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 *   (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * in the root of the source code directory.

#include "AirMapFlightPlanManager.h"
#include "AirMapManager.h"
#include "AirMapRulesetsManager.h"
#include "QGCApplication.h"

#include "MissionController.h"
#include "QGCMAVLink.h"

#include "airmap/pilots.h"
#include "airmap/flights.h"
#include "airmap/date_time.h"
#include "airmap/flight_plans.h"
#include "airmap/geometry.h"

using namespace airmap;

AirMapFlightPlanManager::AirMapFlightPlanManager(AirMapSharedState& shared, QObject *parent)
    : AirspaceFlightPlanProvider(parent)
    , _shared(shared)
    connect(&_pollTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &AirMapFlightPlanManager::_pollBriefing);

AirMapFlightPlanManager::createFlight(MissionController* missionController)
    if (!_shared.client()) {
        qCDebug(AirMapManagerLog) << "No AirMap client instance. Will not create a flight";

    if (_state != State::Idle) {
        qCWarning(AirMapManagerLog) << "AirMapFlightPlanManager::createFlight: State not idle";

    //-- TODO: Check if there is an ongoing flight plan and do something about it
    _createPlan = true;
    if(!_controller) {
        _controller = missionController;
        connect(missionController, &MissionController::missionBoundingCubeChanged, this, &AirMapFlightPlanManager::_missionBoundingCubeChanged);


    //-- Get flight bounding cube and prepare (box) polygon

    //-- TODO: If single point, we need to set a point and a radius instead

    QGCGeoBoundingCube bc = _controller->travelBoundingCube();
    _flight.maxAltitude   = fmax(bc.pointNW.altitude(), bc.pointSE.altitude());
    _flight.takeoffCoord  = _controller->takeoffCoordinate();
    _flight.coords.append(QGeoCoordinate(bc.pointNW.latitude(), bc.pointNW.longitude(), _flight.maxAltitude));
    _flight.coords.append(QGeoCoordinate(bc.pointNW.latitude(), bc.pointSE.longitude(), _flight.maxAltitude));
    _flight.coords.append(QGeoCoordinate(bc.pointSE.latitude(), bc.pointSE.longitude(), _flight.maxAltitude));
    _flight.coords.append(QGeoCoordinate(bc.pointSE.latitude(), bc.pointNW.longitude(), _flight.maxAltitude));
    _flight.coords.append(QGeoCoordinate(bc.pointNW.latitude(), bc.pointNW.longitude(), _flight.maxAltitude));

    _flight.maxAltitude += 5; // Add a safety buffer

    qCDebug(AirMapManagerLog) << "About to create flight plan";
    qCDebug(AirMapManagerLog) << "Takeoff:     " << _flight.takeoffCoord;
    qCDebug(AirMapManagerLog) << "Bounding box:" << bc.pointNW << bc.pointSE;


    if (_pilotID == "") {
        //-- Need to get the pilot id before uploading the flight plan
        qCDebug(AirMapManagerLog) << "Getting pilot ID";
        _state = State::GetPilotID;
        std::weak_ptr<LifetimeChecker> isAlive(_instance);
        _shared.doRequestWithLogin([this, isAlive](const QString& login_token) {
            if (!isAlive.lock()) return;
            Pilots::Authenticated::Parameters params;
            params.authorization = login_token.toStdString();
            _shared.client()->pilots().authenticated(params, [this, isAlive](const Pilots::Authenticated::Result& result) {
                if (!isAlive.lock()) return;
                if (_state != State::GetPilotID) return;
                if (result) {
                    _pilotID = QString::fromStdString(result.value().id);
                    qCDebug(AirMapManagerLog) << "Got Pilot ID:"<<_pilotID;
                } else {
                    _flightPermitStatus = AirspaceFlightPlanProvider::PermitUnknown;
                    emit flightPermitStatusChanged();
                    _state = State::Idle;
                    QString description = QString::fromStdString(result.error().description() ? result.error().description().get() : "");
                    emit error("Failed to create Flight Plan", QString::fromStdString(result.error().message()), description);
    } else {

    _flightPermitStatus = AirspaceFlightPlanProvider::PermitPending;
    emit flightPermitStatusChanged();

    qCDebug(AirMapManagerLog) << "Uploading flight plan";
    _state = State::FlightUpload;
    std::weak_ptr<LifetimeChecker> isAlive(_instance);
    _shared.doRequestWithLogin([this, isAlive](const QString& login_token) {
        if (!isAlive.lock()) return;
        if (_state != State::FlightUpload) return;
        FlightPlans::Create::Parameters params;
        params.max_altitude = _flight.maxAltitude;
        params.buffer       = 2.f;
        params.latitude     = _flight.takeoffCoord.latitude();
        params.longitude    = _flight.takeoffCoord.longitude();     = _pilotID.toStdString();
        params.start_time   = Clock::universal_time() + Minutes{5};
        params.end_time     = Clock::universal_time() + Hours{2}; // TODO: user-configurable?
        //-- Rules
        AirMapRulesetsManager* pRulesMgr = dynamic_cast<AirMapRulesetsManager*>(qgcApp()->toolbox()->airspaceManager()->ruleSets());
        if(pRulesMgr) {
            foreach(QString ruleset, pRulesMgr->rulesetsIDs()) {
        //-- Geometry: LineString
        Geometry::LineString lineString;
        for (const auto& qcoord : _flight.coords) {
            Geometry::Coordinate coord;
            coord.latitude  = qcoord.latitude();
            coord.longitude = qcoord.longitude();
        params.geometry = Geometry(lineString);
        params.authorization = login_token.toStdString();
        //-- Create flight plan
        _shared.client()->flight_plans().create_by_polygon(params, [this, isAlive](const FlightPlans::Create::Result& result) {
            if (!isAlive.lock()) return;
            if (_state != State::FlightUpload) return;
            if (result) {
                _flightPlan = QString::fromStdString(result.value().id);
                qCDebug(AirMapManagerLog) << "Flight plan created:" << _flightPlan;
                _state = State::FlightPolling;
            } else {
                QString description = QString::fromStdString(result.error().description() ? result.error().description().get() : "");
                emit error("Flight Plan creation failed", QString::fromStdString(result.error().message()), description);

    if (_state != State::FlightPolling) {
        qCWarning(AirMapManagerLog) << "AirMapFlightPlanManager::_pollBriefing: not in polling state";
    FlightPlans::RenderBriefing::Parameters params;
    params.authorization = _shared.loginToken().toStdString(); = _flightPlan.toStdString();
    std::weak_ptr<LifetimeChecker> isAlive(_instance);
    _shared.client()->flight_plans().render_briefing(params, [this, isAlive](const FlightPlans::RenderBriefing::Result& result) {
        if (!isAlive.lock()) return;
        if (_state != State::FlightPolling) return;
        if (result) {
            const FlightPlan::Briefing& briefing = result.value();
            qCDebug(AirMapManagerLog) << "Flight polling/briefing response";
            bool rejected = false;
            bool accepted = false;
            bool pending  = false;
            for (const auto& authorization : briefing.evaluation.authorizations) {
                switch (authorization.status) {
                case Evaluation::Authorization::Status::accepted:
                case Evaluation::Authorization::Status::accepted_upon_submission:
                    accepted = true;
                case Evaluation::Authorization::Status::rejected:
                case Evaluation::Authorization::Status::rejected_upon_submission:
                    rejected = true;
                case Evaluation::Authorization::Status::pending:
                    pending = true;
            if (briefing.evaluation.authorizations.size() == 0) {
                // If we don't get any authorizations, we assume it's accepted
                accepted = true;
            qCDebug(AirMapManagerLog) << "Flight approval: accepted=" << accepted << "rejected" << rejected << "pending" << pending;
            if ((rejected || accepted) && !pending) {
                if (rejected) { // rejected has priority
                    _flightPermitStatus = AirspaceFlightPlanProvider::PermitRejected;
                } else {
                    _flightPermitStatus = AirspaceFlightPlanProvider::PermitAccepted;
                emit flightPermitStatusChanged();
                _state = State::Idle;
            } else if(pending) {
                //-- Wait until we send the next polling request
        } else {
            QString description = QString::fromStdString(result.error().description() ? result.error().description().get() : "");
            emit error("Brief Request failed",
                    QString::fromStdString(result.error().message()), description);
            _state = State::Idle;

    //-- Creating a new flight plan?
    if(_createPlan) {
        _createPlan = false;
    //-- Plan is being modified
