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 *   (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * in the root of the source code directory.

#ifndef GeoTagController_H
#define GeoTagController_H

#include "QmlObjectListModel.h"
#include "Fact.h"
#include "FactMetaData.h"
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#include <QObject>
#include <QString>
#include <QThread>
#include <QFileInfoList>
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#include <QElapsedTimer>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QGeoCoordinate>
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class GeoTagWorker : public QThread

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    void setLogFile         (const QString& logFile)        { _logFile = logFile; }
    void setImageDirectory  (const QString& imageDirectory) { _imageDirectory = imageDirectory; }
    void setSaveDirectory   (const QString& saveDirectory)  { _saveDirectory = saveDirectory; }
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    QString logFile         () const { return _logFile; }
    QString imageDirectory  () const { return _imageDirectory; }
    QString saveDirectory   () const { return _saveDirectory; }
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    void cancelTagging      () { _cancel = true; }
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    struct cameraFeedbackPacket {
        double timestamp;
        double timestampUTC;
        uint32_t imageSequence;
        double latitude;
        double longitude;
        float altitude;
        float groundDistance;
        float attitudeQuaternion[4];
        uint8_t captureResult;

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    void run() final;
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    void error              (QString errorMsg);
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    void taggingComplete    ();
    void progressChanged    (double progress);
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    bool triggerFiltering();

    bool                    _cancel;
    QString                 _logFile;
    QString                 _imageDirectory;
    QString                 _saveDirectory;
    QFileInfoList           _imageList;
    QList<double>           _imageTime;
    QList<cameraFeedbackPacket> _triggerList;
    QList<int>              _imageIndices;
    QList<int>              _triggerIndices;
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/// Controller for GeoTagPage.qml. Supports geotagging images based on logfile camera tags.
class GeoTagController : public QObject
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    Q_PROPERTY(QString  logFile         READ logFile        WRITE setLogFile        NOTIFY logFileChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString  imageDirectory  READ imageDirectory WRITE setImageDirectory NOTIFY imageDirectoryChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString  saveDirectory   READ saveDirectory  WRITE setSaveDirectory  NOTIFY saveDirectoryChanged)
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    /// Set to an error message is geotagging fails
    Q_PROPERTY(QString  errorMessage    READ errorMessage   NOTIFY errorMessageChanged)

    /// Progress indicator: 0-100
    Q_PROPERTY(double   progress        READ progress       NOTIFY progressChanged)

    /// true: Currently in the process of tagging
    Q_PROPERTY(bool     inProgress      READ inProgress     NOTIFY inProgressChanged)

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    Q_INVOKABLE void startTagging();
    Q_INVOKABLE void cancelTagging() { _worker.cancelTagging(); }

    QString logFile             () const { return _worker.logFile(); }
    QString imageDirectory      () const { return _worker.imageDirectory(); }
    QString saveDirectory       () const { return _worker.saveDirectory(); }
    double  progress            () const { return _progress; }
    bool    inProgress          () const { return _worker.isRunning(); }
    QString errorMessage        () const { return _errorMessage; }
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    void    setLogFile          (QString file);
    void    setImageDirectory   (QString dir);
    void    setSaveDirectory    (QString dir);
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    void logFileChanged         (QString logFile);
    void imageDirectoryChanged  (QString imageDirectory);
    void saveDirectoryChanged   (QString saveDirectory);
    void progressChanged        (double progress);
    void inProgressChanged      ();
    void errorMessageChanged    (QString errorMessage);
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private slots:
    void _workerProgressChanged (double progress);
    void _workerError           (QString errorMsg);
    void _setErrorMessage       (const QString& error);
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    QString             _errorMessage;
    double              _progress;
    bool                _inProgress;
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    GeoTagWorker        _worker;
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