32.5 KB
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 *   (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * in the root of the source code directory.

#include "TransectStyleComplexItem.h"
#include "JsonHelper.h"
#include "MissionController.h"
#include "QGCGeo.h"
#include "QGroundControlQmlGlobal.h"
#include "QGCQGeoCoordinate.h"
#include "SettingsManager.h"
#include "AppSettings.h"
#include "QGCQGeoCoordinate.h"

#include <QPolygonF>

QGC_LOGGING_CATEGORY(TransectStyleComplexItemLog, "TransectStyleComplexItemLog")

const char* TransectStyleComplexItem::turnAroundDistanceName =              "TurnAroundDistance";
const char* TransectStyleComplexItem::turnAroundDistanceMultiRotorName =    "TurnAroundDistanceMultiRotor";
const char* TransectStyleComplexItem::cameraTriggerInTurnAroundName =       "CameraTriggerInTurnAround";
const char* TransectStyleComplexItem::hoverAndCaptureName =                 "HoverAndCapture";
const char* TransectStyleComplexItem::refly90DegreesName =                  "Refly90Degrees";
29 30 31
const char* TransectStyleComplexItem::terrainAdjustToleranceName =          "TerrainAdjustTolerance";
const char* TransectStyleComplexItem::terrainAdjustMaxClimbRateName =       "TerrainAdjustMaxClimbRate";
const char* TransectStyleComplexItem::terrainAdjustMaxDescentRateName =     "TerrainAdjustMaxDescentRate";

33 34
const char* TransectStyleComplexItem::_jsonTransectStyleComplexItemKey =    "TransectStyleComplexItem";
const char* TransectStyleComplexItem::_jsonCameraCalcKey =                  "CameraCalc";
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
const char* TransectStyleComplexItem::_jsonVisualTransectPointsKey =        "VisualTransectPoints";
const char* TransectStyleComplexItem::_jsonItemsKey =                       "Items";
const char* TransectStyleComplexItem::_jsonFollowTerrainKey =               "FollowTerrain";

const int   TransectStyleComplexItem::_terrainQueryTimeoutMsecs =           1000;

41 42
TransectStyleComplexItem::TransectStyleComplexItem(Vehicle* vehicle, bool flyView, QString settingsGroup, QObject* parent)
    : ComplexMissionItem                (vehicle, flyView, parent)
    , _sequenceNumber                   (0)
    , _terrainPolyPathQuery             (nullptr)
45 46 47
    , _ignoreRecalc                     (false)
    , _complexDistance                  (0)
    , _cameraShots                      (0)
    , _cameraCalc                       (vehicle, settingsGroup)
    , _followTerrain                    (false)
    , _loadedMissionItemsParent         (nullptr)
    , _metaDataMap                      (FactMetaData::createMapFromJsonFile(QStringLiteral(":/json/TransectStyle.SettingsGroup.json"), this))
52 53 54 55 56 57 58
    , _turnAroundDistanceFact           (settingsGroup, _metaDataMap[_vehicle->multiRotor() ? turnAroundDistanceMultiRotorName : turnAroundDistanceName])
    , _cameraTriggerInTurnAroundFact    (settingsGroup, _metaDataMap[cameraTriggerInTurnAroundName])
    , _hoverAndCaptureFact              (settingsGroup, _metaDataMap[hoverAndCaptureName])
    , _refly90DegreesFact               (settingsGroup, _metaDataMap[refly90DegreesName])
    , _terrainAdjustToleranceFact       (settingsGroup, _metaDataMap[terrainAdjustToleranceName])
    , _terrainAdjustMaxClimbRateFact    (settingsGroup, _metaDataMap[terrainAdjustMaxClimbRateName])
    , _terrainAdjustMaxDescentRateFact  (settingsGroup, _metaDataMap[terrainAdjustMaxDescentRateName])
60 61 62 63
    connect(&_terrainQueryTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::_reallyQueryTransectsPathHeightInfo);

64 65 66
    connect(&_turnAroundDistanceFact,                   &Fact::valueChanged,            this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::_rebuildTransects);
    connect(&_hoverAndCaptureFact,                      &Fact::valueChanged,            this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::_rebuildTransects);
    connect(&_refly90DegreesFact,                       &Fact::valueChanged,            this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::_rebuildTransects);
67 68 69 70
    connect(this,                      &TransectStyleComplexItem::followTerrainChanged, this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::_rebuildTransects);
    connect(&_terrainAdjustMaxClimbRateFact,            &Fact::valueChanged,            this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::_rebuildTransects);
    connect(&_terrainAdjustMaxDescentRateFact,          &Fact::valueChanged,            this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::_rebuildTransects);
    connect(&_terrainAdjustToleranceFact,               &Fact::valueChanged,            this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::_rebuildTransects);
71 72 73 74
    connect(&_surveyAreaPolygon,                        &QGCMapPolygon::pathChanged,    this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::_rebuildTransects);
    connect(&_cameraTriggerInTurnAroundFact,            &Fact::valueChanged,            this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::_rebuildTransects);
    connect(_cameraCalc.adjustedFootprintSide(),        &Fact::valueChanged,            this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::_rebuildTransects);
    connect(_cameraCalc.adjustedFootprintFrontal(),     &Fact::valueChanged,            this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::_rebuildTransects);

76 77 78 79
    connect(&_turnAroundDistanceFact,                   &Fact::valueChanged,            this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::complexDistanceChanged);
    connect(&_hoverAndCaptureFact,                      &Fact::valueChanged,            this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::complexDistanceChanged);
    connect(&_refly90DegreesFact,                       &Fact::valueChanged,            this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::complexDistanceChanged);
    connect(&_surveyAreaPolygon,                        &QGCMapPolygon::pathChanged,    this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::complexDistanceChanged);

81 82 83 84
    connect(&_turnAroundDistanceFact,                   &Fact::valueChanged,            this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::greatestDistanceToChanged);
    connect(&_hoverAndCaptureFact,                      &Fact::valueChanged,            this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::greatestDistanceToChanged);
    connect(&_refly90DegreesFact,                       &Fact::valueChanged,            this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::greatestDistanceToChanged);
    connect(&_surveyAreaPolygon,                        &QGCMapPolygon::pathChanged,    this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::greatestDistanceToChanged);

86 87 88 89
    connect(&_turnAroundDistanceFact,                   &Fact::valueChanged,            this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::_setDirty);
    connect(&_cameraTriggerInTurnAroundFact,            &Fact::valueChanged,            this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::_setDirty);
    connect(&_hoverAndCaptureFact,                      &Fact::valueChanged,            this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::_setDirty);
    connect(&_refly90DegreesFact,                       &Fact::valueChanged,            this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::_setDirty);
90 91 92 93
    connect(this,                      &TransectStyleComplexItem::followTerrainChanged, this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::_setDirty);
    connect(&_terrainAdjustMaxClimbRateFact,            &Fact::valueChanged,            this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::_setDirty);
    connect(&_terrainAdjustMaxDescentRateFact,          &Fact::valueChanged,            this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::_setDirty);
    connect(&_terrainAdjustToleranceFact,               &Fact::valueChanged,            this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::_setDirty);
94 95 96 97 98 99 100
    connect(&_surveyAreaPolygon,                        &QGCMapPolygon::pathChanged,    this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::_setDirty);

    connect(&_surveyAreaPolygon,                        &QGCMapPolygon::dirtyChanged,   this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::_setIfDirty);
    connect(&_cameraCalc,                               &CameraCalc::dirtyChanged,      this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::_setIfDirty);

    connect(&_surveyAreaPolygon,                        &QGCMapPolygon::pathChanged,    this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::coveredAreaChanged);

101 102 103 104 105 106 107
    connect(&_cameraCalc,                               &CameraCalc::distanceToSurfaceRelativeChanged, this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::coordinateHasRelativeAltitudeChanged);
    connect(&_cameraCalc,                               &CameraCalc::distanceToSurfaceRelativeChanged, this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::exitCoordinateHasRelativeAltitudeChanged);

    connect(this,                                       &TransectStyleComplexItem::visualTransectPointsChanged, this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::complexDistanceChanged);
    connect(this,                                       &TransectStyleComplexItem::visualTransectPointsChanged, this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::greatestDistanceToChanged);

    connect(this,                                       &TransectStyleComplexItem::followTerrainChanged, this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::_followTerrainChanged);
108 109

110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121

void TransectStyleComplexItem::_setCameraShots(int cameraShots)
    if (_cameraShots != cameraShots) {
        _cameraShots = cameraShots;
        emit cameraShotsChanged();

void TransectStyleComplexItem::setDirty(bool dirty)
122 123 124 125
    if (!dirty) {
126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133
    if (_dirty != dirty) {
        _dirty = dirty;
        emit dirtyChanged(_dirty);

void TransectStyleComplexItem::_save(QJsonObject& complexObject)
134 135 136 137 138 139 140
    QJsonObject innerObject;

    innerObject[JsonHelper::jsonVersionKey] =       1;
    innerObject[turnAroundDistanceName] =           _turnAroundDistanceFact.rawValue().toDouble();
    innerObject[cameraTriggerInTurnAroundName] =    _cameraTriggerInTurnAroundFact.rawValue().toBool();
    innerObject[hoverAndCaptureName] =              _hoverAndCaptureFact.rawValue().toBool();
    innerObject[refly90DegreesName] =               _refly90DegreesFact.rawValue().toBool();
141 142 143 144 145 146 147
    innerObject[_jsonFollowTerrainKey] =            _followTerrain;

    if (_followTerrain) {
        innerObject[terrainAdjustToleranceName] =       _terrainAdjustToleranceFact.rawValue().toDouble();
        innerObject[terrainAdjustMaxClimbRateName] =    _terrainAdjustMaxClimbRateFact.rawValue().toDouble();
        innerObject[terrainAdjustMaxDescentRateName] =  _terrainAdjustMaxDescentRateFact.rawValue().toDouble();
148 149 150

    QJsonObject cameraCalcObject;;
151 152 153 154 155
    innerObject[_jsonCameraCalcKey] = cameraCalcObject;

    QJsonValue  transectPointsJson;

    // Save transects polyline
    JsonHelper::saveGeoCoordinateArray(_visualTransectPoints, false /* writeAltitude */, transectPointsJson);
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
    innerObject[_jsonVisualTransectPointsKey] = transectPointsJson;
158 159 160 161 162 163

    // Save the interal mission items
    QJsonArray  missionItemsJsonArray;
    QObject* missionItemParent = new QObject();
    QList<MissionItem*> missionItems;
    appendMissionItems(missionItems, missionItemParent);
    for (const MissionItem* missionItem: missionItems) {
165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172
        QJsonObject missionItemJsonObject;
    innerObject[_jsonItemsKey] = missionItemsJsonArray;

    complexObject[_jsonTransectStyleComplexItemKey] = innerObject;
173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185

void TransectStyleComplexItem::setSequenceNumber(int sequenceNumber)
    if (_sequenceNumber != sequenceNumber) {
        _sequenceNumber = sequenceNumber;
        emit sequenceNumberChanged(sequenceNumber);
        emit lastSequenceNumberChanged(lastSequenceNumber());

bool TransectStyleComplexItem::_load(const QJsonObject& complexObject, QString& errorString)

    QList<JsonHelper::KeyValidateInfo> keyInfoList = {
188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196
        { _jsonTransectStyleComplexItemKey, QJsonValue::Object, true },
    if (!JsonHelper::validateKeys(complexObject, keyInfoList, errorString)) {
        return false;

    // The TransectStyleComplexItem is a sub-object of the main complex item object
    QJsonObject innerObject = complexObject[_jsonTransectStyleComplexItemKey].toObject();

197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204
    if (innerObject.contains(JsonHelper::jsonVersionKey)) {
        int version = innerObject[JsonHelper::jsonVersionKey].toInt();
        if (version != 1) {
            errorString = tr("TransectStyleComplexItem version %2 not supported").arg(version);
            return false;

205 206
    QList<JsonHelper::KeyValidateInfo> innerKeyInfoList = {
        { JsonHelper::jsonVersionKey,       QJsonValue::Double, true },
207 208 209 210 211
        { turnAroundDistanceName,           QJsonValue::Double, true },
        { cameraTriggerInTurnAroundName,    QJsonValue::Bool,   true },
        { hoverAndCaptureName,              QJsonValue::Bool,   true },
        { refly90DegreesName,               QJsonValue::Bool,   true },
        { _jsonCameraCalcKey,               QJsonValue::Object, true },
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
        { _jsonVisualTransectPointsKey,           QJsonValue::Array,  true },
        { _jsonItemsKey,                    QJsonValue::Array,  true },
        { _jsonFollowTerrainKey,            QJsonValue::Bool,   true },
    if (!JsonHelper::validateKeys(innerObject, innerKeyInfoList, errorString)) {
217 218 219
        return false;

DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
220 221
    // Load visual transect points
    if (!JsonHelper::loadGeoCoordinateArray(innerObject[_jsonVisualTransectPointsKey], false /* altitudeRequired */, _visualTransectPoints, errorString)) {
222 223
        return false;
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
224 225
    _coordinate = _visualTransectPoints.count() ? _visualTransectPoints.first().value<QGeoCoordinate>() : QGeoCoordinate();
    _exitCoordinate = _visualTransectPoints.count() ? _visualTransectPoints.last().value<QGeoCoordinate>() : QGeoCoordinate();
226 227 228 229

    // Load generated mission items
    _loadedMissionItemsParent = new QObject(this);
    QJsonArray missionItemsJsonArray = innerObject[_jsonItemsKey].toArray();
    for (const QJsonValue& missionItemJson: missionItemsJsonArray) {
231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248
        MissionItem* missionItem = new MissionItem(_loadedMissionItemsParent);
        if (!missionItem->load(missionItemJson.toObject(), 0 /* sequenceNumber */, errorString)) {
            _loadedMissionItemsParent = NULL;
            return false;

    // Load CameraCalc data
    if (!_cameraCalc.load(innerObject[_jsonCameraCalcKey].toObject(), errorString)) {
        return false;

    // Load TransectStyleComplexItem individual values
    _turnAroundDistanceFact.setRawValue         (innerObject[turnAroundDistanceName].toDouble());
    _cameraTriggerInTurnAroundFact.setRawValue  (innerObject[cameraTriggerInTurnAroundName].toBool());
    _hoverAndCaptureFact.setRawValue            (innerObject[hoverAndCaptureName].toBool());
249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265
    _refly90DegreesFact.setRawValue             (innerObject[refly90DegreesName].toBool());
    _followTerrain = innerObject[_jsonFollowTerrainKey].toBool();

    if (_followTerrain) {
        QList<JsonHelper::KeyValidateInfo> followTerrainKeyInfoList = {
            { terrainAdjustToleranceName,       QJsonValue::Double, true },
            { terrainAdjustMaxClimbRateName,    QJsonValue::Double, true },
            { terrainAdjustMaxDescentRateName,  QJsonValue::Double, true },
        if (!JsonHelper::validateKeys(innerObject, followTerrainKeyInfoList, errorString)) {
            return false;

        _terrainAdjustToleranceFact.setRawValue         (innerObject[terrainAdjustToleranceName].toDouble());
        _terrainAdjustMaxClimbRateFact.setRawValue      (innerObject[terrainAdjustMaxClimbRateName].toDouble());
        _terrainAdjustMaxDescentRateFact.setRawValue    (innerObject[terrainAdjustMaxDescentRateName].toDouble());
266 267 268 269 270 271 272

    return true;

double TransectStyleComplexItem::greatestDistanceTo(const QGeoCoordinate &other) const
    double greatestDistance = 0.0;
273 274
    for (int i=0; i<_visualTransectPoints.count(); i++) {
        QGeoCoordinate vertex = _visualTransectPoints[i].value<QGeoCoordinate>();
275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297
        double distance = vertex.distanceTo(other);
        if (distance > greatestDistance) {
            greatestDistance = distance;

    return greatestDistance;

void TransectStyleComplexItem::setMissionFlightStatus(MissionController::MissionFlightStatus_t& missionFlightStatus)
    if (!qFuzzyCompare(_cruiseSpeed, missionFlightStatus.vehicleSpeed)) {
        _cruiseSpeed = missionFlightStatus.vehicleSpeed;
        emit timeBetweenShotsChanged();

void TransectStyleComplexItem::_setDirty(void)

298 299 300 301 302 303 304
void TransectStyleComplexItem::_setIfDirty(bool dirty)
    if (dirty) {

305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337
void TransectStyleComplexItem::applyNewAltitude(double newAltitude)
    // FIXME: NYI

void TransectStyleComplexItem::_updateCoordinateAltitudes(void)
    emit coordinateChanged(coordinate());
    emit exitCoordinateChanged(exitCoordinate());

double TransectStyleComplexItem::coveredArea(void) const
    return _surveyAreaPolygon.area();

bool TransectStyleComplexItem::_hasTurnaround(void) const
    return _turnaroundDistance() > 0;

double TransectStyleComplexItem::_turnaroundDistance(void) const
    return _turnAroundDistanceFact.rawValue().toDouble();

bool TransectStyleComplexItem::hoverAndCaptureAllowed(void) const
    return _vehicle->multiRotor() || _vehicle->vtol();

338 339
void TransectStyleComplexItem::_rebuildTransects(void)
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
340 341 342 343
    if (_ignoreRecalc) {


DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362
    if (_followTerrain) {
        // Query the terrain data. Once available terrain heights will be calculated
    } else {
        // Not following terrain, just add requested altitude to coords
        double requestedAltitude = _cameraCalc.distanceToSurface()->rawValue().toDouble();

        for (int i=0; i<_transects.count(); i++) {
            QList<CoordInfo_t>& transect = _transects[i];

            for (int j=0; j<transect.count(); j++) {
                QGeoCoordinate& coord = transect[j].coord;


364 365 366 367 368 369 370
    // Calc bounding cube
    double north = 0.0;
    double south = 180.0;
    double east  = 0.0;
    double west  = 360.0;
    double bottom = 100000.;
    double top = 0.;
371 372
    // Generate the visuals transect representation
373 374
    for (const QList<CoordInfo_t>& transect: _transects) {
        for (const CoordInfo_t& coordInfo: transect) {
376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383
            double lat = coordInfo.coord.latitude()  + 90.0;
            double lon = coordInfo.coord.longitude() + 180.0;
            north   = fmax(north, lat);
            south   = fmin(south, lat);
            east    = fmax(east,  lon);
            west    = fmin(west,  lon);
            bottom  = fmin(bottom, coordInfo.coord.altitude());
            top     = fmax(top, coordInfo.coord.altitude());
384 385
386 387 388 389
    //-- Update bounding cube for airspace management control
        QGeoCoordinate(north - 90.0, west - 180.0, bottom),
        QGeoCoordinate(south - 90.0, east - 180.0, top)));
390 391
    emit visualTransectPointsChanged();

DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
392 393 394 395 396
    _coordinate = _visualTransectPoints.count() ? _visualTransectPoints.first().value<QGeoCoordinate>() : QGeoCoordinate();
    _exitCoordinate = _visualTransectPoints.count() ? _visualTransectPoints.last().value<QGeoCoordinate>() : QGeoCoordinate();
    emit coordinateChanged(_coordinate);
    emit exitCoordinateChanged(_exitCoordinate);

398 399

    emit lastSequenceNumberChanged(lastSequenceNumber());
    emit timeBetweenShotsChanged();
402 403 404 405 406

void TransectStyleComplexItem::_queryTransectsPathHeightInfo(void)

    if (_transects.count()) {
        // We don't actually send the query until this timer times out. This way we only send
        // the latest request if we get a bunch in a row.
410 411 412 413 414 415

void TransectStyleComplexItem::_reallyQueryTransectsPathHeightInfo(void)
416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429
    // Clear any previous query
    if (_terrainPolyPathQuery) {
        // FIXME: We should really be blowing away any previous query here. But internally that is difficult to implement so instead we let
        // it complete and drop the results.
#if 0
        // Toss previous query
        // Let the signal fall on the floor
        disconnect(_terrainPolyPathQuery, &TerrainPolyPathQuery::terrainDataReceived, this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::_polyPathTerrainData);
        _terrainPolyPathQuery = NULL;

430 431 432 433
    // Append all transects into a single PolyPath query

    QList<QGeoCoordinate> transectPoints;

434 435
    for (const QList<CoordInfo_t>& transect: _transects) {
        for (const CoordInfo_t& coordInfo: transect) {
436 437 438 439 440

    if (transectPoints.count() > 1) {
        _terrainPolyPathQuery = new TerrainPolyPathQuery(this);
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
        connect(_terrainPolyPathQuery, &TerrainPolyPathQuery::terrainDataReceived, this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::_polyPathTerrainData);
444 445 446 447 448

void TransectStyleComplexItem::_polyPathTerrainData(bool success, const QList<TerrainPathQuery::PathHeightInfo_t>& rgPathHeightInfo)
449 450

    if (success) {
452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464
        // Break out into individual transects
        int pathHeightIndex = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<_transects.count(); i++) {
            int cPathHeight = _transects[i].count() - 1;
            while (cPathHeight-- > 0) {
            pathHeightIndex++;  // There is an extra on between each transect

        // Now that we have terrain data we can adjust
466 467 468 469 470 471

    if (_terrainPolyPathQuery != sender()) {
        qWarning() << "TransectStyleComplexItem::_polyPathTerrainData _terrainPolyPathQuery != sender()";
    disconnect(_terrainPolyPathQuery, &TerrainPolyPathQuery::terrainDataReceived, this, &TransectStyleComplexItem::_polyPathTerrainData);
    _terrainPolyPathQuery = NULL;
472 473 474 475 476

bool TransectStyleComplexItem::readyForSave(void) const
    // Make sure we have the terrain data we need
    return _followTerrain ? _transectsPathHeightInfo.count() : true;
478 479

void TransectStyleComplexItem::_adjustTransectsForTerrain(void)
482 483 484 485 486 487
    if (_followTerrain) {
        if (!readyForSave()) {
            qCWarning(TransectStyleComplexItemLog) << "_adjustTransectPointsForTerrain called when terrain data not ready";
            qgcApp()->showMessage(tr("INTERNAL ERROR: TransectStyleComplexItem::_adjustTransectPointsForTerrain called when terrain data not ready. Plan will be incorrect."));

489 490 491
        // First step is add all interstitial points at max resolution
        for (int i=0; i<_transects.count(); i++) {
            _addInterstitialTerrainPoints(_transects[i], _transectsPathHeightInfo[i]);
493 494 495

        for (int i=0; i<_transects.count(); i++) {
496 497

498 499 500
        for (int i=0; i<_transects.count(); i++) {

502 503
        emit lastSequenceNumberChanged(lastSequenceNumber());
504 505 506 507 508 509

/// Returns the altitude in between the two points on a line.
///     @param precentTowardsTo Example: .25 = twenty five percent along the distance of from to to
double TransectStyleComplexItem::_altitudeBetweenCoords(const QGeoCoordinate& fromCoord, const QGeoCoordinate& toCoord, double percentTowardsTo)
510 511
    double fromAlt = fromCoord.altitude();
    double toAlt = toCoord.altitude();
512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544
    double altDiff = toAlt - fromAlt;
    return fromAlt + (altDiff * percentTowardsTo);

/// Determine the maximum height within the PathHeightInfo
///     @param fromIndex First height index to consider
///     @param fromIndex Last height index to consider
///     @param[out] maxHeight Maximum height
/// @return index within PathHeightInfo_t.heights which contains maximum height, -1 no height data in between from and to indices
int TransectStyleComplexItem::_maxPathHeight(const TerrainPathQuery::PathHeightInfo_t& pathHeightInfo, int fromIndex, int toIndex, double& maxHeight)
    maxHeight = qQNaN();

    if (toIndex - fromIndex < 2) {
        return -1;


    int maxIndex = fromIndex;
    maxHeight = pathHeightInfo.heights[fromIndex];

    for (int i=fromIndex; i<=toIndex; i++) {
        if (pathHeightInfo.heights[i] > maxHeight) {
            maxIndex = i;
            maxHeight = pathHeightInfo.heights[i];

    return maxIndex;

void TransectStyleComplexItem::_adjustForMaxRates(QList<CoordInfo_t>& transect)
    double maxClimbRate = _terrainAdjustMaxClimbRateFact.rawValue().toDouble();
    double maxDescentRate = _terrainAdjustMaxDescentRateFact.rawValue().toDouble();
549 550 551 552 553 554
    double flightSpeed = _missionFlightStatus.vehicleSpeed;

    if (qIsNaN(flightSpeed) || (maxClimbRate == 0 && maxDescentRate == 0)) {
        if (qIsNaN(flightSpeed)) {
            qWarning() << "TransectStyleComplexItem::_adjustForMaxRates called with flightSpeed = NaN";
555 556 557

558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580
    if (maxClimbRate > 0) {
        // Adjust climb rates
        bool climbRateAdjusted;
        do {
            //qDebug() << "climbrate pass";
            climbRateAdjusted = false;
            for (int i=0; i<transect.count() - 1; i++) {
                QGeoCoordinate& fromCoord = transect[i].coord;
                QGeoCoordinate& toCoord = transect[i+1].coord;

                double altDifference = toCoord.altitude() - fromCoord.altitude();
                double distance = fromCoord.distanceTo(toCoord);
                double seconds = distance / flightSpeed;
                double climbRate = altDifference / seconds;

                //qDebug() << QString("Index:%1 altDifference:%2 distance:%3 seconds:%4 climbRate:%5").arg(i).arg(altDifference).arg(distance).arg(seconds).arg(climbRate);

                if (climbRate > 0 && climbRate - maxClimbRate > 0.1) {
                    double maxAltitudeDelta = maxClimbRate * seconds;
                    fromCoord.setAltitude(toCoord.altitude() - maxAltitudeDelta);
                    //qDebug() << "Adjusting";
                    climbRateAdjusted = true;
582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608
        } while (climbRateAdjusted);

    if (maxDescentRate > 0) {
        // Adjust descent rates
        bool descentRateAdjusted;
        maxDescentRate = -maxDescentRate;
        do {
            //qDebug() << "descent rate pass";
            descentRateAdjusted = false;
            for (int i=1; i<transect.count(); i++) {
                QGeoCoordinate& fromCoord = transect[i-1].coord;
                QGeoCoordinate& toCoord = transect[i].coord;

                double altDifference = toCoord.altitude() - fromCoord.altitude();
                double distance = fromCoord.distanceTo(toCoord);
                double seconds = distance / flightSpeed;
                double descentRate = altDifference / seconds;

                //qDebug() << QString("Index:%1 altDifference:%2 distance:%3 seconds:%4 descentRate:%5").arg(i).arg(altDifference).arg(distance).arg(seconds).arg(descentRate);

                if (descentRate < 0 && descentRate - maxDescentRate < -0.1) {
                    double maxAltitudeDelta = maxDescentRate * seconds;
                    toCoord.setAltitude(fromCoord.altitude() + maxAltitudeDelta);
                    //qDebug() << "Adjusting";
                    descentRateAdjusted = true;
610 611
        } while (descentRateAdjusted);
612 613 614 615 616 617

void TransectStyleComplexItem::_adjustForTolerance(QList<CoordInfo_t>& transect)
    QList<CoordInfo_t> adjustedPoints;

618 619
    double tolerance = _terrainAdjustToleranceFact.rawValue().toDouble();

620 621 622
    int coordIndex = 0;
    while (coordIndex < transect.count()) {
        const CoordInfo_t& fromCoordInfo = transect[coordIndex];


626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638
        // Walk forward until we fall out of tolerence or find a fixed point
        while (++coordIndex < transect.count()) {
            const CoordInfo_t& toCoordInfo = transect[coordIndex];
            if (toCoordInfo.coordType != CoordTypeInteriorTerrainAdded || qAbs(fromCoordInfo.coord.altitude() - toCoordInfo.coord.altitude()) > tolerance) {

#if 0
    qDebug() << "_adjustForTolerance";
    for (const TransectStyleComplexItem::CoordInfo_t& coordInfo: adjustedPoints) {
640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650
        qDebug() << coordInfo.coordType;

    transect = adjustedPoints;

void TransectStyleComplexItem::_addInterstitialTerrainPoints(QList<CoordInfo_t>& transect, const QList<TerrainPathQuery::PathHeightInfo_t>& transectPathHeightInfo)
    QList<CoordInfo_t> adjustedTransect;

    double requestedAltitude = _cameraCalc.distanceToSurface()->rawValue().toDouble();
652 653 654 655

    for (int i=0; i<transect.count() - 1; i++) {
        CoordInfo_t fromCoordInfo = transect[i];
        CoordInfo_t toCoordInfo = transect[i+1];

657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664
        double azimuth = fromCoordInfo.coord.azimuthTo(toCoordInfo.coord);
        double distance = fromCoordInfo.coord.distanceTo(toCoordInfo.coord);

        const TerrainPathQuery::PathHeightInfo_t& pathHeightInfo = transectPathHeightInfo[i];

        fromCoordInfo.coord.setAltitude(pathHeightInfo.heights.first() + requestedAltitude);
        toCoordInfo.coord.setAltitude(pathHeightInfo.heights.last() + requestedAltitude);

665 666 667 668
        if (i == 0) {

669 670
        int cHeights = pathHeightInfo.heights.count();
        for (int pathHeightIndex=1; pathHeightIndex<cHeights - 1; pathHeightIndex++) {
            double interstitialTerrainHeight = pathHeightInfo.heights[pathHeightIndex];
672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679
            double percentTowardsTo = (1.0 / (cHeights - 1)) * pathHeightIndex;

            CoordInfo_t interstitialCoordInfo;
            interstitialCoordInfo.coordType = CoordTypeInteriorTerrainAdded;
            interstitialCoordInfo.coord = fromCoordInfo.coord.atDistanceAndAzimuth(distance * percentTowardsTo, azimuth);
            interstitialCoordInfo.coord.setAltitude(interstitialTerrainHeight + requestedAltitude);

681 682 683 684


685 686 687 688 689
    CoordInfo_t lastCoordInfo = transect.last();
    const TerrainPathQuery::PathHeightInfo_t& pathHeightInfo = transectPathHeightInfo.last();
    lastCoordInfo.coord.setAltitude(pathHeightInfo.heights.last() + requestedAltitude);

690 691
#if 0
    qDebug() << "_addInterstitialTerrainPoints";
    for (const TransectStyleComplexItem::CoordInfo_t& coordInfo: adjustedTransect) {
        qDebug() << coordInfo.coordType;

    transect = adjustedTransect;
698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706

void TransectStyleComplexItem::setFollowTerrain(bool followTerrain)
    if (followTerrain != _followTerrain) {
        _followTerrain = followTerrain;
        emit followTerrainChanged(followTerrain);
707 708 709

int TransectStyleComplexItem::lastSequenceNumber(void) const
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
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710 711 712 713 714 715
    if (_loadedMissionItems.count()) {
        // We have stored mission items, just use those
        return _sequenceNumber + _loadedMissionItems.count() - 1;
    } else {
        // We have to determine from transects
        int itemCount = 0;

        for (const QList<CoordInfo_t>& rgCoordInfo: _transects) {
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
            itemCount += rgCoordInfo.count() * (hoverAndCaptureEnabled() ? 2 : 1);
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed

DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729

        if (!hoverAndCaptureEnabled()) {
            if (_cameraTriggerInTurnAroundFact.rawValue().toBool()) {
                // Only one camera start and on camera stop
                itemCount += 2;
            } else {
                // Each transect will have a camera start and stop in it
                itemCount += _transects.count() * 2;
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
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DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
732 733
        return _sequenceNumber + itemCount - 1;
734 735

736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747
bool TransectStyleComplexItem::coordinateHasRelativeAltitude(void) const
    return _cameraCalc.distanceToSurfaceRelative();

bool TransectStyleComplexItem::exitCoordinateHasRelativeAltitude(void) const
    return coordinateHasRelativeAltitude();

void TransectStyleComplexItem::_followTerrainChanged(bool followTerrain)
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749 750 751 752 753
    if (followTerrain) {