QGCUASFileManagerTest.cc 13.2 KB
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 QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station
 (c) 2009 - 2014 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org>
 This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
 QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 (at your option) any later version.
 QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU General Public License for more details.
 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "QGCUASFileManagerTest.h"

/// @file
27 28 29
///     @brief QGCUASFileManager unit test. Note: All code here assumes all work between
///             the unit test, mack mavlink file server and file manager is happening on
///             the same thread.
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///     @author Don Gagne <don@thegagnes.com>

QGCUASFileManagerUnitTest::QGCUASFileManagerUnitTest(void) :

// Called once before all test cases are run
void QGCUASFileManagerUnitTest::initTestCase(void)

// Called before every test case
void QGCUASFileManagerUnitTest::init(void)
    Q_ASSERT(_multiSpy == NULL);
    _fileManager = new QGCUASFileManager(NULL, &_mockUAS);
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    // Reset any internal state back to normal
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    bool connected = connect(&_mockFileServer, SIGNAL(messageReceived(LinkInterface*, mavlink_message_t)), _fileManager, SLOT(receiveMessage(LinkInterface*, mavlink_message_t)));
    Q_UNUSED(connected);    // Silent release build compiler warning
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    connected = connect(_fileManager, SIGNAL(statusMessage(const QString&)), this, SLOT(statusMessage(const QString&)));

    _rgSignals[statusMessageSignalIndex] = SIGNAL(statusMessage(const QString&));
    _rgSignals[errorMessageSignalIndex] = SIGNAL(errorMessage(const QString&));
    _rgSignals[resetStatusMessagesSignalIndex] = SIGNAL(resetStatusMessages(void));
    _multiSpy = new MultiSignalSpy();
    QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->init(_fileManager, _rgSignals, _cSignals), true);

// Called after every test case
void QGCUASFileManagerUnitTest::cleanup(void)
    delete _fileManager;
    delete _multiSpy;
    _fileManager = NULL;
    _multiSpy = NULL;

/// @brief Connected to QGCUASFileManager statusMessage signal in order to catch list command output
void QGCUASFileManagerUnitTest::statusMessage(const QString& msg)
    // Keep a list of all names received so we can test it for correctness
    _fileListReceived += msg;

void QGCUASFileManagerUnitTest::_ackTest(void)
    Q_ASSERT(_multiSpy->checkNoSignals() == true);
    // If the file manager doesn't receive an ack it will timeout and emit an error. So make sure
    // we don't get any error signals.
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    // Setup for no response from ack. This should cause a timeout error;
    QTest::qWait(_ackTimerTimeoutMsecs); // Let the file manager timeout
    QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->checkOnlySignalByMask(errorMessageSignalMask), true);
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void QGCUASFileManagerUnitTest::_noAckTest(void)
    Q_ASSERT(_multiSpy->checkNoSignals() == true);
    // This should not get the ack back and timeout.
    QTest::qWait(_ackTimerTimeoutMsecs); // Let the file manager timeout
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    QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->checkOnlySignalByMask(errorMessageSignalMask), true);

void QGCUASFileManagerUnitTest::_resetTest(void)
    Q_ASSERT(_multiSpy->checkNoSignals() == true);
    // Send a reset command
    //  We should not get any signals back from this

void QGCUASFileManagerUnitTest::_listTest(void)
    Q_ASSERT(_multiSpy->checkNoSignals() == true);
    // Send a bogus path
    //  We should get a single resetStatusMessages signal
    //  We should get a single errorMessage signal
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    QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->checkOnlySignalByMask(errorMessageSignalMask | resetStatusMessagesSignalMask), true);

    // Setup the mock file server with a valid directory list
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    QStringList fileList;
    fileList << "Ddir" << "Ffoo" << "Fbar";
155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189
    // Run through the various server side failure modes
    for (size_t i=0; i<MockMavlinkFileServer::cFailureModes; i++) {
        MockMavlinkFileServer::ErrorMode_t errMode = MockMavlinkFileServer::rgFailureModes[i];
        qDebug() << "Testing failure mode:" << errMode;
        QTest::qWait(_ackTimerTimeoutMsecs); // Let the file manager timeout
        if (errMode == MockMavlinkFileServer::errModeNoSecondResponse || errMode == MockMavlinkFileServer::errModeNakSecondResponse) {
            // For simulated server errors on subsequent Acks, the first Ack will go through. This means we should have gotten some
            // partial results. In the case of the directory list test set, all entries fit into the first ack, so we should have
            // gotten back all of them.
            QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->getSpyByIndex(statusMessageSignalIndex)->count(), fileList.count());
            // And then it should have errored out because the next list Request would have failed.
            QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->checkOnlySignalByMask(errorMessageSignalMask | resetStatusMessagesSignalMask), true);
        } else {
            // For the simulated errors which failed the intial response we should not have gotten any results back at all.
            // Just an error.
            QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->checkOnlySignalByMask(errorMessageSignalMask | resetStatusMessagesSignalMask), true);

        // Set everything back to initial state

    // Send a list command at the root of the directory tree which should succeed
    //  We should get back a single resetStatusMessages signal
    //  We should not get back an errorMessage signal
    //  We should get back a statusMessage signal for each entry
    //  The returned list should match our inputs
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    QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->checkSignalByMask(resetStatusMessagesSignalMask), true);
    QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->checkNoSignalByMask(errorMessageSignalMask), true);
    QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->getSpyByIndex(statusMessageSignalIndex)->count(), fileList.count());
    QVERIFY(_fileListReceived == fileList);
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void QGCUASFileManagerUnitTest::_validateFileContents(const QString& filePath, uint8_t length)
    QFile file(filePath);
201 202 203 204 205

    // Make sure file size is correct
    QCOMPARE(file.size(), (qint64)length);

    // Read data
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    QByteArray bytes = file.readAll();
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    // Validate file contents:
    //      Repeating 0x00, 0x01 .. 0xFF until file is full
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    for (uint8_t i=0; i<bytes.length(); i++) {
        QCOMPARE((uint8_t)bytes[i], (uint8_t)(i & 0xFF));
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void QGCUASFileManagerUnitTest::_openTest(void)
    Q_ASSERT(_multiSpy->checkNoSignals() == true);
    // Send a bogus path
    //  We should get a single resetStatusMessages signal
    //  We should get a single errorMessage signal
    _fileManager->downloadPath("bogus", QDir::temp());
    QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->checkOnlySignalByMask(errorMessageSignalMask | resetStatusMessagesSignalMask), true);
    // Clean previous downloads
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    for (size_t i=0; i<MockMavlinkFileServer::cFileTestCases; i++) {
        QString filePath = QDir::temp().absoluteFilePath(MockMavlinkFileServer::rgFileTestCases[i].filename);
        if (QFile::exists(filePath)) {
    // We setup a spy on the Terminate command signal so that we can determine that a Terminate command was
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    // correctly sent after the Open/Read commands complete.
    QSignalSpy terminateSpy(&_mockFileServer, SIGNAL(terminateCommandReceived()));
    // Run through the set of file test cases
    for (size_t i=0; i<MockMavlinkFileServer::cFileTestCases; i++) {
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        // Run through the various failure modes for this test case
        for (size_t j=0; j<MockMavlinkFileServer::cFailureModes; j++) {
            MockMavlinkFileServer::ErrorMode_t errMode = MockMavlinkFileServer::rgFailureModes[j];
            qDebug() << "Testing failure mode:" << errMode;
            _fileManager->downloadPath(MockMavlinkFileServer::rgFileTestCases[i].filename, QDir::temp());
            QTest::qWait(_ackTimerTimeoutMsecs); // Let the file manager timeout
            if (errMode == MockMavlinkFileServer::errModeNoSecondResponse || errMode == MockMavlinkFileServer::errModeNakSecondResponse) {
                // For simulated server errors on subsequent Acks, the first Ack will go through. We must handle things differently depending
                // on whether the downloaded file requires multiple packets to complete the download.
                if (MockMavlinkFileServer::rgFileTestCases[i].fMultiPacketResponse) {
                    // The downloaded file requires multiple Acks to complete. Hence second Read should have failed.
                    QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->checkOnlySignalByMask(errorMessageSignalMask | resetStatusMessagesSignalMask), true);

                    // Open command succeeded, so we should get a Terminate for the open
                    QCOMPARE(terminateSpy.count(), 1);
                } else {
                    // The downloaded file fits within a single Ack response, hence there is no second Read issued.
                    // This should result in a successful download.
                    //  We should get a single resetStatusMessages signal
                    //  We should get a single statusMessage signal, which indicates download completion
                    QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->checkOnlySignalByMask(statusMessageSignalMask | resetStatusMessagesSignalMask), true);
                    // We should get a single Terminate command to close the Open session
                    QCOMPARE(terminateSpy.count(), 1);
                    // Validate file contents
                    QString filePath = QDir::temp().absoluteFilePath(MockMavlinkFileServer::rgFileTestCases[i].filename);
                    _validateFileContents(filePath, MockMavlinkFileServer::rgFileTestCases[i].length);
            } else {
                // For all the other simulated server errors the Open command should have failed. Since the Open failed
                // there is no session to terminate, hence no Terminate in this case.
                QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->checkOnlySignalByMask(errorMessageSignalMask | resetStatusMessagesSignalMask), true);
                QCOMPARE(terminateSpy.count(), 0);

            // Cleanup for next iteration

        // Run what should be a successful file download test case. No servers errors are being simulated.
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        _fileManager->downloadPath(MockMavlinkFileServer::rgFileTestCases[i].filename, QDir::temp());

        //  We should get a single resetStatusMessages signal
        //  We should get a single statusMessage signal, which indicated download completion
        QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->checkOnlySignalByMask(statusMessageSignalMask | resetStatusMessagesSignalMask), true);
        // We should get a single Terminate command to close the session
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        QCOMPARE(terminateSpy.count(), 1);
        // Validate file contents
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        QString filePath = QDir::temp().absoluteFilePath(MockMavlinkFileServer::rgFileTestCases[i].filename);
        _validateFileContents(filePath, MockMavlinkFileServer::rgFileTestCases[i].length);