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// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Benoit Jacob <jacob.benoit.1@gmail.com>
// Copyright (C) 2008 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@inria.fr>
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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
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namespace Eigen { 

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namespace internal

template<typename Derived, typename OtherDerived, bool is_integer = NumTraits<typename Derived::Scalar>::IsInteger>
struct isApprox_selector
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  static bool run(const Derived& x, const OtherDerived& y, const typename Derived::RealScalar& prec)
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    using std::min;
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    typename internal::nested<Derived,2>::type nested(x);
    typename internal::nested<OtherDerived,2>::type otherNested(y);
    return (nested - otherNested).cwiseAbs2().sum() <= prec * prec * (min)(nested.cwiseAbs2().sum(), otherNested.cwiseAbs2().sum());
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template<typename Derived, typename OtherDerived>
struct isApprox_selector<Derived, OtherDerived, true>
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  static bool run(const Derived& x, const OtherDerived& y, const typename Derived::RealScalar&)
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    return x.matrix() == y.matrix();

template<typename Derived, typename OtherDerived, bool is_integer = NumTraits<typename Derived::Scalar>::IsInteger>
struct isMuchSmallerThan_object_selector
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  static bool run(const Derived& x, const OtherDerived& y, const typename Derived::RealScalar& prec)
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    return x.cwiseAbs2().sum() <= numext::abs2(prec) * y.cwiseAbs2().sum();
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template<typename Derived, typename OtherDerived>
struct isMuchSmallerThan_object_selector<Derived, OtherDerived, true>
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  static bool run(const Derived& x, const OtherDerived&, const typename Derived::RealScalar&)
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    return x.matrix() == Derived::Zero(x.rows(), x.cols()).matrix();

template<typename Derived, bool is_integer = NumTraits<typename Derived::Scalar>::IsInteger>
struct isMuchSmallerThan_scalar_selector
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  static bool run(const Derived& x, const typename Derived::RealScalar& y, const typename Derived::RealScalar& prec)
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    return x.cwiseAbs2().sum() <= numext::abs2(prec * y);
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template<typename Derived>
struct isMuchSmallerThan_scalar_selector<Derived, true>
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  static bool run(const Derived& x, const typename Derived::RealScalar&, const typename Derived::RealScalar&)
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    return x.matrix() == Derived::Zero(x.rows(), x.cols()).matrix();

} // end namespace internal

/** \returns \c true if \c *this is approximately equal to \a other, within the precision
  * determined by \a prec.
  * \note The fuzzy compares are done multiplicatively. Two vectors \f$ v \f$ and \f$ w \f$
  * are considered to be approximately equal within precision \f$ p \f$ if
  * \f[ \Vert v - w \Vert \leqslant p\,\min(\Vert v\Vert, \Vert w\Vert). \f]
  * For matrices, the comparison is done using the Hilbert-Schmidt norm (aka Frobenius norm
  * L2 norm).
  * \note Because of the multiplicativeness of this comparison, one can't use this function
  * to check whether \c *this is approximately equal to the zero matrix or vector.
  * Indeed, \c isApprox(zero) returns false unless \c *this itself is exactly the zero matrix
  * or vector. If you want to test whether \c *this is zero, use internal::isMuchSmallerThan(const
  * RealScalar&, RealScalar) instead.
  * \sa internal::isMuchSmallerThan(const RealScalar&, RealScalar) const
template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived>
bool DenseBase<Derived>::isApprox(
  const DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other,
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  const RealScalar& prec
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) const
  return internal::isApprox_selector<Derived, OtherDerived>::run(derived(), other.derived(), prec);

/** \returns \c true if the norm of \c *this is much smaller than \a other,
  * within the precision determined by \a prec.
  * \note The fuzzy compares are done multiplicatively. A vector \f$ v \f$ is
  * considered to be much smaller than \f$ x \f$ within precision \f$ p \f$ if
  * \f[ \Vert v \Vert \leqslant p\,\vert x\vert. \f]
  * For matrices, the comparison is done using the Hilbert-Schmidt norm. For this reason,
  * the value of the reference scalar \a other should come from the Hilbert-Schmidt norm
  * of a reference matrix of same dimensions.
  * \sa isApprox(), isMuchSmallerThan(const DenseBase<OtherDerived>&, RealScalar) const
template<typename Derived>
bool DenseBase<Derived>::isMuchSmallerThan(
  const typename NumTraits<Scalar>::Real& other,
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  const RealScalar& prec
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) const
  return internal::isMuchSmallerThan_scalar_selector<Derived>::run(derived(), other, prec);

/** \returns \c true if the norm of \c *this is much smaller than the norm of \a other,
  * within the precision determined by \a prec.
  * \note The fuzzy compares are done multiplicatively. A vector \f$ v \f$ is
  * considered to be much smaller than a vector \f$ w \f$ within precision \f$ p \f$ if
  * \f[ \Vert v \Vert \leqslant p\,\Vert w\Vert. \f]
  * For matrices, the comparison is done using the Hilbert-Schmidt norm.
  * \sa isApprox(), isMuchSmallerThan(const RealScalar&, RealScalar) const
template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived>
bool DenseBase<Derived>::isMuchSmallerThan(
  const DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other,
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  const RealScalar& prec
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) const
  return internal::isMuchSmallerThan_object_selector<Derived, OtherDerived>::run(derived(), other.derived(), prec);

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} // end namespace Eigen

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#endif // EIGEN_FUZZY_H