Commit e1fe7ba0 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne
Browse files

Report failed initial parameter load to user

parent 0183ea18
......@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ ParameterLoader::ParameterLoader(AutoPilotPlugin* autopilot, UASInterface* uas,
......@@ -89,6 +89,15 @@ void ParameterLoader::_parameterUpdate(int uasId, int componentId, QString param
"value:" << value <<
#if 0
// Handy for testing retry logic
static int counter = 0;
if (counter++ & 0x3) {
qCDebug(ParameterLoaderLog) << "Artificial discard" << counter;
// Restart our waiting for param timer
......@@ -102,25 +111,23 @@ void ParameterLoader::_parameterUpdate(int uasId, int componentId, QString param
// If we've never seen this component id before, setup the wait lists.
if (!_waitingReadParamIndexMap.contains(componentId)) {
QStringList paramNameList;
QList<int> paramIndexList;
// Parameter index is 0-based
for (int i=0; i<parameterCount; i++) {
paramIndexList << i;
// Add all indices to the wait list, parameter index is 0-based
for (int waitingIndex=0; waitingIndex<parameterCount; waitingIndex++) {
// This will add the new component id, as well as the the new waiting index and set the retry count for that index to 0
_waitingReadParamIndexMap[componentId][waitingIndex] = 0;
_waitingReadParamIndexMap[componentId] = paramIndexList;
_waitingReadParamNameMap[componentId] = paramNameList;
_waitingWriteParamNameMap[componentId] = paramNameList;
// The read and write waiting lists for this component are initialized the empty
_waitingReadParamNameMap[componentId] = QMap<QString, int>();
_waitingWriteParamNameMap[componentId] = QMap<QString, int>();
qCDebug(ParameterLoaderLog) << "Seeing component for first time, id:" << componentId << "parameter count:" << parameterCount;
// Remove this parameter from the waiting lists
qCDebug(ParameterLoaderLog) << "_waitingReadParamIndexMap:" << _waitingReadParamIndexMap[componentId];
qCDebug(ParameterLoaderLog) << "_waitingReadParamNameMap" << _waitingReadParamNameMap[componentId];
qCDebug(ParameterLoaderLog) << "_waitingWriteParamNameMap" << _waitingWriteParamNameMap[componentId];
......@@ -237,18 +244,7 @@ void ParameterLoader::_parameterUpdate(int uasId, int componentId, QString param
// Check to see if we have the full param list for the first time
if (_fullRefresh) {
if (waitingParamCount == 0) {
if (!_parametersReady) {
_parametersReady = true;
emit parametersReady();
/// Connected to Fact::valueUpdated
......@@ -265,8 +261,8 @@ void ParameterLoader::_valueUpdated(const QVariant& value)
_waitingWriteParamNameMap[componentId] << name;
_waitingWriteParamNameMap[componentId].remove(name); // Remove any old entry
_waitingWriteParamNameMap[componentId][name] = 0; // Add new entry and set retry count
......@@ -285,18 +281,13 @@ void ParameterLoader::refreshAllParameters(void)
_fullRefresh = true;
// Reset index wait lists
foreach (int componentId, _paramCountMap.keys()) {
QList<int> paramIndexList;
// Parameter index is 0-based
for (int i=0; i<_paramCountMap[componentId]; i++) {
paramIndexList << i;
// Add/Update all indices to the wait list, parameter index is 0-based
for (int waitingIndex=0; waitingIndex<_paramCountMap[componentId]; waitingIndex++) {
// This will add a new waiting index if needed and set the retry count for that index to 0
_waitingReadParamIndexMap[componentId][waitingIndex] = 0;
_waitingReadParamIndexMap[componentId] = paramIndexList;
......@@ -349,8 +340,8 @@ void ParameterLoader::refreshParameter(int componentId, const QString& name)
if (_waitingReadParamNameMap.contains(componentId)) {
_waitingReadParamNameMap[componentId] << name;
_waitingReadParamNameMap[componentId].remove(name); // Remove old wait entry if there
_waitingReadParamNameMap[componentId][name] = 0; // Add new wait entry and update retry count
emit restartWaitingParamTimer();
......@@ -431,23 +422,35 @@ void ParameterLoader::_waitingParamTimeout(void)
batchCount = 0;
foreach(int componentId, _waitingReadParamIndexMap.keys()) {
foreach(int paramIndex, _waitingReadParamIndexMap[componentId]) {
paramsRequested = true;
_readParameterRaw(componentId, "", paramIndex);
qCDebug(ParameterLoaderLog) << "Read re-request for (componentId:" << componentId << "paramIndex:" << paramIndex << ")";
if (++batchCount > maxBatchSize) {
goto Out;
foreach(int paramIndex, _waitingReadParamIndexMap[componentId].keys()) {
_waitingReadParamIndexMap[componentId][paramIndex]++; // Bump retry count
if (_waitingReadParamIndexMap[componentId][paramIndex] > _maxInitialLoadRetry) {
// Give up on this index
_failedReadParamIndexMap[componentId] << paramIndex;
qCDebug(ParameterLoaderLog) << "Giving up on (componentId:" << componentId << "paramIndex:" << paramIndex << "retryCount:" << _waitingReadParamIndexMap[componentId][paramIndex] << ")";
} else {
// Retry again
paramsRequested = true;
_readParameterRaw(componentId, "", paramIndex);
qCDebug(ParameterLoaderLog) << "Read re-request for (componentId:" << componentId << "paramIndex:" << paramIndex << "retryCount:" << _waitingReadParamIndexMap[componentId][paramIndex] << ")";
if (++batchCount > maxBatchSize) {
goto Out;
// We need to check for initial load complete here as well, since it could complete on a max retry failure
if (!paramsRequested) {
foreach(int componentId, _waitingWriteParamNameMap.keys()) {
foreach(QString paramName, _waitingWriteParamNameMap[componentId]) {
foreach(QString paramName, _waitingWriteParamNameMap[componentId].keys()) {
paramsRequested = true;
_waitingWriteParamNameMap[componentId][paramName]++; // Bump retry count
_writeParameterRaw(componentId, paramName, _autopilot->getFact(FactSystem::ParameterProvider, componentId, paramName)->value());
qCDebug(ParameterLoaderLog) << "Write resend for (componentId:" << componentId << "paramName:" << paramName << ")";
qCDebug(ParameterLoaderLog) << "Write resend for (componentId:" << componentId << "paramName:" << paramName << "retryCount:" << _waitingWriteParamNameMap[componentId][paramName] << ")";
if (++batchCount > maxBatchSize) {
goto Out;
......@@ -458,10 +461,11 @@ void ParameterLoader::_waitingParamTimeout(void)
if (!paramsRequested) {
foreach(int componentId, _waitingReadParamNameMap.keys()) {
foreach(QString paramName, _waitingReadParamNameMap[componentId]) {
foreach(QString paramName, _waitingReadParamNameMap[componentId].keys()) {
paramsRequested = true;
_waitingReadParamNameMap[componentId][paramName]++; // Bump retry count
_readParameterRaw(componentId, paramName, -1);
qCDebug(ParameterLoaderLog) << "Read re-request for (componentId:" << componentId << "paramName:" << paramName << ")";
qCDebug(ParameterLoaderLog) << "Read re-request for (componentId:" << componentId << "paramName:" << paramName << "retryCount:" << _waitingReadParamNameMap[componentId][paramName] << ")";
if (++batchCount > maxBatchSize) {
goto Out;
......@@ -715,3 +719,52 @@ void ParameterLoader::_restartWaitingParamTimer(void)
void ParameterLoader::_checkInitialLoadComplete(void)
// Already processed?
if (_initialLoadComplete) {
foreach (int componentId, _waitingReadParamIndexMap.keys()) {
if (_waitingReadParamIndexMap[componentId].count()) {
// We are still waiting on some parameters, not done yet
// We aren't waiting for any more initial parameter updates, initial parameter loading is complete
_initialLoadComplete = true;
// Check for load failures
QString indexList;
bool initialLoadFailures = false;
foreach (int componentId, _failedReadParamIndexMap.keys()) {
foreach (int paramIndex, _failedReadParamIndexMap[componentId]) {
if (initialLoadFailures) {
indexList += ", ";
indexList += QString("%1").arg(paramIndex);
initialLoadFailures = true;
qCDebug(ParameterLoaderLog) << "Gave up on initial load after max retries (componentId:" << componentId << "paramIndex:" << paramIndex << ")";
if (initialLoadFailures) {
QGCMessageBox::critical("Parameter Load Failure",
QString("QGroundControl was unable to retrieve the full set of parameters from the vehicle. "
"This will cause QGroundControl to be unable to display it's full user interface. "
"This usually indicates an error in the vehicle's firmware. "
"Please upgrade your firmware to the latest version if possible. "
"If that doesn't work, notify the firmware developers of this error. "
"The following parameter indices could not be loaded after the maximum number of retries: %1.").arg(indexList));
} else {
// No failed parameters, ok to signal ready
_parametersReady = true;
emit parametersReady();
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ private:
MAV_PARAM_TYPE _factTypeToMavType(FactMetaData::ValueType_t factType);
FactMetaData::ValueType_t _mavTypeToFactType(MAV_PARAM_TYPE mavType);
void _saveToEEPROM(void);
void _checkInitialLoadComplete(void);
AutoPilotPlugin* _autopilot;
UASInterface* _uas;
......@@ -133,21 +134,23 @@ private:
/// Second mapping is group name, to Fact
QMap<int, QMap<QString, QStringList> > _mapGroup2ParameterName;
bool _parametersReady; ///< All params received from param mgr
bool _parametersReady; ///< true: full set of parameters correctly loaded
bool _initialLoadComplete; ///< true: Initial load of all parameters complete, whether succesful or not
int _defaultComponentId;
QString _defaultComponentIdParam;
QMap<int, int> _paramCountMap; ///< Map of total known parameter count, keyed by component id
QMap<int, QList<int> > _waitingReadParamIndexMap; ///< Map of param indices waiting for initial first time read, keyed by component id
QMap<int, QStringList> _waitingReadParamNameMap; ///< Map of param names we are waiting to hear a read response from, keyed by component id
QMap<int, QStringList> _waitingWriteParamNameMap; ///< Map of param names we are waiting to hear a write response from, keyed by component id
static const int _maxInitialLoadRetry = 5; ///< Maximum a retries on initial index based load
QMap<int, int> _paramCountMap; ///< Key: Component id, Value: count of parameters in this component
QMap<int, QMap<int, int> > _waitingReadParamIndexMap; ///< Key: Component id, Value: Map { Key: parameter index still waiting for, Value: retry count }
QMap<int, QMap<QString, int> > _waitingReadParamNameMap; ///< Key: Component id, Value: Map { Key: parameter name still waiting for, Value: retry count }
QMap<int, QMap<QString, int> > _waitingWriteParamNameMap; ///< Key: Component id, Value: Map { Key: parameter name still waiting for, Value: retry count }
QMap<int, QList<int> > _failedReadParamIndexMap; ///< Key: Component id, Value: failed parameter index
int _totalParamCount; ///< Number of parameters across all components
QTimer _waitingParamTimeoutTimer;
bool _fullRefresh;
QMutex _dataMutex;
static Fact _defaultFact; ///< Used to return default fact, when parameter not found
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