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// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2012 Gael Guennebaud <>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at

#ifndef EIGEN_REF_H
#define EIGEN_REF_H

namespace Eigen { 

template<typename Derived> class RefBase;
template<typename PlainObjectType, int Options = 0,
         typename StrideType = typename internal::conditional<PlainObjectType::IsVectorAtCompileTime,InnerStride<1>,OuterStride<> >::type > class Ref;

/** \class Ref
  * \ingroup Core_Module
  * \brief A matrix or vector expression mapping an existing expressions
  * \tparam PlainObjectType the equivalent matrix type of the mapped data
  * \tparam Options specifies whether the pointer is \c #Aligned, or \c #Unaligned.
  *                The default is \c #Unaligned.
  * \tparam StrideType optionally specifies strides. By default, Ref implies a contiguous storage along the inner dimension (inner stride==1),
  *                   but accept a variable outer stride (leading dimension).
  *                   This can be overridden by specifying strides.
  *                   The type passed here must be a specialization of the Stride template, see examples below.
  * This class permits to write non template functions taking Eigen's object as parameters while limiting the number of copies.
  * A Ref<> object can represent either a const expression or a l-value:
  * \code
  * // in-out argument:
  * void foo1(Ref<VectorXf> x);
  * // read-only const argument:
  * void foo2(const Ref<const VectorXf>& x);
  * \endcode
  * In the in-out case, the input argument must satisfies the constraints of the actual Ref<> type, otherwise a compilation issue will be triggered.
  * By default, a Ref<VectorXf> can reference any dense vector expression of float having a contiguous memory layout.
  * Likewise, a Ref<MatrixXf> can reference any column major dense matrix expression of float whose column's elements are contiguously stored with
  * the possibility to have a constant space inbetween each column, i.e.: the inner stride mmust be equal to 1, but the outer-stride (or leading dimension),
  * can be greater than the number of rows.
  * In the const case, if the input expression does not match the above requirement, then it is evaluated into a temporary before being passed to the function.
  * Here are some examples:
  * \code
  * MatrixXf A;
  * VectorXf a;
  * foo1(a.head());             // OK
  * foo1(A.col());              // OK
  * foo1(A.row());              // compilation error because here innerstride!=1
  * foo2(A.row());              // The row is copied into a contiguous temporary
  * foo2(2*a);                  // The expression is evaluated into a temporary
  * foo2(A.col().segment(2,4)); // No temporary
  * \endcode
  * The range of inputs that can be referenced without temporary can be enlarged using the last two template parameter.
  * Here is an example accepting an innerstride!=1:
  * \code
  * // in-out argument:
  * void foo3(Ref<VectorXf,0,InnerStride<> > x);
  * foo3(A.row());              // OK
  * \endcode
  * The downside here is that the function foo3 might be significantly slower than foo1 because it won't be able to exploit vectorization, and will involved more
  * expensive address computations even if the input is contiguously stored in memory. To overcome this issue, one might propose to overloads internally calling a
  * template function, e.g.:
  * \code
  * // in the .h:
  * void foo(const Ref<MatrixXf>& A);
  * void foo(const Ref<MatrixXf,0,Stride<> >& A);
  * // in the .cpp:
  * template<typename TypeOfA> void foo_impl(const TypeOfA& A) {
  *     ... // crazy code goes here
  * }
  * void foo(const Ref<MatrixXf>& A) { foo_impl(A); }
  * void foo(const Ref<MatrixXf,0,Stride<> >& A) { foo_impl(A); }
  * \endcode
  * \sa PlainObjectBase::Map(), \ref TopicStorageOrders

namespace internal {

template<typename _PlainObjectType, int _Options, typename _StrideType>
struct traits<Ref<_PlainObjectType, _Options, _StrideType> >
  : public traits<Map<_PlainObjectType, _Options, _StrideType> >
  typedef _PlainObjectType PlainObjectType;
  typedef _StrideType StrideType;
  enum {
97 98
    Options = _Options,
    Flags = traits<Map<_PlainObjectType, _Options, _StrideType> >::Flags | NestByRefBit
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99 100 101 102 103

  template<typename Derived> struct match {
    enum {
      HasDirectAccess = internal::has_direct_access<Derived>::ret,
      StorageOrderMatch = PlainObjectType::IsVectorAtCompileTime || Derived::IsVectorAtCompileTime || ((PlainObjectType::Flags&RowMajorBit)==(Derived::Flags&RowMajorBit)),
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105 106 107 108 109 110
      InnerStrideMatch = int(StrideType::InnerStrideAtCompileTime)==int(Dynamic)
                      || int(StrideType::InnerStrideAtCompileTime)==int(Derived::InnerStrideAtCompileTime)
                      || (int(StrideType::InnerStrideAtCompileTime)==0 && int(Derived::InnerStrideAtCompileTime)==1),
      OuterStrideMatch = Derived::IsVectorAtCompileTime
                      || int(StrideType::OuterStrideAtCompileTime)==int(Dynamic) || int(StrideType::OuterStrideAtCompileTime)==int(Derived::OuterStrideAtCompileTime),
      AlignmentMatch = (_Options!=Aligned) || ((PlainObjectType::Flags&AlignedBit)==0) || ((traits<Derived>::Flags&AlignedBit)==AlignedBit),
111 112
      ScalarTypeMatch = internal::is_same<typename PlainObjectType::Scalar, typename Derived::Scalar>::value,
      MatchAtCompileTime = HasDirectAccess && StorageOrderMatch && InnerStrideMatch && OuterStrideMatch && AlignmentMatch && ScalarTypeMatch
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113 114 115
    typedef typename internal::conditional<MatchAtCompileTime,internal::true_type,internal::false_type>::type type;
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117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175

template<typename Derived>
struct traits<RefBase<Derived> > : public traits<Derived> {};


template<typename Derived> class RefBase
 : public MapBase<Derived>
  typedef typename internal::traits<Derived>::PlainObjectType PlainObjectType;
  typedef typename internal::traits<Derived>::StrideType StrideType;


  typedef MapBase<Derived> Base;

  inline Index innerStride() const
    return StrideType::InnerStrideAtCompileTime != 0 ? m_stride.inner() : 1;

  inline Index outerStride() const
    return StrideType::OuterStrideAtCompileTime != 0 ? m_stride.outer()
         : IsVectorAtCompileTime ? this->size()
         : int(Flags)&RowMajorBit ? this->cols()
         : this->rows();

    : Base(0,RowsAtCompileTime==Dynamic?0:RowsAtCompileTime,ColsAtCompileTime==Dynamic?0:ColsAtCompileTime),
      // Stride<> does not allow default ctor for Dynamic strides, so let' initialize it with dummy values:


  typedef Stride<StrideType::OuterStrideAtCompileTime,StrideType::InnerStrideAtCompileTime> StrideBase;

  template<typename Expression>
  void construct(Expression& expr)
      eigen_assert(expr.rows()==1 || expr.cols()==1);
      ::new (static_cast<Base*>(this)) Base(, 1, expr.size());
    else if(PlainObjectType::ColsAtCompileTime==1)
      eigen_assert(expr.rows()==1 || expr.cols()==1);
      ::new (static_cast<Base*>(this)) Base(, expr.size(), 1);
      ::new (static_cast<Base*>(this)) Base(, expr.rows(), expr.cols());
176 177 178 179 180 181
    if(Expression::IsVectorAtCompileTime && (!PlainObjectType::IsVectorAtCompileTime) && ((Expression::Flags&RowMajorBit)!=(PlainObjectType::Flags&RowMajorBit)))
      ::new (&m_stride) StrideBase(expr.innerStride(), StrideType::InnerStrideAtCompileTime==0?0:1);
      ::new (&m_stride) StrideBase(StrideType::OuterStrideAtCompileTime==0?0:expr.outerStride(),
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182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190

  StrideBase m_stride;

template<typename PlainObjectType, int Options, typename StrideType> class Ref
  : public RefBase<Ref<PlainObjectType, Options, StrideType> >
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    typedef internal::traits<Ref> Traits;
193 194 195
    template<typename Derived>
    inline Ref(const PlainObjectBase<Derived>& expr,
               typename internal::enable_if<bool(Traits::template match<Derived>::MatchAtCompileTime),Derived>::type* = 0);
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196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206

    typedef RefBase<Ref> Base;

    template<typename Derived>
    inline Ref(PlainObjectBase<Derived>& expr,
               typename internal::enable_if<bool(Traits::template match<Derived>::MatchAtCompileTime),Derived>::type* = 0)
207 208
      EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(static_cast<bool>(Traits::template match<Derived>::MatchAtCompileTime), STORAGE_LAYOUT_DOES_NOT_MATCH);
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209 210 211
    template<typename Derived>
    inline Ref(const DenseBase<Derived>& expr,
               typename internal::enable_if<bool(Traits::template match<Derived>::MatchAtCompileTime),Derived>::type* = 0)
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213 214 215 216 217
    template<typename Derived>
    inline Ref(DenseBase<Derived>& expr)
218 219 220
      EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(static_cast<bool>(internal::is_lvalue<Derived>::value), THIS_EXPRESSION_IS_NOT_A_LVALUE__IT_IS_READ_ONLY);
      EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(static_cast<bool>(Traits::template match<Derived>::MatchAtCompileTime), STORAGE_LAYOUT_DOES_NOT_MATCH);
      enum { THIS_EXPRESSION_IS_NOT_A_LVALUE__IT_IS_READ_ONLY = Derived::ThisConstantIsPrivateInPlainObjectBase};
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221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238



// this is the const ref version
template<typename TPlainObjectType, int Options, typename StrideType> class Ref<const TPlainObjectType, Options, StrideType>
  : public RefBase<Ref<const TPlainObjectType, Options, StrideType> >
    typedef internal::traits<Ref> Traits;

    typedef RefBase<Ref> Base;

    template<typename Derived>
239 240
    inline Ref(const DenseBase<Derived>& expr,
               typename internal::enable_if<bool(Traits::template match<Derived>::ScalarTypeMatch),Derived>::type* = 0)
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241 242 243 244 245 246
//      std::cout << match_helper<Derived>::HasDirectAccess << "," << match_helper<Derived>::OuterStrideMatch << "," << match_helper<Derived>::InnerStrideMatch << "\n";
//      std::cout << int(StrideType::OuterStrideAtCompileTime) << " - " << int(Derived::OuterStrideAtCompileTime) << "\n";
//      std::cout << int(StrideType::InnerStrideAtCompileTime) << " - " << int(Derived::InnerStrideAtCompileTime) << "\n";
      construct(expr.derived(), typename Traits::template match<Derived>::type());
247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255
    inline Ref(const Ref& other) : Base(other) {
      // copy constructor shall not copy the m_object, to avoid unnecessary malloc and copy

    template<typename OtherRef>
    inline Ref(const RefBase<OtherRef>& other) {
      construct(other.derived(), typename Traits::template match<OtherRef>::type());
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256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278


    template<typename Expression>
    void construct(const Expression& expr,internal::true_type)

    template<typename Expression>
    void construct(const Expression& expr, internal::false_type)

    TPlainObjectType m_object;

} // end namespace Eigen

#endif // EIGEN_REF_H