types = 1

    traffic = [100, 500, 100, 200, 320, 300, 200, 220, 300, 120]
    max_traffic_per_vendor = 100

    # Last columns are :
    #   index_of_the_schedule, sum of worked hours (per work type).
    # The index is useful for branching.
    possible_schedules = [[1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,
                           8], [1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
                                4], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2,
                                     5], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 4],
                          [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4,
                           3], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0]]

    num_possible_schedules = len(possible_schedules)
    selected_schedules = []
    vendors_stat = []
    hours_stat = []

    # Auxiliary data
    min_vendors = [t // max_traffic_per_vendor for t in traffic]
    all_vendors = range(num_vendors)
    all_hours = range(num_hours)

    # declare variables
    x = {}

    for v in all_vendors:
        tmp = []
        for h in all_hours:
            x[v, h] = model.NewIntVar(0, num_work_types, 'x[%i,%i]' % (v, h))
            tmp.append(x[v, h])
        selected_schedule = model.NewIntVar(0, num_possible_schedules - 1,
                                            's[%i]' % v)
        hours = model.NewIntVar(0, num_hours, 'h[%i]' % v)

        model.AddAllowedAssignments(tmp, possible_schedules)

    # Statistics and constraints for each hour
    for h in all_hours:
        workers = model.NewIntVar(0, 1000, 'workers[%i]' % h)
        model.Add(workers == sum(x[v, h] for v in all_vendors))
        model.Add(workers * max_traffic_per_vendor >= traffic[h])

    # Redundant constraint: sort selected_schedules
    for v in range(num_vendors - 1):
        model.Add(selected_schedules[v] <= selected_schedules[v + 1])

    # Solve model.
    solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
    solution_printer = SolutionPrinter(num_vendors, num_hours,
                                       possible_schedules, selected_schedules,
                                       hours_stat, min_vendors)
    status = solver.SearchForAllSolutions(model, solution_printer)
    print('Status = %s' % solver.StatusName(status))

    print('  - conflicts : %i' % solver.NumConflicts())
    print('  - branches  : %i' % solver.NumBranches())
    print('  - wall time : %f s' % solver.WallTime())
        '  - number of solutions found: %i' % solution_printer.solution_count())

if __name__ == '__main__':