MissionCommandTreeTest.cc 8.44 KB
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 *   (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory.

#include "MissionCommandTreeTest.h"
#include "QGCApplication.h"
#include "MissionCommandUIInfo.h"
#include "MissionCommandList.h"
#include "FactMetaData.h"


void MissionCommandTreeTest::init(void)
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
    _commandTree = new MissionCommandTree(qgcApp(), qgcApp()->toolbox(), true /* unitTest */);
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176

void MissionCommandTreeTest::cleanup(void)
    delete _commandTree;

QString MissionCommandTreeTest::_rawName(int id)
    return QString("UNITTEST_%1").arg(id);

QString MissionCommandTreeTest::_friendlyName(int id)
    return QString("Unit Test %1").arg(id);

QString MissionCommandTreeTest::_paramLabel(int index)
    return QString("param%1").arg(index);

/// Verifies that all values have been set
void MissionCommandTreeTest::_checkFullInfoMap(const MissionCommandUIInfo* uiInfo)

// Verifies that values match settings for base tree
void MissionCommandTreeTest::_checkBaseValues(const MissionCommandUIInfo* uiInfo, int command)
    QVERIFY(uiInfo != NULL);
    QCOMPARE(uiInfo->command(), (MAV_CMD)command);
    QCOMPARE(uiInfo->rawName(), _rawName(command));
    QCOMPARE(uiInfo->category(), QStringLiteral("category"));
    QCOMPARE(uiInfo->description(), QStringLiteral("description"));
    QCOMPARE(uiInfo->friendlyEdit(), true);
    QCOMPARE(uiInfo->friendlyName(), _friendlyName(command));
    QCOMPARE(uiInfo->isStandaloneCoordinate(), true);
    QCOMPARE(uiInfo->specifiesCoordinate(), true);
    for (int i=1; i<=7; i++) {
        const MissionCmdParamInfo* paramInfo = uiInfo->getParamInfo(i);
        QCOMPARE(paramInfo->decimalPlaces(), 1);
        QCOMPARE(paramInfo->defaultValue(), 1.0);
        QCOMPARE(paramInfo->enumStrings().count(), 2);
        QCOMPARE(paramInfo->enumStrings()[0], QStringLiteral("1"));
        QCOMPARE(paramInfo->enumStrings()[1], QStringLiteral("2"));
        QCOMPARE(paramInfo->enumValues().count(), 2);
        QCOMPARE(paramInfo->enumValues()[0].toDouble(), 1.0);
        QCOMPARE(paramInfo->enumValues()[1].toDouble(), 2.0);
        QCOMPARE(paramInfo->label(), _paramLabel(i));
        QCOMPARE(paramInfo->param(), i);
        QCOMPARE(paramInfo->units(), QStringLiteral("units"));

// Verifies that values match settings for an override
void MissionCommandTreeTest::_checkOverrideParamValues(const MissionCommandUIInfo* uiInfo, int command, int paramIndex)
    QString overrideString = QString("override fw %1 %2").arg(command).arg(paramIndex);

    const MissionCmdParamInfo* paramInfo = uiInfo->getParamInfo(paramIndex);
    QCOMPARE(paramInfo->decimalPlaces(), 1);
    QCOMPARE(paramInfo->defaultValue(), 1.0);
    QCOMPARE(paramInfo->enumStrings().count(), 2);
    QCOMPARE(paramInfo->enumStrings()[0], QStringLiteral("1"));
    QCOMPARE(paramInfo->enumStrings()[1], QStringLiteral("2"));
    QCOMPARE(paramInfo->enumValues().count(), 2);
    QCOMPARE(paramInfo->enumValues()[0].toDouble(), 1.0);
    QCOMPARE(paramInfo->enumValues()[1].toDouble(), 2.0);
    QCOMPARE(paramInfo->label(), overrideString);
    QCOMPARE(paramInfo->param(), paramIndex);
    QCOMPARE(paramInfo->units(), overrideString);

// Verifies that values match settings for an override
void MissionCommandTreeTest::_checkOverrideValues(const MissionCommandUIInfo* uiInfo, int command)
    QString overrideString = QString("override fw %1").arg(command);

    QVERIFY(uiInfo != NULL);
    QCOMPARE(uiInfo->command(), (MAV_CMD)command);
    QCOMPARE(uiInfo->rawName(), _rawName(command));
    QCOMPARE(uiInfo->category(), overrideString);
    QCOMPARE(uiInfo->description(), overrideString);
    QCOMPARE(uiInfo->friendlyEdit(), true);
    QCOMPARE(uiInfo->friendlyName(), _friendlyName(command));
    QCOMPARE(uiInfo->isStandaloneCoordinate(), false);
    QCOMPARE(uiInfo->specifiesCoordinate(), false);
    QVERIFY(uiInfo->getParamInfo(2) == NULL);
    QVERIFY(uiInfo->getParamInfo(4) == NULL);
    QVERIFY(uiInfo->getParamInfo(6) == NULL);
    _checkOverrideParamValues(uiInfo, command, 1);
    _checkOverrideParamValues(uiInfo, command, 3);
    _checkOverrideParamValues(uiInfo, command, 5);

void MissionCommandTreeTest::testJsonLoad(void)
    // Test loading from the bad command list
    MissionCommandList* commandList = _commandTree->_staticCommandTree[MAV_AUTOPILOT_GENERIC][MAV_TYPE_GENERIC];
    QVERIFY(commandList != NULL);

    // Command 1 should have all values defaulted, no params
    MissionCommandUIInfo* uiInfo = commandList->getUIInfo((MAV_CMD)1);
    QVERIFY(uiInfo != NULL);
    QCOMPARE(uiInfo->command(), (MAV_CMD)1);
    QCOMPARE(uiInfo->rawName(), _rawName(1));
    QVERIFY(uiInfo->category() == MissionCommandUIInfo::_advancedCategory);
    QCOMPARE(uiInfo->friendlyEdit(), false);
    QCOMPARE(uiInfo->friendlyName(), uiInfo->rawName());
    QCOMPARE(uiInfo->isStandaloneCoordinate(), false);
    QCOMPARE(uiInfo->specifiesCoordinate(), false);
    for (int i=1; i<=7; i++) {
        QVERIFY(uiInfo->getParamInfo(i) == NULL);

    // Command 2 should all values defaulted for param 1
    uiInfo = commandList->getUIInfo((MAV_CMD)2);
    QVERIFY(uiInfo != NULL);
    const MissionCmdParamInfo* paramInfo = uiInfo->getParamInfo(1);
    QCOMPARE(paramInfo->decimalPlaces(), -1);
    QCOMPARE(paramInfo->defaultValue(), 0.0);
    QCOMPARE(paramInfo->enumStrings().count(), 0);
    QCOMPARE(paramInfo->enumValues().count(), 0);
    QCOMPARE(paramInfo->label(), _paramLabel(1));
    QCOMPARE(paramInfo->param(), 1);
    for (int i=2; i<=7; i++) {
        QVERIFY(uiInfo->getParamInfo(i) == NULL);

    // Command 3 should have all values set
    _checkBaseValues(commandList->getUIInfo((MAV_CMD)3), 3);

void MissionCommandTreeTest::testOverride(void)
    // Generic/Generic should not have any overrides
    Vehicle* vehicle = new Vehicle(MAV_AUTOPILOT_GENERIC, MAV_TYPE_GENERIC, qgcApp()->toolbox()->firmwarePluginManager());
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    _checkBaseValues(_commandTree->getUIInfo(vehicle, (MAV_CMD)4), 4);
    delete vehicle;

    // Generic/FixedWing should have overrides
    vehicle = new Vehicle(MAV_AUTOPILOT_GENERIC, MAV_TYPE_FIXED_WING, qgcApp()->toolbox()->firmwarePluginManager());
183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197
    _checkOverrideValues(_commandTree->getUIInfo(vehicle, (MAV_CMD)4), 4);
    delete vehicle;

void MissionCommandTreeTest::testAllTrees(void)
    QList<MAV_AUTOPILOT>    firmwareList;
    QList<MAV_TYPE>         vehicleList;


    // This will cause all of the variants of collapsed trees to be built
    foreach(MAV_AUTOPILOT firmwareType, firmwareList) {
        foreach (MAV_TYPE vehicleType, vehicleList) {
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
198 199 200 201
            if (firmwareType == MAV_AUTOPILOT_ARDUPILOTMEGA && vehicleType == MAV_TYPE_VTOL_QUADROTOR) {
                // VTOL in ArduPilot shows up as plane so we can test this pair
            qDebug() << firmwareType << vehicleType;
            Vehicle* vehicle = new Vehicle(firmwareType, vehicleType, qgcApp()->toolbox()->firmwarePluginManager());
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            QVERIFY(qgcApp()->toolbox()->missionCommandTree()->getUIInfo(vehicle, MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT) != NULL);
            delete vehicle;
