* QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
* in the root of the source code directory.
#include <QObject>
#include <QMap>
#include <QXmlStreamReader>
#include <QLoggingCategory>
#include "FactSystem.h"
#include "MAVLinkProtocol.h"
#include "AutoPilotPlugin.h"
/// @param uas Uas which this set of facts is associated with
ParameterManager (Vehicle* vehicle);
~ParameterManager ();
Q_PROPERTY(bool parametersReady READ parametersReady NOTIFY parametersReadyChanged) ///< true: Parameters are ready for use
Q_PROPERTY(bool missingParameters READ missingParameters NOTIFY missingParametersChanged) ///< true: Parameters are missing from firmware response, false: all parameters received from firmware
Q_PROPERTY(double loadProgress READ loadProgress NOTIFY loadProgressChanged)
bool parametersReady (void) const { return _parametersReady; }
bool missingParameters (void) const { return _missingParameters; }
double loadProgress (void) const { return _loadProgress; }
/// @return Directory of parameter caches
static QDir parameterCacheDir();
/// @return Location of parameter cache file
static QString parameterCacheFile(int vehicleId, int componentId);
/// Re-request the full set of parameters from the autopilot
void refreshAllParameters(uint8_t componentID = MAV_COMP_ID_ALL);
/// Request a refresh on the specific parameter
void refreshParameter(int componentId, const QString& name);
/// Request a refresh on all parameters that begin with the specified prefix
void refreshParametersPrefix(int componentId, const QString& namePrefix);
void resetAllParametersToDefaults(void);
/// Returns true if the specifed parameter exists
/// @param componentId Component id or FactSystem::defaultComponentId
/// @param name Parameter name
bool parameterExists(int componentId, const QString& name);
/// Returns the specified Parameter. Returns a default empty fact is parameter does not exists. Also will pop
/// a missing parameter error to user if parameter does not exist.
/// @param componentId Component id or FactSystem::defaultComponentId
/// @param name Parameter name
Fact* getParameter(int componentId, const QString& name);
const QMap<QString, QMap<QString, QStringList> >& getDefaultComponentCategoryMap(void);
/// Returns error messages from loading
QString readParametersFromStream(QTextStream& stream);
void writeParametersToStream(QTextStream &stream);
/// Returns the version number for the parameter set, -1 if not known
int parameterSetVersion(void) { return _parameterSetMajorVersion; }
/// Returns the newest available parameter meta data file (from cache or internal) for the specified information.
/// @param wantedMajorVersion Major version you are looking for
/// @param[out] majorVersion Major version for found meta data
/// @param[out] minorVersion Minor version for found meta data
/// @return Meta data file name of best match, emptyString is none found
static QString parameterMetaDataFile(Vehicle* vehicle, MAV_AUTOPILOT firmwareType, int wantedMajorVersion, int& majorVersion, int& minorVersion);
/// If this file is newer than anything in the cache, cache it as the latest version
static void cacheMetaDataFile(const QString& metaDataFile, MAV_AUTOPILOT firmwareType);
/// Saves the specified param set to the json object.
/// @param componentId Component id which contains params, MAV_COMP_ID_ALL to save all components
/// @param paramsToSave List of params names to save, empty to save all for component
/// @param saveObject Json object to save to
void saveToJson(int componentId, const QStringList& paramsToSave, QJsonObject& saveObject);
/// Load a parameter set from json
/// @param json Json object to load from
/// @param required true: no parameters in object will generate error
/// @param errorString Error string if return is false
/// @return true: success, false: failure (errorString set)
bool loadFromJson(const QJsonObject& json, bool required, QString& errorString);
Vehicle* vehicle(void) { return _vehicle; }
void parametersReadyChanged(bool parametersReady);
void missingParametersChanged(bool missingParameters);
Vehicle* _vehicle;
MAVLinkProtocol* _mavlink;
void _parameterUpdate(int vehicleId, int componentId, QString parameterName, int parameterCount, int parameterId, int mavType, QVariant value);
void _valueUpdated(const QVariant& value);
void _tryCacheLookup(void);
static QVariant _stringToTypedVariant(const QString& string, FactMetaData::ValueType_t type, bool failOk = false);
int _actualComponentId(int componentId);
void _readParameterRaw(int componentId, const QString& paramName, int paramIndex);
void _writeParameterRaw(int componentId, const QString& paramName, const QVariant& value);
void _writeLocalParamCache(int vehicleId, int componentId);
void _tryCacheHashLoad(int vehicleId, int componentId, QVariant hash_value);
void _loadMetaData(void);
void _clearMetaData(void);
void _addMetaDataToDefaultComponent(void);
QString _remapParamNameToVersion(const QString& paramName);
void _setLoadProgress(double loadProgress);
bool _fillIndexBatchQueue(bool waitingParamTimeout);
MAV_PARAM_TYPE _factTypeToMavType(FactMetaData::ValueType_t factType);
FactMetaData::ValueType_t _mavTypeToFactType(MAV_PARAM_TYPE mavType);
void _checkInitialLoadComplete(void);
/// First mapping is by component id
/// Second mapping is parameter name, to Fact* in QVariant
QMap<int, QVariantMap> _mapParameterName2Variant;
// Category map of default component parameters
QMap<QString /* category */, QMap<QString /* group */, QStringList /* parameter names */> > _defaultComponentCategoryMap;
double _loadProgress; ///< Parameter load progess, [0.0,1.0]
bool _parametersReady; ///< true: parameter load complete
bool _missingParameters; ///< true: parameter missing from initial load
bool _initialLoadComplete; ///< true: Initial load of all parameters complete, whether successful or not
bool _waitingForDefaultComponent; ///< true: last chance wait for default component params
bool _saveRequired; ///< true: _saveToEEPROM should be called
bool _metaDataAddedToFacts; ///< true: FactMetaData has been adde to the default component facts
QString _versionParam; ///< Parameter which contains parameter set version
int _parameterSetMajorVersion; ///< Version for parameter set, -1 if not known
QObject* _parameterMetaData; ///< Opaque data from FirmwarePlugin::loadParameterMetaDataCall
typedef QPair<int /* FactMetaData::ValueType_t */, QVariant /* Fact::rawValue */> ParamTypeVal;
typedef QMap<QString /* parameter name */, ParamTypeVal> CacheMapName2ParamTypeVal;
QMap<int /* component id */, bool> _debugCacheCRC; ///< true: debug cache crc failure
QMap<int /* component id */, CacheMapName2ParamTypeVal> _debugCacheMap;
QMap<int /* component id */, QMap<QString /* param name */, bool /* seen */>> _debugCacheParamSeen;
// Wait counts from previous parameter update cycle
int _prevWaitingReadParamIndexCount;
int _prevWaitingReadParamNameCount;
int _prevWaitingWriteParamNameCount;
static const int _maxInitialRequestListRetry = 4; ///< Maximum retries for request list
int _initialRequestRetryCount; ///< Current retry count for request list
static const int _maxInitialLoadRetrySingleParam = 5; ///< Maximum retries for initial index based load of a single param
static const int _maxReadWriteRetry = 5; ///< Maximum retries read/write
bool _disableAllRetries; ///< true: Don't retry any requests (used for testing)
bool _indexBatchQueueActive; ///< true: we are actively batching re-requests for missing index base params, false: index based re-request has not yet started
QList<int> _indexBatchQueue; ///< The current queue of index re-requests
QMap<int, int> _paramCountMap; ///< Key: Component id, Value: count of parameters in this component
QMap<int, QMap<int, int> > _waitingReadParamIndexMap; ///< Key: Component id, Value: Map { Key: parameter index still waiting for, Value: retry count }
QMap<int, QMap<QString, int> > _waitingReadParamNameMap; ///< Key: Component id, Value: Map { Key: parameter name still waiting for, Value: retry count }
QMap<int, QMap<QString, int> > _waitingWriteParamNameMap; ///< Key: Component id, Value: Map { Key: parameter name still waiting for, Value: retry count }
QMap<int, QList<int> > _failedReadParamIndexMap; ///< Key: Component id, Value: failed parameter index
int _totalParamCount; ///< Number of parameters across all components
QTimer _waitingParamTimeoutTimer;
QMutex _dataMutex;
Fact _defaultFact; ///< Used to return default fact, when parameter not found
static const char* _cachedMetaDataFilePrefix;
static const char* _jsonParametersKey;
static const char* _jsonCompIdKey;
static const char* _jsonParamNameKey;
static const char* _jsonParamValueKey;