APMAirframeComponentController.h 3.72 KB
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 *   (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory.

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/// @file
///     @author Don Gagne <don@thegagnes.com>

#ifndef APMAirframeComponentController_H
#define APMAirframeComponentController_H

#include <QObject>
#include <QQuickItem>
#include <QList>
#include <QAbstractListModel>

#include "UASInterface.h"
#include "AutoPilotPlugin.h"
#include "FactPanelController.h"
#include "APMAirframeComponentAirframes.h"

class APMAirframeModel;
class APMAirframeType;

/// MVC Controller for APMAirframeComponent.qml.
class APMAirframeComponentController : public FactPanelController
    enum FrameId{FRAME_TYPE_PLUS = 0,
                 FRAME_TYPE_X = 1,
                 FRAME_TYPE_V = 2,
                 FRAME_TYPE_H = 3,
                 FRAME_TYPE_NEWY6 = 10};

    Q_PROPERTY(QmlObjectListModel* airframeTypesModel MEMBER _airframeTypesModel CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(APMAirframeType* currentAirframeType READ currentAirframeType WRITE setCurrentAirframeType NOTIFY currentAirframeTypeChanged)
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48 49

    Q_INVOKABLE void loadParameters(const QString& paramFile);
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59

    int currentAirframeIndex(void);
    void setCurrentAirframeIndex(int newIndex);
    void loadAirframesCompleted();
    void currentAirframeTypeChanged(APMAirframeType* airframeType);

public slots:
    APMAirframeType *currentAirframeType() const;
    Q_INVOKABLE QString currentAirframeTypeName() const;
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    void setCurrentAirframeType(APMAirframeType *t);

private slots:
    void _fillAirFrames(void);
    void _factFrameChanged(QVariant v);
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66 67 68 69
    void _githubJsonDownloadFinished(QString remoteFile, QString localFile);
    void _githubJsonDownloadError(QString errorMsg);
    void _paramFileDownloadFinished(QString remoteFile, QString localFile);
    void _paramFileDownloadError(QString errorMsg);
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72 73
    void _loadParametersFromDownloadFile(const QString& downloadedParamFile);

74 75
    APMAirframeType *_currentAirframeType;
    QmlObjectListModel *_airframeTypesModel;
76 77 78 79

    static bool _typesRegistered;
    static const char* _oldFrameParam;
    static const char* _newFrameParam;
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class APMAirframe : public QObject
    APMAirframe(const QString& name, const QString& paramsFile, int type, QObject* parent = NULL);
    Q_PROPERTY(QString name MEMBER _name CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(int type MEMBER _type CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString params MEMBER _paramsFile CONSTANT)
    QString name() const;
    QString params() const;
    int type() const;

    QString _name;
    QString _paramsFile;
    int _type;

class APMAirframeType : public QObject
    APMAirframeType(const QString& name, const QString& imageResource, int type, QObject* parent = NULL);
    Q_PROPERTY(QString name MEMBER _name CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString imageResource MEMBER _imageResource CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(QVariantList airframes MEMBER _airframes CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(int type MEMBER _type CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool dirty MEMBER _dirty CONSTANT)
    void addAirframe(const QString& name, const QString& paramsFile, int type);

    QString name() const;
    QString imageResource() const;
    int type() const;
    QString         _name;
    QString         _imageResource;
    QVariantList    _airframes;
    int _type;
    bool _dirty;
